/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #1731

► Detected: 106,009 ► Died: 3,600

Italy quarantines 16 million people

New York declares state of emergency

Patient who died left waiting 6 hours by NHS

Itaian Doctor warn public to get ready, young endangered too

Canadian official breaks down in press conference

Virus hides in neurons, indefinitely escapes recognition

Dogs can be carriers of the virus

Virus affects blood circulation

70% of 600 contacts without symptoms test positive

Recovered in Japan sick again: reinfected or dormant

nCoV to cost global economy $1.1 trillion

China regularly changes reporting to hide numbers

China industrial capacity estimated to be at 50-60%

Italy not testing contacts even if symptomatic

Netherlands only tests cases with travel history

04:15: 2 new cases in New Hampshire. One in Grafton County had contact with a prior case at Hope Bible Fellowship in West Lebanon, NH and one in Rockingham County who recently traveled from Italy.
03:40: First case in Vermont.
02:40: 1 new case in Manatee County, Florida, United States.
01:55: 1 new case in Hanoi, Vietnam.
01:10: 93 new cases and 2 new deaths in South Korea.
00:50: First case in Missouri.
00:30: China’s National Health Commission reports 3 new cases across the mainland, excluding Hubei province.
00:30: 41 new cases and 27 new deaths in Hubei province, China.


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Other urls found in this thread:


>1. Is a strain of SARS.
>2. Has a long incubation (14 days +).
>3. Can spread during asymptomatic incubation.
>4. May infect the CNS and brainstem. - SARS has a higher propensity to do this.
>5. Can attack the lungs, heart, kidneys, and reproductive system.
>6. Is airborne.
>7. It also can cause encephalitis, as SARS/Coronaviruses have a propensity to do.
>8. Mortality increases exponentially with age, protect your parents and grandparents.
Takeaways -
Do not respond to tripfags
Do not respond to namefags

These attention-whores and validation-seekers ruin everything they touch with their faggotry and your responses feed their egos

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The one infected in my city, his family are whit the syntoms.
But we are not in the capital and the tests are done in Lima(capital city).
They are sending the stuff to get tested in a car so the new cases can be updated in a lapse of a 24 to 48 hours

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► China 80,696 (3,097) ► International 25,330 (499): S. Korea 7,134 (50) Italy 5,883 (233) Iran 5,823 (145) France 949 (16) D. Princess 696 (6) Spain 503 (10) Japan 461 (7) USA 441 (19) Switzerland 268 (1) UK 209 (2) Netherlands 188 (1) H. Kong 108 (2) Australia 75 (2) Iraq 54 (4) Thailand 50 (1) Taiwan 45 (1) S. Marino 23 (1) Argentina 9 (1) Philippines 6 (1) Germany 800 Belgium 169 Sweden 161 Norway 156 Singapore 138 Malaysia 93 Bahrain 85 Austria 81 Greece 66 Kuwait 61 Canada 60 Iceland 50 Egypt 48 UAE 45 India 34 Lebanon 28 Denmark 27 Czechia 26 Israel 25 Portugal 21 Vietnam 21 Algeria 19 Finland 19 Ireland 19 Palestine 19 Brazil 20 Oman 16 Ecuador 14 Russia 14 Georgia 13 Romania 13 Croatia 12 Qatar 12 Slovenia 12 Macao 10 Estonia 10 Azerbaijan 9 S. Arabia 7 Belarus 6 Mexico 6 Pakistan 6 Poland 6 N. Zealand 5 Chile 5 Hungary 5 Afghanistan 4 Indonesia 4 Senegal 4 Luxembourg 3 Macedonia 3 Bosnia 3 Malta 3 Slovakia 3 Cambodia 2 Dom. Rep. 2 Morocco 2 Cameroon 2 Faeroes 2 Maldives 2 S. Africa 2 Bulgaria 2 Andorra 1 Armenia 1 Jordan 1 Latvia 1 Lithuania 1 Monaco 1 Nepal 1 Nigeria 1 S. Lanka 1 Tunisia 1 Ukraine 1 Bhutan 1 Colombia 1 C. Rica 1 Gibraltar 1 Vatican 1 Liechtenstein 1 Moldova 1 Paraguay 1 Peru 1 Serbia 1 Togo 1

Italy +1,247 (+36) Iran +1,076 (+21) France +296 (+7) Spain +102 (+2) USA +122 (+4) S. Korea +93 (+2) Japan +41 (1) Argentina (+1) China +44 Germany +130 Switzerland +54 UK +45 Netherlands +60 Belgium +60 Sweden +24 Norway +29 Singapore +8 Malaysia +10 Bahrain +25 Austria +15 Australia +12 Greece +21 Kuwait +3 Canada +6 Iraq +8 Thailand +2 Iceland +5 Egypt +33 India +3 Lebanon +6 Denmark +6 Czechia +7 Israel +4 Portugal +8 Vietnam +4 Algeria +2 Finland +4 Ireland +1 Palestine +3 Brazil +7 Ecuador +1 Russia +1 Georgia +4 Romania +4 Croatia +1 Qatar +1 Slovenia +4 S. Arabia +2 Philippines +1 Poland +1 N. Zealand +1 Hungary +1 Afghanistan +3 Malta +3 Slovakia +2 Total +4,070 (+80)

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>buy food
>store it

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Gib sauce for the CoV creating spores.

Stop trying to scare people, you bored, pathetic kikes.

>"The best estimates now of the overall mortality rate for COVID-19 is somewhere between 0.1% and 1%," Adm. Brett Giroir, assistant secretary for health at HHS, says. "That's lower than you heard probably in many reports ... it's not likely in the range of 2 to 3%"


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Hey anons, know it is stupid, but are there any full masks I should be getting? I'm very late to this and hope to find some, but probably fucked.

Please help frens

bros, it's gonna be so kino

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Beware chinese saboteurs buying all the masks and spreading virus intentionally worldwide. They are executing CCP orders. China wants all world to go down with them.

This was the year I was going to get a GF, I finally got my shit together, lost weight, got Yas Forums, landed a decent job, moved into a nice neighborhood and now this faggot virus is moving in.

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Current symptoms: dry cough, runny nose, sore throat, light headache, lethargy.

I've had the dry cough for at least a week, the other symptoms started yesterday around 6pm.

I-is this seasonal flu or I got corona'd?

Do not respond to tripfags
Do not respond to namefags

These attention-whores and validation-seekers ruin everything they touch with their faggotry and your responses feed their egos

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Not talking to You, infectie!

anyone got the hazmat suit template?

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I have a job interview, flying into Redmond at the end of the month, how fucked am I?

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Have you tried the store?

Nature shall reclaim!


Corona chan themes:

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A virus is not a fungus. It doesn't make fucking "spores"

Well, you would want the standard things really. Rice, beans, water to drink and any medicines you may need. At least a couple of months worth. You're in Canada so you probably don't need to worry about loading up on firearms but if you can get your hands on a decent weapon and ammo then by all means go for it. You probably won't need that, but it's better to have it and not need it and so on and so forth. That's cursory stuff and I'm sure a decent prepper around here can give you more info but it's a start at least.

You get what you deserve urbanite.

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Can you get freely tested just because you wish in your country? Ours only test those who come from danger zone(china, iran, italy) I don't think I like this

Tomorrow women across Mexico are going to make a big march against women homicides in most of the big cities.
Mark my words, that's how Mexico will fall by the hands of Corona-chan

Reminder for shrinefags to use the correct sigil

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Get this fucker

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I just want to read it god damn it.

hopefully i can use this to get out of college and wageslaving, in order to work for myself making food and being an actual human and not a godamn battery for the matrix like i am right now

No no no no, user you're just FINE. Just wait till you get a seizure, then go to the hospital. OTher than that, keep on your day as normal.

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I wish viruses were bigger so I could shoot them. When does COVID mutate into Flood spores?

Can someone please confirm or refute

Hey, come on now, let's be realistic.

No you weren't.

Lol UFC women's fight both women look like Klingon from forehead swelling

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how long will the internet stay up

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>wait until you're at deaths door

>Detected: 106,009
>Died: 3,600

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Is Trump actually being retarded in his response?

Or is this another thing that lefties are reeeing about for no apparent reason.

I don't give a shit about Trump but I literally don't trust the media anymore.

that's bone cancer not sars. at least post proper imagery for the disease

sometimes, but that's usual for me

This makes me wanna play GTA and kill every Asian person I see.

We brought this upon ourselves
Globalism destroying the Kingdom of Heaven
In labs, pretending to be Gods
Consuming everything without care for life
Selfishness before community
Rampant and celebrated sociopaths and narcissists
Love for wealth more than charity
Sexual deviancy destroying the family
And no mass movement to stop it
This is the Flood, as it happened before

wagies have no choice to get out to work so probably during the whole time

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give us back our land you mother fuckers

nobody could tell you for certain

Based Bill Mitchell told me I could borrow meme in pic related.

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109 countries and counting

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>/k/ entire board is the biggest laugh i'm having
>spend years getting prepd with heavy weapons and guerilla tips
>wait for the great happening
>die from a chink flu cause they didn't wash hands

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It's get attention, I like my you's. Thanks for the contribution.

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>Current symptoms: dry cough, runny nose, sore throat, light headache, lethargy.
Should one start taking mucolytic to prevent virus from settling down in lungs?

If I will die, I'll take everyone I can to hell with me.

This is true. From the original Chinese statistics, about 20% required intensive care, and 80% were either mild or asymptomatic. Problem is that it can spread by asymptomatic people, and 20% of people needing intensive care (often many weeks) or dying as an alternative is fucking horrendous. It amounts to an eventual overwhelming of our hospital systems, and a high fatality rate for people who cannot receive treatment.

Alright. I transcribed the stream of the prime minister in its entirety, and began translating it.
Forgive me for the positively horrendous translation quality, this is the best I can do at 6:30 AM.
>We have set up two areas, one of which takes care of the region of Lombardy and of various provinces, namely Modena, Parma, Piacenza, Reggio Emilia, Rimini, Pesaro-Urbino, Alessandria, Asti, Novara, Verbano-Cusio-Ossola, Vercelli, Padova, Treviso and Venezia.
To the aforementioned territories we shall apply stricter regimina and restrictive measures; I shall point out some of them.
>After that I shall explain the measures for the rest of the Italian soil.
>As for the parts of Lombardy and other aforementioned northern provinces, there shall be limits on all kinds of movement — for physical persons — whether it be entering or exiting the jurisdiction, and inside of it as well; movements may only be allowed in case of legally proven work requirements, in case of severe need, and for health reasons, allowing however people to return to their residence, domicile or abode for those who need to do so.
>There shall be other strict measures: subjects with symptoms compatible with respiratory tract infection or fever of a temperature greater than 37.5 °C (99.5 °F) are hereafter... it is heavily recommended to these people to stay inside their place of residence, limit social interaction as much as possible and contact their reference physician, positive or negative as they may be; again, it is better for those in such a state not to go... not to leave their house and contact a physician.
>For subjects under quarantine, i.e. those with positive test results, it shall be furthermore absolutely forbidden to leave their place of residence or abode.

Real thread theme

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hmm a blown out pussy but perfect button hole or a blown out asshole and great looking pussy. This one's a tough one.

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Same boat friend, get a beanie and cut holes in it, add duster mask + bandana over it. Get splash resistant goggles. Use this and hope stores restock masks

Relax bro, just get prepped. When shit hits the fan you'll be trading small cans of tune to skanks for blow jobs. Pick the best of the survivors and start repopulating.

that's the spirit user

>Further, there shall be a group of measures regarding all commercial, social and entrepreneurial activities: in particular, all events and contests of any level and sport, in both private and public venues; the only allowed events shall be those with — say — some... those in which professional athletes, or otherwise of the highest level and entering the Olympics, are to participate, and namely national and international venues, so long as they are closed-door events unattended by the general public.
>Further: all organized demonstrations shall be suspended, as are all events in both private and public venues, such... recreational, cultural, sport-related, religious, and trade show-related events; all events taking place in cinemas, theatres, pubs, ballet schools, arcades, gambling houses, casinos and clubs shall also be suspended; we cannot afford any more masses of people to form in these areas.
>Teaching and school-related activies shall obviously be suspended, as shall those in universities except for digital lectures.
>Rituals and both religious and non-religious services shall be suspended, with funerary services therein contained; churches and other religious sites shall only open provided that they adopt organizational measures that may prevent amassing of people.
>All museums and other cultural sites and insitutions shall remain closed.
>Food-related activities, as well as pubs, shall open, provided that they open at no earlier than 6 and close no later than at 18; the owner is further required to prepare an environment such that the minimum customer-customer distance shall be 1 m, with suspension of service as measure for infringment; we understand that suspension is quite strict as a penalty, but we cannot afford any more contagion events in such places.
And that's all for the red zone. I might continue tomorrow.

Cheapest theoretical diet from an old paper.
Wish we could make a more modern version of this.

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if China is covering up millions of deaths, why aren't there also millions of people dying in Japan, Korea, or Italy? There's no way they could cover up millions of deaths in those countries because they have free open internets. So this is total bullshit. What, 1000 cases in America? 1000 people out of 300 million. This is NOTHING!

>mortality rate
Do you know the difference between mortality rate and case fatality rate? They are two different terms.

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Yes, he's being retarded in his response but so is most of the world. He's just being more retarded than most. I voted for the guy so I'm not some leftie, but for fuck's sake at some point we have to look at things and not care about politics or care about the political consequences of a situation. All Trump cares about is muh stonks and muh 2020 KAG faggotry, as do his voters. And that mindset is why the US is fucked. Between exponential growth, Corona-chan mostly killing boomers and the US already being at 65% bed capacity in hospitals from typical things, when it kicks off we're going to be fucked faster than most. But Trump will call it fake news, his supporters will agree and as such half of the country will write off the people dying in the streets as paid actors or some gay shit like that.

Do you have a fever? That would be the cherry on top of your symptoms. If you don't have a fever, it's tough to say. Maybe you are asymptomatic in that regard.

>+6 cases in Vancouver nursing home.


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