
this shit really do be hitting differently tho...

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Go back to the rez

Go back to Asia

Go back to your reservation. Indians weren't allowed citizenship until 1921. Did you know that?

Right of conquest bitch.

>Go back to your Rez, shitbird!

Left can't meme.

Based and migration history pilled.

Go back to Siberia
Now fuck off

The time Indians went to N.America, N.America was part of Asia
That's hypocrital because you guys sperg about jews doing the same thing in palestine

For the third panel, it would be "Go back to India/Russia", since that's where the ""Native""" Americans actually originated from.

> go back to Europe
Honestly, I want to. But it's been taken over by communists and muzzies.

Go back to your Teepee.

So stop crying about Mexicans and Arabs then

You think they came from India?

It's my country because we had a war and my people won. No go back to your reservation we graciously gave you and thank your totem pole god that you are even alive.

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>That's hypocrital because you guys sperg about jews doing the same thing in palestine
I'm on my own side. the jews have zero right to call anyone hypocrites.


Conquering is obviously different pantywaist cock mongler.

A chink admiral discovered N.America before of Amerigo Vespucio. If you don't stay in the place people will forget u

>It's my country because we had a war and my people won
...did you go to war with your Injuns? I thought your fur traders just fucked their women, sired a bunch of bastards, and fucked off back to France?

>Imagine losers thinking they have a say in anything

Their DNA indicates that they originated from Asia which was possible via the bering land bridge. Modern-day India is just an approximation

Bronze age whites whereon the East Coast.


notice how native Americans rarely make a fuss? Whenever someone brings up native Americans getting btfo it's never an actual native American

Go back to asia

Not war in the strictest sense. We massacred them good though. And we have tried in earnest to civilize and integrate them a few times. They are actually worse than niggers.

So race war then?

Historically based

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More like get off the rez. Stupid things should be abolished


Why are white men always depicted like this in these comics? Never in my life have I seen a white man dressed like that.

I've seen whites of all creed telling people to go home. Just the other day I had a very suave looking aryan chad in a suit telling me to go back to 'Iraq' because he thought I was Arab. Funny thing is that I am white myself, but my point is that he was clearly a very successful gentleman, not some mentally deficient retard.

Lmao heya heya howa howa

You did it!

Jesus Christ how the fuck much are they paying you to constantly post this, leaf faggot?

Here you go

Anyone Canadian that supports Indians is completely pozzed. Literally wagon burning teepee niggers

You live in Australia
This is an American context

Where else would we keep all of our alcoholic indians?

Only times I've seen Natives leave the rez is to get more beer, get gas for their massive pickup trucks, or maybe set up a protest.

Move the Native guy to stand next to Anglo guy and have them both say 'fuck off we're full" to Asian , niggaroonies and fucking mexicans (always remember, mexicans are colonialists. The original shitsmelling faggot aids colonialists, they got here to our lands October 12, 1492 and have been complete and utter shit since then.)( ALL mexicans/latinix/latinos/Hispanics/are colonialists, and their countryof origin is Spain. Deport all mexicans back to Spain)
>daily reminder mexico is stolen land
>native people call it the Occupied Territories

>Never in my life have I seen a white man dressed like that.
Would a white slightly-stained singlet make more sense to you? It's common to portray the people you disagree with as lowest-common-denominator trash. Happens in political comics of all alignments.

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based and accurate.

no you dumbfuck, mongoloids came during second ice age to south then se went north, europeans came to north america during first ice age

Native Americans were wiped out by unchecked immigration. Let us learn from their mistakes, instead of suffering the same fate.

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I can't stand these idiots who say that Natives didn't have the same definition of stealing or ownership. Christians say that shit to keep from admitting that might makes right is the way of the world.

That is literally not anyones issue with the kikes in Isreal. The jews there are money sucking parasites who worship the antichrist and ruin everything good in the world, in their biological drive to create the perfect global goy slave race.
Nobody gives a fuck about the palestanians.

>Natives didn't have the same definition of stealing or ownership
I dont know about stealing, but most tribes definitely didnt have the same interpretation of land ownership as europeans did. Euros viewed ownership as "this is mine, you cant be here anymore" whereas most tribes viewed it as "Im going to build my camp here".

Lol I'm an timber bigger but dont live on the reservation. Do have a big truck though.

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It's already happening, dumbass. You're losing.

Not gonna lie, trucks are based. I just get a laugh out of all these guys showing up at environmentalist rallys with their government subsidized trucks fuelled with government subsidized gas. If I got massive tax exemptions like our Natives, then maybe that'd make me more sensitive to the environment?

oh are you insinuating that the native peoples of a land would be utterly destroyed if a bunch of immigrants came?
are you trying to make our argument for us, you fucking leaf-nigger?

God damn autocorrect. I'm an Indian. I dont protest. I go to work and come home. I pay my taxes. I donate to the school my child goes to. My big truck does have practical use. Firewood, four wheeler hauling, moose hauling and a big back seat for the white women who want to ride in it.

OP is a faggot

my sides

I get that. But you (and by "you" I mean Europeans) can't call yourself Christians if you are, by your own definition, stealing someone's land. Imagine trying that shit in a court of law: "Uh, well see judge: That mentally retarded dude didn't have the same definition of stealing as I do, so it was OK that stole his bike.

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