/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #1730

► Detected: 106,009 ► Died: 3,600

Italy quarantines 16 million people

New York declares state of emergency

Patient who died left waiting 6 hours by NHS

Itaian Doctor warn public to get ready, young endangered too

Canadian official breaks down in press conference

Virus hides in neurons, indefinitely escapes recognition

Dogs can be carriers of the virus

Virus affects blood circulation

70% of 600 contacts without symptoms test positive

Recovered in Japan sick again: reinfected or dormant

nCoV to cost global economy $1.1 trillion

China regularly changes reporting to hide numbers

China industrial capacity estimated to be at 50-60%

Italy not testing contacts even if symptomatic

Netherlands only tests cases with travel history

03:40: First case in Vermont.
02:40: 1 new case in Manatee County, Florida, United States.
01:55: 1 new case in Hanoi, Vietnam.
01:10: 93 new cases and 2 new deaths in South Korea.
00:50: First case in Missouri.
00:30: China’s National Health Commission reports 3 new cases across the mainland, excluding Hubei province.
00:30: 41 new cases and 27 new deaths in Hubei province, China.
00:05: 2 new cases in Florida. One in Okaloosa County and one in Volusia County.


Attached: 1580250087132.png (826x657, 433.74K)

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Stop trying to scare people, you bored, pathetic kikes.

>"The best estimates now of the overall mortality rate for COVID-19 is somewhere between 0.1% and 1%," Adm. Brett Giroir, assistant secretary for health at HHS, says. "That's lower than you heard probably in many reports ... it's not likely in the range of 2 to 3%"


>Dead: 3,600
lol, still only 3,600.
How many days has it been stuck at 3,600? Four days? Five days?

Attached: Still.png (689x1069, 173.98K)

>1. Is a strain of SARS.
>2. Has a long incubation (14 days +).
>3. Can spread during asymptomatic incubation.
>4. May infect the CNS and brainstem. - SARS has a higher propensity to do this.
>5. Can attack the lungs, heart, kidneys, and reproductive system.
>6. Is airborne.
>7. It also can cause encephalitis, as SARS/Coronaviruses have a propensity to do.
>8. Mortality increases exponentially with age, protect your parents and grandparents.
Takeaways - Namefags and Tripfags have Coronavirus. If you give them (you's) you become infected too.
Redditors: lurk, or go home!

Attached: 1583638886763.jpg (512x512, 42.14K)

► China 80,696 (3,097) ► International 25,330 (499): S. Korea 7,134 (50) Italy 5,883 (233) Iran 5,823 (145) France 949 (16) D. Princess 696 (6) Spain 503 (10) Japan 461 (7) USA 439 (19) Switzerland 268 (1) UK 209 (2) Netherlands 188 (1) H. Kong 108 (2) Australia 75 (2) Iraq 54 (4) Thailand 50 (1) Taiwan 45 (1) S. Marino 23 (1) Argentina 9 (1) Philippines 6 (1) Germany 800 Belgium 169 Sweden 161 Norway 156 Singapore 138 Malaysia 93 Bahrain 85 Austria 81 Greece 66 Kuwait 61 Canada 60 Iceland 50 Egypt 48 UAE 45 India 34 Lebanon 28 Denmark 27 Czechia 26 Israel 25 Portugal 21 Vietnam 21 Algeria 19 Finland 19 Ireland 19 Palestine 19 Brazil 20 Oman 16 Ecuador 14 Russia 14 Georgia 13 Romania 13 Croatia 12 Qatar 12 Slovenia 12 Macao 10 Estonia 10 Azerbaijan 9 S. Arabia 7 Belarus 6 Mexico 6 Pakistan 6 Poland 6 N. Zealand 5 Chile 5 Hungary 5 Afghanistan 4 Indonesia 4 Senegal 4 Luxembourg 3 Macedonia 3 Bosnia 3 Malta 3 Slovakia 3 Cambodia 2 Dom. Rep. 2 Morocco 2 Cameroon 2 Faeroes 2 Maldives 2 S. Africa 2 Bulgaria 2 Andorra 1 Armenia 1 Jordan 1 Latvia 1 Lithuania 1 Monaco 1 Nepal 1 Nigeria 1 S. Lanka 1 Tunisia 1 Ukraine 1 Bhutan 1 Colombia 1 C. Rica 1 Gibraltar 1 Vatican 1 Liechtenstein 1 Moldova 1 Paraguay 1 Peru 1 Serbia 1 Togo 1

Italy +1,247 (+36) Iran +1,076 (+21) France +296 (+7) Spain +102 (+2) USA +120 (+4) S. Korea +93 (+2) Japan +41 (1) Argentina (+1) China +44 Germany +130 Switzerland +54 UK +45 Netherlands +60 Belgium +60 Sweden +24 Norway +29 Singapore +8 Malaysia +10 Bahrain +25 Austria +15 Australia +12 Greece +21 Kuwait +3 Canada +6 Iraq +8 Thailand +2 Iceland +5 Egypt +33 India +3 Lebanon +6 Denmark +6 Czechia +7 Israel +4 Portugal +8 Vietnam +4 Algeria +2 Finland +4 Ireland +1 Palestine +3 Brazil +7 Ecuador +1 Russia +1 Georgia +4 Romania +4 Croatia +1 Qatar +1 Slovenia +4 S. Arabia +2 Philippines +1 Poland +1 N. Zealand +1 Hungary +1 Afghanistan +3 Malta +3 Slovakia +2 Total +4,068 (+80)


We brought this upon ourselves
Globalism destroying the Kingdom of Heaven
In labs, pretending to be Gods
Consuming everything without care for life
Selfishness before community
Rampant and celebrated sociopaths and narcissists
Love for wealth more than life
Sexual deviancy destroying the family
And no mass movement to stop it
This is the Flood, as it happened before

for some reason your faggotry brings me comfort, keep it up user

You actually are the first post for me. I always hide and filter the reposted garbage. What a waste of space.

Florida is going to be OK.