Are preppers redpilled?

Are preppers redpilled?
Will they inherit the earth?
It's amazing the amount of normal people last week who were comparing it to the flu, and now they're unsettled.

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of course they will. on a long enough timeline there will eventually be a society wide collapse, those who have prepared will be in a far better position to capitalize on the chaos.

History is a good teacher. It teaches us that no society has lasted the test of time. They all collapse at some point in some way.

>It's amazing the amount of normal people last week who were comparing it to the flu, and now they're unsettled.
Sure, according to your regular Yas Forums doomporn masturbation chamber. 3400 dead thus far? Only kills old fucks? 0.4% mortality for people under 50? Zero fucks given you panicky habbening faggot.

this week is when I've legit seen normies getting scared

If you dont like prepping you are not white. Whites love prepping because its in our blood, preparing for the long winters etc.

>If you dont like prepping you are not white. Whites love prepping because its in our blood, preparing for the long winters etc.
It's true - whites have a fetish for building shelters and fortresses. Unfortunately, some people get absolutely retarded about it.

I love it. It smells like victory.

Why are white dudes so obsessed with the apocalypse, or, total collapse. Only white dudes do this on a large scale. I mean I kind of get it.. but at the same time there's a level of cringe to it. You know, it's a bit too much. It's weird... almost mentally ill at some level. Then there is an entire industry behind it making money. So, in order to make money they actively promote the total collapse, just to keep business bux flowing. I don't know it's actually starting to really piss me off.... I hate fake shit. Fake people, fake ideologies, fake movement, fake anything.

It just seems like a scam. Preying on base human emotions of fear and doom. Dudes fall into this in order to be the "savior" guy. So they can have sex with a woman and be the "hero".

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Because subconsciously they know what we have is an unstable shit show. Men want to build, but they can't build on a foundation of bullshit.

>it's only white dudes
spotted the shitskin

This will ultimately be white man's downfall. Nigs are genetically predisposed to raiding and have mastered the art over a period of thousands of years. Once law and order breaks down and power decentralises, the white man is useless. And no, don't think that your ((weapon)) will protect you, you stupid cuck, because it won't.

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Only christcucks and skitzo white dudes

is building a compound retarded? A big house with a nice fence around in a rural area for my use?

Nice piptpul nigger

When the dindus chimp out because the local Walmart is out of grape soda and blunt wraps were gonna party likes it's 1939.

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When did niggers become immune to buckshot?

nigger whites have literally protected themselves for marauding niggers for thousands of years

I'm actually white, but starting to question some of the behaviors I see from white americans. You see, aside from the constant "total collapse" mongering that I've witness by white americans my entire life... there is also aspects of white fragility at play. For example, I knew the phrase "white dude" would immediately trigger at least someone itt. You're so ON-EDGE bro. It's cringe man. I mean come on. When you start becoming predictable... it's all over for you.

A lot of you guys are very predictable. Your entire thought-process is predictable. It's not a good thing.

Preppers would only be well off if they had a community of preppers. Mormons are supposed to keep a years supply of food on hand. One man, one family, is not likely to survive the banditry in a total collapse.

I don't think the Amish are armed, so my bet is the Amish holding off the longest. I knew I should've converted a long time ago to get those cutie baby making factories. I drink and smoke too much though.

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A full on societal collapse happening sooner than later is the only scenario in which white people have a realistic chance of not getting genocided

That's one perspective, and certainly a whole lot of projection or shitskin cope going on there, but allow me to offer another take on the matter.

Some of us have families. Some of us have studied history. Some of us know that the difference between being prepared and unprepared is the difference between being able to feed and protect your wife in kids in the event of disaster. You can be prepared without being a mega cringelord constantly LARPing the walking dead TV series.

The fact is that history is cyclical and many times a society gets heinously spoiled right before it collapses -- and famine and pillaging follow.

>Will they inherit the earth?
No, morbidly obese people can last for over a year without food and there are millions of them in the US. They will also survive.

We're 11% of the population. I don't believe your scenario is an automatic win. I think many of you guys are still living inside a 50 AD mindset. It's not good for you.

I can't wait to savor the tears of the unprepared. Half a million dead in the US by June.

It is the a flu, and no, they arent based. They will only inherit disappointment

>unironic justaflubro posting
Are you pretending to be retarded, or...?

This here is the mental illness I'm talking about. So, in order to "be correct" with a "see, I told you so" attitude this man is hoping and preying 500,000 Americans die.

The guy is a total psychopath. He's not cool. He's not edgy. He's a fucking loser.

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On a long enough timeline everyone is dead. So, the choice is how are you going to live your life?
Will it be in service to the state or to service to those you love?

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And the other 99.9% of preppers wasted their lives waiting for something that never came

The American empire and the strength of the west in general is in its twilight years. We have all the symptoms. Only problem with prepping is it might allow you to live long enough to see the end of the next great turning but unlikely to end up a winner. The powers that be want a collapse, they have a plan where they end up a winner. A true ruling class. Feudalism returned, slavery of the free man. Right now they have power but they want more. They want to rule, to command. I’m not sure how Joe Schmoe will escape that. They will have plenty of desperate and weak cannon fodder to bring the few that resist into the fold. Not enough bullets.

Preppers will be among the first to die due to the stock piles they have. There’s nothing stopping a group of savages coming to together to infiltrate.

There is one type of person who will inherit the Earth however. It’s the NEET. Their lifestyle virtually doesn’t change when a pandemic hits. In the Bible it is clearly written that The NEET Shall Inherit the Earth.

This is false. Racemixing is a relatively new phenomenon, goy; maybe like 200-300 years tops. And in that time you whit*oids have been protected by strong central authorities and thus have never had to defend yourselves against the eternal nog.

>the strength of the west in general is in its twilight years
The strength of the West is a belief in the individual over the state. If that is going away then we are entering a very dark time.

>Thinking preppers would allow a random bunch of people into their house
get ventilated fag

Fuck them too, they deserve ZERO sympathy. I prepped, and Im ready. I need to clean my gun though, I had a round blow up in the chamber at the range today. Means I need to take apart my rifle and clean and fix. This is a good time to inspect my weapons as well before things get to ugly. I have a backup shotty and 9mm incase I cant fix mine in time.

>Not relishing in the adventure, state of nature, and roving rape gangs.

>nothing stopping
I mean you can literally just lure them into a fatal funnel and mow them down remorselessly. Honestly all moralfagging is out the window during SHTF, if someone comes for my stash they are getting straight vietnam'd

>thinking you're safe in a house
You will be lucky if you get shot and die quick. Piss someone off enough and they will burn your house down with you locked inside.

>The strength of the West is a belief in the individual over the state.
It's just propaganda. Those "individuals" mindlessly regurgitate shit that is programmed for them.

>the call of the roving rape gangs

>Hey that guy won't share his supplies!
>Yeah, let's burn his supplies!

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>The strength of the West is a belief in the individual over the state.
You sound like the same niggers who destroyed the Roman Empire. Also, I thought we all came to the conclusion Individualism is for homosexuals and British-Canadian Propagandist.

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>I need to clean my gun though
Sperging about your weapon and how you handle it is a far cry from how people are going to survive in your apocalypse.
Get along with your neighbor, Stop making a war over everything you believe is an insult. Calm down and talk to somebody you love.


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Yes, and no. Preppers have the complete wrong idea about civil unrest and the collapse of society and without very long term solutions for the food/water/shelter/clothing/medicine/transportation/security problem they will be completely fucked. Every prepper I know basically just has a stockpile of guns, ammo, and MRE's and other assorted dogshit. They don't realize that there is a serious potential for them to run out of everything unless they find ways to get more of the things they'll need. A few of them have some idea of this and have told me "oh uh I'll go hunting for food if I run out and I'll scavenge for other stuff", but don't realize that everybody is going to be doing this and the wildlife population will become seriously depleted from this subsistence hunting, and eventually literally every other product of society is going to have been raided and stolen and stripped of anything useful or valuable.

The guys that will inherit the earth are gonna be the guys that don't actually depend on society anyway. The nomadic falconers of the mongolian steppes, the uncontacted jungle indians of the amazon rainforest, perhaps some trappers way out in the middle of nowhere like in Canada and Alaska. These are the real preppers.

Preppers are just LARPERS that buy shelf stable shit. These fucks will survive only 2 weeks before they off themselves in a real crisis.

Anyone else unironically believe we are approaching biblical end times?

You need some reading comprehension. I said infiltrate, that doesn’t mean inviting people in.

Ain’t nothing stopping anyone from emptying a carbon monoxide gas tank into whatever opening you have for ventilation.

How about you prep your female mouth for my 4x1 dick

There 10 times that dead in China, minimum
Perhaps 100x

You can always join the hive mind. Be a part of the herd. To be an individual takes a certain amount of courage. It takes at least enough courage to question your beliefs. If you find your beliefs are sound for you, then you have had an individualistic moment.

And yet he’s right

You sound like a member of a rape gang. You give yourself over to the hive mind that whatever all the rest of the people are doing is good enough for me. I'd rather get along than get attacked and have to defend myself.

We built this monster, nigger

>they can gas you bro
I mean, yeah? The whole point of my post was to just ambush them but that is possible too if you aren't careful

>You need some reading comprehension. I said infiltrate, that doesn’t mean inviting people in.
You need a dictionary mate

>Ain’t nothing stopping anyone from emptying a carbon monoxide gas tank into whatever opening you have for ventilation.
So in your scenario, food is scarce but tanks of carbon monoxide are plentiful?

If you switched to a pipe they might be cool with idk if they ban tobacco or not

if I survive this pandemic I'll start to prep
it got me in a bad time, I invested every penny in a house and a business
of course I condemned the entire world with my actions

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ITT according to statistics a reoccurring pattern has surfaced. What we're seeing ITT by self-proclaimed peppers is a fear of... niggers sexually raping them. These same peppers go on to speak about their personal ideology which they associate and label as "Individualism". The storing of rice & beans thus becomes a preventative measure to them for the purpose of preventing negro anal rape.

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It's simple math - you are most likely to be born at the point where the population is highest. If you are alive it is atleast likely you will experience civilizational collapse.
And I mean, the writing has been on the wall for a while..

Food will run out WAY before any other resource. Don’t be surprised if you find gas tanks in warehouses stored.

Oh! Canada!

The corona virus has force me to re-evaluate famines. Perhaps Mao and Stalin did nothing wrong, it's just that most people are incredibly stupid and have no rational response to preparing for disaster.

Since most criminal rapists are negroes, then you are largely correct.

I've never met a long-term pepper who wasn't redpilled.

Well, my own theory is that the prepping phenomenon is closely associate with British/Jewish self-fulfilling schizophrenia. The Jews share a similar behavior; only worded differently. Example, a new holocaust is always around the corner. When the holocaust never comes, the Jews make it up anyways just to "save face" and fulfill their own doom prophesy. We see this over and over in history.

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>Perhaps Mao and Stalin did nothing wrong,
>We should reevaluate famines.
I think it was a mistake to put successful farmers in prisons and gulags in order to give the land to someone who could not plant.


My normie relatives, workmates and acquaintantes just started to complain about disinfectant sprays, and hand sanitizers no longer being available. Still, they're on the "just a flu", or even "just as weak as the common cold" trip. I told them they should stock up on non perishable foods, but they keep ridiculing me. I know that within 2 weeks they'll face the same issues, but you know, they're fucking NPCs. They never learn.

Preppers are schizophrenics with god complexes, they cream themselves over the idea of having power (resources) over other people. They are usually degenerates and failures in life, thus have no interest in the continuation of society. Just screenshot their posts and make compilations to post when all of this blows over in month or two.

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>susceptibility to fears and alarms
"The other is his astounding susceptibility to fears and alarms--in short, his hereditary cowardice.... There is no record in history of any Anglo-Saxon nation entering upon any great war without allies."

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The people in control have one goal. To keep you impoverished.

The trick whitoids into buying expensive guns and prepper crap when they will never pay down their mortgage.

You could compress car exhaust or generator exhaust into propane bottles at 200 psi. A 40 or 100 lb bottle would hold a decent amount. Enough to poison a house in Minecraft.

There is a large element of that within their circles, for sure. I've narrowed it down to the British / Jewish phenotype. See,

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It’s amazing to think how much of a nigger cuck you will be when the coronavirus passes and nothing happens.

99% of preppers are fat lazy boomers with a canned food/toilet paper fetish. Its just being a horder with extra steps