Are you ready for the .com crash 2.0?

If the .com bubble was built on the emergence of the personal computer and the ability to get online and browse the web, .com2.0 added nothing more than you being able to browse the web while taking a shit!

Seriously, what core "TECH"nology has come out after the 2000s crash that we did not have prior? Why is so much euphoria in tech? Handheld devices got slimmer, screens got a bit nicer, battery lives improved a bit and social media blew up so now you can leave a mean comment on some poor faggot's tweet that you'd never meet in person while taking a shit on your break at your shitty job.

In the meantime, we destroyed the middle class and packed up and shipped our entire manufacturing base overseas, to the point that we can't even make antibiotics or face masks in the face of a pandemic.

It is time to call bullshit on this house of cards ... all of it is bullshit.

Attached: NASDAQ.png (946x558, 87.99K)

>let's find patterns where none exist, the thread

>find patterns
>Did not read the post
Come on leaf, tell me then. What core technology came out after 2000s that we did not already have?

At least we have Netflix and Disney+

stocks will fall when people are scared they'll fall
right now people are scared they'll keep rising (FOMO)

>Netflix and Disney+
Movies, TV, 4k porn ... Entertainment, that's the only sector that has grown. To lull the masses as they crash face first into reality.

This virus is the shake up that was needed to scare the shit out of them hopefully. Once doctors and nurses start dropping dead because we don't have any mask or PPE, because we shipped all the knowledge and the factories to chinkland ...

You can't discount the power of ubiquitous network access + location based services. Uber-for-Whatever is a huge efficiency improvement, and enables the worker drone class to be useful beyond burger flippers and retail.

>Gig economy
>meme economy
And how is that compared to the achievements in the last century? Nuclear power, air travel, space flight, computers ...

So far we’re seeing massive fraud propping up the markets and the fed printing unlimited dollars but that can only go on for so long. We still have a 23 trillion dollar debt.

>In the meantime, we destroyed the middle class and packed up and shipped our entire manufacturing base overseas,
There are still globalists defending this shit position, even when they're knee deep in corona corpses.

well it's had more economic impact than space flight lmao

Biotech like gene editing, single cell transcriptomics
Patient specialized medical care
AI developments
To name a few....

The graphs posted imply there is a pattern wrt slope of the line and relative distance

It's a pyramid scam, it will always crash as much as Windows Vista.

Almost 95% of the tech you use today in your everyday life is the result of the advances during the 2nd WW and the cold war. Even what you mentioned in your post.

Trust me, after 2 masters and a PhD in electrical engineering and spending more than a couple of decades in academia, all I want to do right now is go live in a cabin in the woods with my dog and maybe raise some crops ... I've worked in plenty of tech fields from high temperature superconductors, to lasers, quantum computing, computer vision and AI and don't see any higher purpose or progress anywhere. End goal of all this "progress" is to make some fat (((financier))) even fatter.

The index average is only an indication of when most people are winning or losing. In reality, a certain few are always winning, thanks to, and to the detriment of, most people.

And all of that shit is fucking evil and we don't need it.

> Seriously, what core "TECH"nology has come out after the 2000s crash that we did not have prior?

Imagine not understanding how much data web 2.0 has collected from the people of Earth and what that means for advertising.

The Tesla bubble is hopefully popping, too.

>as though browsing the web while taking a shit is not revolutionary change for all mankind

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>another SELL SELL SELL thread
It's not gonna happen user. At least not anywhere near the capacity you want.
Trump 2020, faggot.

Big data my ass ... Yeap, it's all about selling toys to niggers.

Difference between then and now is we have real earnings now. There is froth now, but nothing like 99

This the most shit TA I've seen compound with some low IQ retard level fundamental outlook. Just kys.

sure but there's nothing you can do about it. it's useful and provides an economic (ultimately military) advantage, so it will exist

what do you think "the economy" is? it's always been about selling shit to retards

You don't get it user. Sell Buy short sell .. non of it matters anymore. The end outcome is the same. You can kick the can down the road all you want and ignore reality, but you won't be able to ignore the consequences of ignoring reality.

Lines on a chart. Must mean that what you say will happen

I remember all the crypto fags saying equities would crash in Jan 2018 because some lines on a chart said so. Never happened

This chart is a much better indicator of whether stocks are over priced.

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my body is ready

Everyone makes money in a bull market. In one that is propped up by the FED and backed by infinite money printing and share buybacks of course you'd make a "profit".

>meme lines
>autistic shitposting

>Difference between then and now is we have real earnings now

This. In 2001 you had companies like (what's that? exactly) getting billion dollar valuations without any real business.

now? google is a search monopoly that prints money. facebook is a social media oligopoly that prints money. apple is THE tech hardware king that prints money. everyone on fucking earth is subscribed to netflix, so they print money. half the fucking internet is on amazon's cloud, and they have an online shopping monopoly, so they print money. microsoft has a great cloud business and is the only serious business oriented software company, so they print money.

none of the current day valuations are silly. these companies will continue to have 20% growth year over year and will continue to break the stock market.

what's also not mentioned is the difficulty of technical interviews. i'm not talking about case studies for retards in suits like in MBB. i'm talking about genius tests.

to solve multiple leetcode hards in under 45 minutes in a single day in front of engineers looking to make you fail makes you a genius. big tech has perfected the hiring process, and this may break the economy. they literally only hire geniuses (unless they're diversity hiring). diversity hiring may be their only weakness in the long run.

if you strictly stuck to merit in hiring and made the process as hard as Google makes it, it's hard to imagine business failure. ever.

Yes, because we kicked the can down the road. Are you people really this delusional not to see the train moving towards you in the tunnel at full speed blasting it's horn? You deserve to get crushed user.

>In the meantime, we destroyed the middle class
How fucking coomed are you

This user gets it. It's all smoke and mirrors.

there's also that oscillator thingamajiggy.

desu senpai everything i wanted to buy in the past few months was overpriced so i'm not really complaining. i got greedy with tsla and lost a couple hundred bucks so i had to take my ass back down a notch right back into index funds and reits. i know better than to play single stocks. index funds and reits have never burned me.

Not an argument.
Go have buyers remorse over shitcoin and penny stocks somewhere else.

this thread contains dog shit opinions

actual economics fag here

the floor is about to drop out.
12 years of accounting fraud, balance sheet gimmicks, stock buybacks, executive options, record margin buying, and market manipulation are about to come crashing down.

QE didn't solve shit for the economy, we never reached 2007 era tier of production anymore. the past 30 years the US has pretty much given up on an actual manufacturing base. we are a pure service economy at this point

the only thing america produces is bankers and lawyers, it hasn't produced anything since the late 70s and it is quite evident as shown in the new corona epidemic.

The thing is about google whats new have they created in the past 8 years that’s been really successful?

>com2.0 added nothing more than you being able to browse the web while taking a shit!
Those companies make billions of dollars

Some more informed than cucked leafs than never created shit except bitter feminist

People rejected God, this is what happens.

Just attend one of their networking events. They are all SJW nightmares. Laughable and a silent majority in the crowd gets it. They're only silent because they like job security. All it takes is one stick to break for the whole thing to change momentum and those silent to share their voices. None of the companies you mentioned stand a chance, short of maybe Microsoft because it was one of the first institutions in the field and physical prevalence worldwide. Hard for them to fail. Thickware makes all the difference.

partly so, in the new economy women are taking jobs from men and are either single/divorced

most men are starting to drop out and its quite easy to know why. men responded to economic incentives like having children or a high paying job in the era of no women working, but this is quite evident with rapid whoredom and affirmative action that this is not the case.

It doesn't matter
They have better monetized what they originally created

>Google: makes money by mining data
>Facebook: makes money by mining data
>Apple: Makes toys that enable the first two to makes money by mining data
Doesn't that bother you that literally a handful of companies account for the entire market cap? And what do they really do? What "genius" tech has come out of Apple recently since the iPhone (which is itself debatable)?

Embrassed feminism, two fags have to work to pay the 30yr mortgage

>Doesn't that bother you that literally a handful of companies account for the entire market cap?
Why would it?

I don't give them money
haven't used in over 10 years
only have an iphone through work, haven't given them money since like 2014
no fucking clue what that shit even is
used to be good for getting shit at good price, but now their marketplace is flooded with counterfeit/shit quality products. This year I'll slowly taper off that dump.
Conclusion: 98% of tech companies are complete memes and dotcom bubble is going to collapse soon.

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I should note, while it admittedly took a year or so, by setting my browsers to other than Google for search has significantly lessoned my reliance on them. So it IS possible to live without them. There are rare occasions when use Google as a second opinion to make sure I'm not missing something, but I have done well without. I thought the transition would be much more difficult than it has been.

Just saying all those geniuses, would have thought they could have thought of something.

current advances in biotechnology were only a pipe dream during WWII. DNA wasn't even known. Neural networks are not a new idea, but the computing power to implement them has only recently become widely available.

Google search is completely useless when it comes to something besides porn or cnn news. I use for anything important/business related.

Oh don't worry user. My investments in physical gold have done quite well and my cash is in shorting this meme market (also done very well as of mid Feb).

what things do you want to make user? are you making things right now? why not?

Then maybe skilled people should move to the country, and expect raiding parties from freaks and criminals from the cities. Protect farmers. Raise the alarms. Engineers, chemists, tradesmen, people that can fabricate real things that actually work and are of good quality. Welders, farmers, mechanics, boilermakers, electricians, professional engineers of all kinds.

All of that existed before 2000

This user gets it. Corona-chan may not kill more than 2-3%, mostly boomers ... but it will rape the service memeconomy into the goddamn floor.

This is true. Prepare for BIG price increase on goods starting ~October of this year. Christmas shopping is going to be a disaster.

TA is useless in a rigged economy with jewish tricks.

on point, have cash on hand so you can be highly liquid with some precious metals on the side (not overly don't be one of those retards) enough to be hedged

you'll be in for killer deals that's for sure if we don't fully collapse by the coming events

I shit in less than 30 seconds
Wtf is wrong with people these days?

what is your average rate of return over the past 10 years?

It used to be about selling useful things that lasted forever
Now it’s about selling useless things designed to fail

>Laughable and a silent majority in the crowd gets it.
Did you talk to them? I thought the majority would be SJWs there, even the ones that aren't diversity hires

"hire geniuses"
What a load of bollocks hahaha. Throughout my time at gradschool (Ivy one in NJ) I probably met 2 people who would qualify as a genius. One got so disillusioned with the system that he dropped out and the other dropped out to work at a hedge fund, made a tone of money and disappeared.

What have these so called "geniuses" made in the last decade or so at google? It's all pajeets and ever so increasingly chinks doing maintenance work. Coding is a meme job user.

Nothing like their search engine but I think they do a lot it's just not very visible because they don't need it to be well known, they operate in the shadows

>if you strictly stuck to merit in hiring and made the process as hard as Google makes it, it's hard to imagine business failure. ever.




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Compared to the s&p dog shit

PhD chemist working in the Bay Area.

Let it all fucking burn down. Those niggers working on social media, x-sharing/gig economy, "ai", and "cloud computing" need to be bled starting with the venture funders. Those niggers especially have ruined the very nature of work.

All my physical scientific developments have ever served is enabling that horseshit.

As soon as women entered the workforce en masse, the value of labor was reduced by half
Compounded with the need for full time child care, we’ve destroyed the opportunity for financial success of workers and the stability of the family
No one wants to acknowledge this of course, nor admit that women are at an all time low in terms of happiness and fulfillment

Is the dollar going to collapse or just stocks?

Switched to duckduckgo +5 yrs ago and never looked back. Fuck jewgle.

I dont care about the stock Market. Its Time to fund a Virus against Black Eyes



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Google search has been compromised by their “fairness algorithm”
It is biased and less efficient due to this

the dump has already begun