You guys are fucking losers

Communism is the key for species to expand into the cosmos.
Remember the communist where the 1st in space. Why was that?? Hmmmmmm

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Because they managed to grab more Nazis than we did.

nobook brainlet can't even Yas Forums

Are they saying that whites are supreme?

I can see a jew a mile away and that is a kike

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imagine coming to someplace you are not welcome, someplace you hate, and crying like a little faggot.

>condeming white supremacy like the zionists they are

Checks out.

How did we come to the point where White men are proud to be enemies of their own race?

No, it's missing quite a few features. It's just a low IQ white mutt from a broken home and a (((public school education)))

Read again. That's not Christianity, it's subversive a cult stealing some Christian phrases.

Methodists, protestants are real christians. They have millions of followers and follow the bible tooth and nail so they are real christians, still jews in my eyes.

>Manifestation of arrested development
>Key for species to expand

KYS Commie faggot

You, sir, have earned my upvote.

Hey not all christians are retards. I actually know my bible unlike most.
Revelation says beware those who say they are jews but are not. They are a synagouge of satan. If you read revelation with the jews control the world viewpoint it makes alot of sense. They implement noahhide laws worldwide and behead People who dont worship their moshiach(antichrist)..I hate christian zionists they give us a bad name..You can bet your ass when the time comes those fuckers are gonna be first in line to help round up anyone who doesnt worship jews..and they are gonna behead us..thats the punishment in the talmud

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slide threads are turbo niggers

But what if you go to hell after you starve instead of into the heavens?

Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away!For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts,Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.

United Methods are fag marriagers, you fucking double nigger.

Fuck off tranny

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it worked so well last time it was tried

Methodists and protestants are man made. Jesus never had any denomination. A True Christian trusts in the Lord not in the traditons if men..not saying there cant be saved people in those churches but its mostly man made drivel..and most dont even use the KJV bible anymore. They use NIV wich is basically a freemasonic bible that has no.power and denies the diety of Jesus

Communism took a fat shit all over you nazis.
Communism is for winners

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Lmao. At least I have good healthcare you dumb broke faggot.

low test b8. not even the Russians are communist anymore. it's a dead ideology.

>its a dead ideology
Oh you are very wrong. The workers will rise.

What goes around comes around commie :^)

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go stand in the street, commie

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Literally got the shit end of the stick under every communist government ever. Useful idiots. I should say useless idiots. So whats taking you so long faggot? Just cant seem to muster that army?

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>you are here: but it wasn't real gommunism guise! we're smarter den evreewun else dat did it b4! we have smartfones! we dun kneed 2 retain da nawledge! we has da smartfones hurr durr!

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Things That Russians Sing About. You know White Culture White People Create.
Живa живa мaтyшкa. Cлaвянcкaя мaнтpa

Why would you allow sub 100 IQ people into space? Explain yourself.

I don't think either country has been to space. Not to this day.

>key to the cosmos
>lost the space race
eat shit, subhuman

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this is the shrimp calling me "cleatus" on Yas Forums

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aren't you late to go starve to death?

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Clreate What We Create

Imagine if soviet russia wasn't retarded

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I can’t wait for our based president Biden to get those niggers back to picking cotton and those berniggers to start licking the dirt from our boots.
If you are any one of the following you can go and fuck off and kill yourself
Niggers kikes chinks gooks faggots towelheads sandniggers women trannies jannies mods berniggers
I hate every single one of you and hope that all of you die a gruesome death.
Your tears of denial only fuel my erection to the fullest.
Biden is going to win the Presidency and every single state in the south is going to go blue including Florida and Texas.
Biden is going to win PA and Michigan and Ohio
Keep seething and cope and dilate Berniggers.
Nobody is going to want to have sex with you for supporting israel 24/7 grow up and learn something else already.
I’m gonna keep #ridingwithbiden all day until he becomes the president.
Bernie bros deserve the bullet.
Suck it up Yas Forums you deplorables are full of malarkey and will never ever get laid.
All of you are finished as soon as my president gets elected.
Last but not least You berniefags need to be banned for wasting your vote on a commie kike that is about to die anyways.
Fuck Berniggers that is all.
Get back to picking cotton niggers.
Biden endorsed Trump so you Trumpanzees are okay.

>be a slave to a state
>take masters
>it will be good for you

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>Communist were 1st in space

Thank the captured nazis for giving them rockets.

Fuck you, you’d get laughed out of one of my union meetings

You are the scum beneath the trash.

Lord knows they had a shitload of Jews, too. We had Einstein, Oppenheimer and the rest of the Jew crew for our Manhattan Project.

>Communism is the key for species to expand into the cosmos.
Thats true

autists need to be controlled and harnesed in productive fashions. communists clearly know how to control g*rmoid autism better than liberals do

They also died in the millions because their oligarchs needed a few more privet islands.

>1st in space
with nazi brains and tech.

>c-communism won!
>mfw USSR collapsed & everyone uses fiat from private banks

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>Why was that?
They kidnapped a bunch of Nazi scientists.

Communism is stifling and can only pillage success as a parasite, and has to compromise to be less communistic in order to survive, often creating a cycle of pillage > Liberalize > Rebuild > Pillage. It had pillaged half of Europe.America was in the space race for a similar reason.

Serious question. Are there any antifags that aren't pro-communism? Every fucking time I see some faggot bitching about white supremacy or calling something they don't like "fascist" (regardless if it's actually fascist or not), it's always some commie apologist.
Pro-tip: most people that hate you aren't nazis or even remotely pro-nazi or facism
If I see anyone wearing an antifag pin, I'm kicking the shit out of them to send a message to the rest of them.

The first rocket that reached Space was the V2 rocket and there were Plans to put a Human into (a4b) them but Hitler declined because the War was more important.

We also had this and were the only Country which had Helicopter squadrons late in the War which were transporting people and stuff.

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Communism in the US isn't happening lol
Your uppity jew from Vermont got bitch slapped by the people who voted for Jessie Jackson because they don't want your hymietown boy

You don't have a right to other peoples property, labor, or anything construed as theirs at any time whether tangible or intangible.
Your parents or grandparents will eventually die. You will inevitably receive an inheritance. Quit being a fuckin commie just because it is difficult to get somewhere in life.
Stop spending $100 on coffee and dining out every week. Stop spending $200 a month on cigarettes. Stop driving around as recreation. Break from your need for approval. Whenever you quit being a trendy little bitch your life will improve.

Modern commies are mental defectives who have evangelical tier hot air from their mouths without the benefit of being useful to corporate people so people like Biden just make fun of your activist outlets that can't even overpower an old woman.

And the ice cream Joe eats will always have milk, deal with it.

Like these corporates tried to play you guys too. Woke capitalism was flirted with but you fucks proved too autistic even as useful tools.

>only Country which had Helicopter squadrons late in the War which were transporting people and stuff.
I'm just going to post the list because it's pretty big.

based burger christian antifa
punch any nazis recently?

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>communism is for winners
so where are the Soviets now?

>why was that
They had plenty of political prisoners to send up to their deaths until one came back alive. Then they took that design and sent up a cosmonaut.

And they unleashed the means to erradicate Humanity entirely. Good job, kikes.

Dude looks so conceded.

stay mad nazi pagan

All the greatest achievements of the USSR were done by indescribably based individuals who accomplished what they did with commie death squads breathing down their necks.

>Inventor of T-34 was almost executed for treason when he proposed the tank, got it to production by sheer luck. Without it Soviets lose the war.
>Rokossovsky gets sent to Gulag, loses all of his teeth, returns from Gulag with a mouth full of metal teeth, stops Hitler's advance at key points, more instrumental in winning the war than Zhukov

For space travel, Igor Pavlovich Korolev was sent to Gulag, then singlehandedly dragged USSR Space Program past NASA upon his return. US won eventually because Soviet Space Program was ONE FUCKING GUY