Climate Change is a plot by the UN to cripple American manufacturing and institute a one world government...

Climate Change is a plot by the UN to cripple American manufacturing and institute a one world government. Change my mind

Attached: facebook_meme_sea_level_ice_cubes.jpg (753x623, 69.09K)

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Not all ice is free-floating


The ice on land is still figured in. The land makes the water rise.

400 iq over here

you guys have an extremely rudimentery understanding of climate science if you think the sea levels are rising because of icebergs melting. its frankly equatable to melting an icecube in a swimming pool.

Shut the fuck up with your big words, memeflag

Water's crystal lattice causes its solid form to be less dense than its liquid, unlike most substances.

Says the leaf.

>t. self loathing leaf
You have to go back, Xiang

Looks like someone missed physics class

Sometimes hate how dumb Americans are.

this image is a lie. the water level on the right should be lower than on the left because water is one of only a few know substances that expands when it freezes

As someone with first hand knowledge of the conspiracy, it is actually a big con to wean people off fossil fuels in advance of them "running out" and/or becoming too expensive.
It also ties in with how western nations live at the behest of old enemies who now control these fuel sources.
Look in that direction.

That's why it floats you brainlet, because it's less dense.

Being overly verbose is a defect, bro. You could have said "nah" and itd be the same.
I'll bite the bait anyway, what is the relationship, or the reason, then?

>the water line dropped
and how did that happen?

Ok climate change is real. Now how much more do you want from me in taxes?

He got thirsty watching it melt.

Archimedes effect

post glacial rebound is real, but it tends to only affect the regions that had glaciers on them, which are polar regions and not very suitable for habitation
other regions have only negligible rise or can even sink

Attached: ice.jpg (1431x388, 236.65K)


You do know there is air in ice, yes?

nigger go put a one pint block of ice in a measuring cup and report back to me what the water level is when it melts

If anything it’s a testament to the flaws of globalism

Unfortunately that is the prevailing public opinion - that melting ice causes sea level rise.

This demonstration does not work to show how our present condition in reality will actually work.

The ice in your image in reality is currently suspended out of the water on top of rock.
At least Antarctic ice is.

All of the media they see is one-sided. Even the science magazines are becoming politicized.

It's magic

Attached: ConcreteCarefulGrouse.gif (320x180, 708.54K)

But the United States is now the largest producer of oil. Which was inconceivable in 1980. In 1980 we really did think OPEC could control oil prices.

CO2 induced climate change is not real. But please stop using that picture, warming water changes the density of the water and causes it to expand and take up more volume, on incredibly large amounts of water like the ocean a tiny volume change increases exponentially.

With that said, the modern warming trend is solar induced and will end this decade.

>American Manufacturing
what a joke

Manufacturing is a low income career path. American is developed beyond industrialization. It's a service based economy. If you can't adapt move to India so you can work on a factory line if that's all your intelligence is cut out for. There is a market for advanced manufacturing but that's either accomplished by significant automation or high skilled workers like that which Germany monopolizes.

I'm no expert but I think that's due to the shape of the cup and the amount of ice used.
There's so much ice that the ice on top is weighing down on the ice on the bottom, forcing it to fully submerge. When the fully submerged ice melts the air is released and it displaces less water.
If you had less ice it would all free float instead of being fully submerged and the water levels would be equal before and after.

Of course some of it could be chalked up to evaporation as well.

What they don't address is whether the sea level rise is significant.

They don’t mention the chunks broken off the wall.

fpbp. Climate change hysteria is dumb, but op's post is just as dumb.

>CO2 induced climate change is not real
This is the real crux of the issue, behind all the games to politicize and obfuscate things.

The Earth is getting warmer. That's very easy to measure. But C02 isn't the cause, and the human species are probably not the cause, either.

Although that's not to say that civilization isn't destroying the global ecosystems. That's absolutely happening, just not from carbon dioxide.

Did you know that plants breathe carbon dioxide?

>being so utterly wrong yet thinking you're so utterly right
As someone with actual first hand knowledge of the conspiracy, it is actually a big con to hold people back off nuclear to stop us from becoming a truly special species and taking the next steps to becoming much more than human. After all, if we do make that step, they can't control as they do now.

We should be manufacturing our own furniture, cars, televisions, clothing and computers. And we should have tariffs to keep other countries from undercutting our manufacturing.

>cripple american manufacturing
boomers saw to that already, boss

actually the ocean level dropped

Do Drumpfers really think think the polar ice caps are giant floating ice cubes? Wow... it's so much worse than I thought.

When water heats up, it expands numbnuts

Whole lotta water in the ocean. Whole lotta expanding

>theres air in ice
top fucking kek, what a moron. No, unless you introduced air bubbles there shouldn't be any air in it. the reason why ice expands is because of h-bonds on a molecular level, which takes more space than when those bonds are broken. That's why unlike elements which contract when solid and expands when liquid, water does the opposite. It's literally fucking high school science nigger. the only air in ice are bubbles trapped in it and you could make ice with no air bubbles in a lab quite easily.

It would take a high school dropout to find any of those words difficult to comprehend

Most of the Ice is on the antarctic continent. If that melts, since it's on land, the oceans will rise. Not saying that's a bad thing. At least London and NewYork will be sunk.

You do know all fossil fuels were once in the carbon cycle. We are just returning the carbon back into the cycle and resorting a warmer earth. Plants will grow faster in this new earth.

Actually there is air in ice. You are a moron.

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I’ve actually wondered about this a lot. Since frozen water takes up more space when it melts sea levels could theoretically go down, but a lot of ice isn’t currently in the water so the actual math to figure it out would be fairly complicated and use a lot of estimates for measuring.

But actually we would naturally be heading into a cooling phase, but the extra CO2 is offsetting the decline and stabilizing the climate, rather than making things worse. Without humans the Earth would eventually enter a perpetual ice-age when all the CO2 was finally sequestered into solid form.
Gaia-theory confirmed.

It's not worth worrying about. Trust me.

Water simply takes up less space than ice, that is the main reason why the water level actually dropped. Evaporation is a smaller reason.

>ice on land melts
>water flows into ocean
>ocean rises
it's not that fucking difficult. whether or not man caused this to happen and can do anything about it it still up in the air

Exactly what this mutt said

Now put that ice on the rim and see what happens when it melts dumbass

Good stuff.

That's a dumb pic, a lot of ice is on land.

>it tends to only affect the regions that had glaciers on them
I said that already. thanks for repeating my statement.