Why do conservatives oppose taking down statues that memorialize traitors to the USA?

Why do conservatives oppose taking down statues that memorialize traitors to the USA?

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Because we don't view them as traitors.

Muh States Rights

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Muh heritage

>imagine waging a war to force people you despise to remain a part of your union so you can continue to bitch about their existence for the rest of your miserable life
If you cannot understand the importance of the union remaining amicable towards one another and the role those statues played in the pursuit of that goal then you are too retarded to have this discussion

They weren't traitors, they thought the country should be run differently, with a weak federal government and strong state governments.

>traitors to the USA
The USA is fake and gay

Why do faggots like OP want a kindergarden-tier version of history?

The tree of liberty must be watered with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Why are people trying to censor history? The civil war happened and it would be silly to not recognise the efforts and ultimate sacrifice that took place on either side of the conflicts

>not realizing the union are the traitors

how is taking down a statue censoring history? You can learn about the Civil War in books and on the internet

All tribes contradict themselves.

All combatants in both sides of the civil war are recognized and honored as as veterans.

>northerners violate southern rights
>southerners were the traitors

I'm a good ol rebel and that's just what I am
For this great land of (((freedom))) I do not care a damn
I'm glad I fought against it, I only wish we'd won
And I don't want no pardon for anything I've done

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Shouldn't the democracts train of thought be seen as one of trying to erase a bad past, and the republicans trying to have it not be forgotten?

what do you mean the northerns were traitors they literally attacked the union first

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>try to peacefully secede
>federal government won't leave fort sumter
>take it over without killing a single person
>lincoln declares total war, leads to death of over half a million Americans
>the confederates were traitors
Lincoln was the traitor.

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>they literally attacked the union first
no, the union was trespassing, faggot
and the South Carolinians didn't kill any union queers when they took over the fort

we're not the ones putting 'native American' memorials all over the place

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Lost cause of the confederacy

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by the logic in that pic, individual rights don't exist either.
didn't think that through, did you?
go back to plebbit.

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because its apart of history???

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to remind us of our past mistakes you dumb nigger

The Confederates got the shit kicked out of them. Why idolize losers?

I agree lenin and marx should be nuked in washington. Oh you mean the people who fought against abuse of government power, but wound up losing. Gee I wonder why the people against an excessively large government would be against removing those hero's statues.

>Try to rebel
>Attack federal property
>Whine like bitches for 160 years after getting raped
The Confederate cries out as he hits you

Heros won, buddy. And if the Confederates were so pro freedom why did their constitution explicitly forbid secession?

That flag represents treason, sedition, separatism, racism, and slavery. Anyone who pays fealty or homage to that disgusting flag, should be hanged by the neck for treason and sedition against these United States.

But I do agree with taking down the Lincoln Memorial.

How was it federal property if South Carolina lawfully seceded and Fort Sumter was inside their borders?

Our current Constitution also prevents secession. No state can leave the Union, and rightfully so. Any insurrection should be dealt with swiftly and harshly.

Is that what your silver pony-tailed, kike professor told you?

their ancestors were smiling at them, imperial. can you say the same?

There is no lawful secession, and there never was. South Carolina was a bastard state, and is now a part of the glorious Union.

Because revisionism is FUCKING GAY AND SATANIC.

They didn't lawfully secede. They left in rebellion and staged an attack on federal troops. The Confederacy had 0 shot o winning the war so it's retarded they rebelled to begin with

The federal government has a monopoly on force because the good guys lost the civil war.

>Dead people have any clue what's going on

South technically shot first, but north agressed first. No one was the good guy in the civil war.

It's still history, tearing down and forgetting history is retarded for any nation.
It's not like there's a statue on every street corner of Stalin or something.

>There is no lawful secession, and there never was
You obviously must recognize how authoritarian and tyrannical that is.
You know that position is both a moral and legal absurdity.
can it, smoothbrain. your "winners write the history" take is immature and nothing that a thinking man would ever say.
purely emotional blather.

>he doesn't get it
I cant even call you user

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No, as a matter of fact, I came to that conclusion by myself. If the Confederacy had won, there is no telling how fucked we would be today. We might not exist today, had they won. The U.S. economy skyrocketed with the Industrial Revolution, and inventions like the cotton gin. We would probably still use bleeding niggers to pick our cotton, instead of a far more efficient machine. You defend a movement that not only was fucking retarded, but one that lost. I suppose you believe that piece-of-shit confederate soldiers deserve to be honored to? Only the niggers who were FORCED to fight for that doomed cause should receive any sort of accolade.


By deliberate destruction of old cultural monuments of the loser you are no better than them.

Deliberate and systematic destruction of cultural heritage is considered a form of cultural genocide. The south has its history, the war fought over states rights vs federal that was later turned into a war for emancipation of slaves so that the European powers wouldn't support the CSA. For most years of the war, both sides intended to end it with slavery still being legal at the peace terms.

with years of indoctrination any symbol can mean anything
proper education will tell you where confederate values really were, but you will never seek out that knowledge will you?

The North was objectively the good guys. The south fought to preserve and expand human slavery. They richly deserved the raping they got

>No one was the good guy in the civil war.
Wrong, the Confederates were the good guys.

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>The south fought to preserve and expand human slavery
you swallowed all the blue pills, didn't you?

Not really, slavery was a very small part of the conflict and Lincoln uttery refused to make the war about slavery until the tail end of it when he was getting his shit kicked in by the south. Yeah slavery was a shitty thing, but worse then giving the fed total and complete control of states right? One lead to more suffering than the other

In 3 separate places in the Confederate constitution they require slavery to be legal, they require all new territories to be slave states and explicitly tie slavery to their cultural heritage. They did indeed fight to preserve slavery.
Maybe you should read a book, Cletus. The south started a war they could never win, predicated on the idea England and France would save them. The CSA never had prayer an accomplished nothing aside from getting their people massacred and their towns torched. What a bunch of fags

I 100% realize how authoritarian that is. But southerners need to be brought to heel. You cannot do anything about it. Legally, the rebellion that the Confederates started was completely unrightful. The U.S. Constitution was ratified, and it's government installed. The U.S. had rightful authority to every southern territory/state as ratified in the U.S. Constitution. What Breckenridge and Lee did was illegal and a rebellion against rightful authority. Morally, I would take the Union's position any day. And speaking of legalities, how legal and morally just is it is hold men, women, and children as slaves? That is the inevitable truth of the Confederate regime. You are all hypocrites.

because we need to remember who the real traitors are, or else the slavemasters will convince us slavery is good once again, using the same arguments the KKK did
>we're saving them from certain death in their savage homelands!
>we're teaching them the wonders of civilization!
>without slaves, who will do the jobs Americans won't do?

Based rational user making some inbred hicks seethe

I really don't care. None of your commie actions have changed anything. We're just waiting to fucking kill you all when you cross the line.

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When exactly was the North getting beaten? The invasion of PA was a desperation move by Lee who know full well the industrial resources ofghe South were collapsing. Gettysburg was the nail in the coffin but the population and industrial advantages of the North would have won regardless. They could have ran those Irish immigrants at the South ad nauseum.

Any day now.


The Union was the prototype for all the oppressive queer shit that we see from the Federal government today.

Nobody wants to take down the statue of Albert Pike despite the fact he has a confederate leader and politician who employed some brutal methods (spoiler: because he was a free mason)

They want to take down statues dedicated to any soldiers aka the little guys, most of which were just fighting to protect their homes and families from destruction.

Good question.

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Open a book my man. The first half of the war as a complete shit show for the north. Linclon had a set of general who were too afraid to press the advantages they had. They were pushed back at every turn. It wasn't until Grant was given command that things changed and only because of his insane meat grinder strategies. Lincoln held firm to the belief that he could reunite the nation so he always said the war was about state cohesion not ending slavery. Then Confederate diplomats were spotted with french and british officials and woop. Declare its about slavery so those guys wont back slavery

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The only conservatives here are newfag like you. This is a NatSoc board.

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>The Yankee screams out in pain as he strikes at you.

Secession isn't treason.

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why tho? why does it have to be? youre jsut edgy

Read it again, retard.

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For every statue of a confederate taken down, we should take down a modern art installation.

>The U.S. Constitution was ratified, and it's government installed.
Where in the Constitution did it say that secession was unlawful?

>they take down our statues
>we still hate them anyways

>In 3 separate places in the Confederate constitution they require slavery to be legal, they require all new territories to be slave states and explicitly tie slavery to their cultural heritage. They did indeed fight to preserve slavery.
But Lincoln started the war to preserve the union, and the South defended itself.
So you cannot logically claim that they were fighting to preserve slavery. They were fighting for their own independence, just like the Founding Fathers did in the American Revolution.
If you side with the Union in the Civil War, you side against the Founding Fathers and are by definition anti-American.

>Why do conservatives oppose taking down
The rest of the sentence doesn't matter. Look up the definition of "conservative."

The south rose up in rebellion. End of story. They richly deserved it all

>traitors to the USA
The slave trade was a jewish enterprise.
>711 AD - Jews help Moors take over Iberia
>711-1400 - Jews run all the vice in the Mediterranean, including the slave trade and even child slavery
>1492 - the year Jews were finally expelled from Spain
>1492 - the year Columbus discovers America
>1492 - the beginning of the rise of the Atlantic slave trade
>most of the Spanish merchants, traders and explorers were jews evading the inquisition

The slave trade and cotton industry were utterly run by jews. See this thread for much more:


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There's that good 'ol southern hospitality. The only person you should kill is yourself.

Don’t let anyone tell you’re not smart because you’re a nigger

Lincoln even wrote that ending slavery was only used as a reason because it had more support. Also, his plan was to ship them all back and secured land in Liberia.
Niggers as farm equipment was on it's way out with the industrial revolution.

The rebellion was just, end of story. 300,000 Yankees richly deserved to die.

And also why you're not doing shit about it.

>War is about k/d r

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The original Patriots were traitors to the British Crown. We're a nation of traitors who rebelled against their government. People can make whatever they want of the Civil War, but the southerners viewed themselves as bearing the torch of the revolution, and since we understand that 95% of the people who fought for the south didn't even have a stake in slavery and fought for their state, people with functioning brains can understand and memorialize what they did without necessarily endorsing it.

>Also, his plan was to ship them all back and secured land in Liberia.
His "plan" was to make migration completely voluntary and even then he never mentioned it after 1863 when he got laughed at by actual niggers he proposed it to.
