Does Trump still believe it's a hoax?
Just a flu bro
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Got a video of Trump calling it a hoax?
How do they keep Trump from getting exposed?
Just a flu bro
Trump was calling the dems attacking him for not doing enough to prevent a covid outbreak, a hoax. No country has this under control. There arent enough tests in the world to test everyone. Millions will die. But lets blame trump as the democratic party berns to the ground :^)
Chinese hoax, faggot.
>Does Trump still believe it's a hoax?
yeah pretty much just like the rest of us.
Italy just locked down fuck face
Fucking please quarantine me.
Dam Italy must be on one big hoax
Idiot. the hoax is that he has done nothing to fight against the outbreak.
not that the virus is a hoax. European fucking education everyone
>discord tranny detected
sage in all
I hate how journalists are allowed to twist words like this. They are the ultimate enemy of the people.
Cause they’re in on it
they are absolutely the colon cancer of society, all he has done from the start is urged common sense protocol and avoid panicking... and they run with retarded headlines like this. whatever faggots, msm is dead anyhow
Is it quarantine as in you have to stay home? Or quarantine as in you can't go to the ski resort
Because the headline implies the first but the subheading implies the second.
Has anyone actually ever visited Italy? I see pics on Instagram of Italy, but they look like CGI. Tbh here in the East Coast there are people of “Italian descent” but I’ve never seen an actual Italian. I’m thinking Italy is just CGI and filmed on green screens.
Holy fuck take your pills
He never said it was a hoax. He said the Democrat narrative is a hoax
>European fucking education everyone
lol, you really think some shitskin with a memeflag is a european?
You are doing mental gymnastics for your demented boomer idol.
Watch that whole press conference, the fucking thing also said it's only a flu and it's only 13 cases and getting cured and will be no new ones.
It's a walking disaster that should've been impeached.
it's the big lie, it is all kikes can ever do
>yeah pretty much just like the rest of us.
Go back to your containment thread /ptg/
reee impeach! What a faggot, again where did he call the virus a hoax?
Good red pill the whole world about open borders, hopefully they'll realize there's far more worse diseases that come from africa.
There you dumb animal from some fucking chinese sphere island. Do you need to be reminded that you're an irrelevant subhuman daily?
Italy doesn't exist. Prove me wrong.
very much real my dude, and the northern portion that this is heavily affecting is one of the greatest places in europe. get the fuck outside and get some sun on your face once in awhile
You are replying to a low IQ meme flag.
>I’m thinking Italy is just CGI and filmed on green screens.
Yes. They invented a country for mob movies and it became a popular meme.
We're just trolling
Like I said you just see it in films. I have yet to see concrete proof Italy exists.
All this seems to be too coincidental.
>discord tranny losing track of what account he’s posting with on his own fuckin thread
all of my keks
Yes, I said Italy is fake. You mad, shill?
This is what happens when kissing each others faces is the customary greeting. I have no doubt Finland will survive this virus as a result.
You're clearly a brainwashed believer Italoon.
Go back to your containment thread!
>a fucking thumbnail
Spastic trolling, the last refuge of an exposed shill
>needs to be reminded daily that he's an irrelevant subhuman
Trump will die in a month from the virus.
there are no subhumans, just humans and shitskins
>Does Trump still believe it's a hoax?
Everything is fine. If you don't test you cant have a problem. Those millions who are going to die in a few months... those are flu deaths.
Well now he knows the Italians are still incompetent as well.
There's a general for coronavirus. Please post in there. We don't need to give shills an excuse to make repeated topics and troll/slide threads.
Trump is replicating China's response with denial, incompetence and coverup attempts because he's a demented moron and sociopath.
Yes, brother, digits confirm. All the shitalians you see on Yas Forums are glowies, I can ensure you that Italy is a complete fabrication. You're on the right path
He didn't call it a hoax memeflag.
every EU state is doing an even worse job. at least trump stopped china flights. it's all awful though. only country that responded well was north korea
I was in Italy once visiting a vendor in Milan. Now that you mention it though it is totally possible that I was in Spain and they just spoke funny. I have no way of knowing.
>He never said it was a hoax.
This has been explained so many times. TDS is real.
Florida was first infected by tourist who traveled to Italy and now its spread to multiple cities here
Kek I'm sure you're hoping it gets that high. Too bad it only kills old people and the already ill. Maybe it could surpass traffic accident deaths if it was a bit more potent.
The video where the bc provincial health ministry breakdown is the most alarming thing a saw in this site
How much is 1% of the American population?
>every EU state is doing an even worse job.
I disagree. The EU tests a shitton of people every day.
It's almost impossible to get tested in the USA. And we are in the third month of this.
And the cases in America that somehow get discovered they have no idea how they got it. It's out there and it spreads fast.
It's not a matter of getting sick being a hoax. I am not fully aware why quarantine is mandatory and would prefer to see the methods they use to verify with 100% accuracy someone has a virus. No one is pointing a fucking harbor freight laser thermometer at me and deciding they need to pump me full of poison. If you think that's okay, you've got another thing coming.
you're a fucking braindead amermutt lefty it sounds like
almost no country in europe is testing anyone, except for in italy. you're fucking braindead
I have a 101F temperature, chest pain, and a painful cough
How fucked am I?
Relax, go to the cinema watch a movie and don't worry
16m people wouldnt be in quarentine if they would have just sunk those fucking boats
Why they mad about some coofing? Everyone coofs bro.
Do you already have a will drawn up?
Well, you're Canadian, I'd say "very fucked" in general.
Italy alone is discovering over a thousand cases daily, Muhammed.
Even Amerimutts are more European than you will ever be.