/GBG/ - Greek Borders General



Rapefugee entertainment area operated by the NGO "One Happy Family" is on fire in the island of Lesvos (several images)
Hungarian PM Viktor Orban: his government is ready to help Greece
12 immigrants arrested at athens airport pretending to be a handball team, 11 of them with fake passports and 1 had the passport of another person
Video seems to show a Greek soldier shooting towards immigrants
Turkish policemen fragrantly throw chemicals towards Greek territory while illegal immigrants cry “allahu akbar”
Lesvos locals attack NGO cars on the streets
Cars belonging to NGO members burned down - Lesvos
Spy-app "open eyez" advertised in Lesvos, it says it will help right wing groups to organize better
Excavator digging on the Turkish side of the border
Immigrants get arrested during BBC interview
videos show Turkish police shooting gas grenades at GreekBorder to help immigrants in several occasions


Attached: OneHappyFamily2.jpg (720x1065, 46.42K)

Other urls found in this thread:


This brasilBro is a pureGOD. We salute you .

Attached: Πατρις-θρησκεια-Οικογένεια.jpg (578x335, 28.72K)

>turkish orcs can't even bring a simple fence down even with armored car pulling
>shooting tear gas only to have the wind blow it directly back at them
>insult to injury: a greek cop flipped over the turkish "comandos" on turkish television while doing their show on the border
Fuck niggers, fuck kikes, fuck turco-orcs and seriously fuck those do-it-for-free jannies.

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You're going to have to kill them, what they are doing is already a war.

You are welcome greek bro, I'll ask for suggestions of places to go in Greece later lol Greece has always been on my bucket list for several reasons, maybe one day I'll pay you guys a visit and help you beat some reaches too

Hmmm. :thinkingemoji:

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Godspeed you fucking creators of the civilization

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I can't wait for war to start

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Turkey is literally attacking Greece



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Niiice, lets see if the roach coast guard will try to ram them too

From Agincourt, To Waterloo
Poiters and then Anjou
The Roses War, The Hundred Years
Through battlefields of blood and tears

From Bosworth Field, to Pointe du Hoc
Stalingrad and the Siege of York
The bloody turf of Gallipoli had no effect on the killing spree

Banocburn to Austerlitz
The Fall of France, and
The German Blitz
The cruelest of atrocities
Europa's blood is born of thee

Heaven help in all our battles
Heaven see love
Heaven help us

Bolsheviks and feudal lords
Chivalry to civil wars
Fascist rule and genocide
Now we face the rising tide

Of new crusades, religious wars
Insurgents imported to our shores
The Western World gripped in fear
The mother of all here

Heaven help in all our battles
Heaven see love
Heaven help us

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romans and greeks user. Together.

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Wtf there is like, 60% meat left on those things.

So far they have tried :
>Throwing smoke grenades but the wind blew the smoke back at them
>Digging tunnels
>Taking down the fence by pulling it with a car
Whats next? Dressing up pakis as women and trying to seduce the guards? Have they no self esteem? This shit is comical

Pic unrelated because some burger said Greek women arent beautiful

Attached: elenatsagrinou2.jpg (1313x1635, 253.61K)

Based Greece. Protecting the west, yet again

Greeks need to buy some of our sonic/microwave area denial weapons and turn them on at the border.

>Naval vessels
>Aerial planes
>Space spacecrafts
>Edible food
>Hot fire

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The pastebin has been updated with additional videos and images from the fire that destroyed the "one happy family" building, the original videos are stored in the mediafire

For more information on NGOs chech the first four lines if the pastebin, its official information released by the greek government containing the names of the founders of each NGO operating in greece and the amounts of money they have

For information on NGOs check image "NGOs2" on MediaFire folder, it has information made public by the NGOs themselves with their addresses for contacting them

Attached: -updated-.png (1152x900, 1.49M)

*Gas grenades

By the way , I have to say that compared to mossad and CIA the turks are TERRIBLE at staging stuff to get the public opinion at their side. Like , everything they have tried has been debunked. Everything. the wigs on men, naked deportations , fake photos from years ago , babies crying from gas attacks etc... Can they actually come up with a coherent plan that works before all this ends? I am taking bets.

Can I get a breakdown of what’s happening/timeline?

Oof, thats a hard one man... The pastebin has a shit ton of resources if you want to check them but this is basically how it goes

Greeks closed border
Turks keep provoking them on the Aegean and at the border
Several videos show the Turkish police shooting gas grenades at Turkish troops and more recently footage showed the turks using an armored vehicle to try and take down the border fence

NGOs had their third building burned yesterday, several of their cars have been damaged or destroyed by people and many of them are leaving greece cuz they are scared

Most refugees who cross the border are getting arrested

Whats this 'spy app'?

seems to be an app to create some sort of chat or distress warning so that right wingers would go somewhere, but it was made by a glowie and they are trying to make people use it so the police or whatever could know who is involved and where they are acting

the owner is a police officer in active duty

>cuckservative government tries to seize people's property to construct facilities for the great replacement
>the pressure cooker blows up and islanders flood the streets
>government sends riot police to enforce the demands of the NWO
>riot police returns to the mainland with bruises, severe concussions and without ego
>people thought "why stop there?" and they decide to kill two birds with one stone and go after the NGOs next
>meanwhile the Russian bear turned Erdocunt's al-Qaeda defense corps in Idlib into a red mist
>Erdocunt desperately needs a diversion so he unleashes all the worst criminals of the Midnight Express right outside the Greek border
>If our PM gives in and let's them through, he will lose power so he decides to reinforce the border for the first time in decades
>Turkish paramilitary is right outside the gates with grenade launchers, shooting smoke and tear gas at /ourguys/
>Erdocunt's Neo-Ottoman ambitions has somehow united Norf Yuros, the Balkans, Russia, even Libya and Egypt
>farmers and civvies create roadblocks, dozens of Greek corporations send equipment to the border guards, our most popular football teams come together to also provide supplies and volunteers
>Anti-NGO Kristallnacht is in full effect across the islands; cars smashed, warehouses and UNHCR camps destroyed
>PM holds his ground for now and manages to acquire EU funds but nobody knows whether the money will go to the NGOs for the damages or a brand new border fence

>Rapefugee entertainment area operated by the NGO "One Happy Family" is on fire in the island of Lesvos (several images)
>"Who is the One Happy Family?"
>"We are the non-profit association «One Happy Family» based in Burgdorf (Bern, Switzerland), which has the goal to help refugees and lead and operate the community center of the same name on the Greek island of Lesvos."
Why are you Gayreeks allowing these parasites in?

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Reminder to burn down any camps or buildings housing or supporting these invaders

Attached: you_know_what_must_be_done.jpg (660x544, 32.44K)





Let's hope this wave of success continues. Hell let's hope it lights the fires across the continent.

>Whats next? Dressing up pakis as women and trying to seduce the guards?
Spot on


>A collection of costume wigs discovered on the bank of Evros River on the Greek-Turkish land border points to an orchestrated plan to disguise male migrants as women, reports suggested on Thursday.
>The long-haired wigs were found in the area of Feres.

you would be surprised by how many of them are from Germany, Switzerland, Netherlands AND UK

the first four lines of the Pastebin links to a list of the names of the founders of each NGO active in Greece, its a project the Greeks came up with to make things more transparent, it also has the amount of money each NGO has

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Remember if any migrant gets sent back from greece they are automatically resent back to the Greek border.

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>Roaches have sent 1000 special anti-terrorist policemen to make sure we can't push their human battering ram back into t*rkey.
>they're also harassing our coast guard but our guys don't give a fuck
>our Ministry of Migration decides to stop all welfare gibs to asylum seekers so that all the welfare leeches can fuck off.
>social media fake news war is cranked to 11, MIT(Roach CIA) is desperately trying to trick the naive foreigners into thinking we're the aggressor.
>Around fifty of our Naval forces are being deployed across the Aegean to prevent the rapefugees from reaching land.
they're constantly escalating but to what end nobody's sure

Sadly, it has come to this. Burn the camps and sink their boats. They are unwanted, they know they are unwanted, and yet they continue to push in. Lack of uniforms or guns does not mean they are not hostile foreign invaders. Greece has every right to defend their country.

>A collection of costume wigs discovered
not wigs, roach women were grooming
>The long-haired wigs
roachettes trimming their pubes

>Sadly, it has come to this
It's all a matter of perspective, they escalated the invasion, you must fight fire with superior firepower

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damn, thats a nice QRD

T*rkey will become the piñata of the world.

without your support all my posts would fall in deaf ears. Thank you kindly huebrother


Paramilitary groups are constantly among the immigrants, one of their members has been exposed

Attached: paramilitary.png (619x624, 316.82K)

you can count on me brother, if you have updates or some sort of resource that you think is important and you want it added to the pastebin just tell me and I'll try to save everything, reminder that the videos cant be archived so thats why I'm downloading them and putting them on a mediafire folder


op and archiving his posts
based bra-bro brought the a game tonight

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look at this dooood

he forgot that they were acting like they were being fired at and just starts to smile

they should have hired professional actors or something

Attached: ImmigrantBeingShotAtSmiles.jfif.jpg (679x489, 71.07K)


Look at all these doctors, painters, teachers and astronauts ! They just want to pass to deliver their knowledge and culture to you ungrateful europeans

the pastebin is also mine, I have been here since this general started along with a greek user who usually uses the name Lesbro, due to timezones we can basically cover for each other when the other goes to sleep and whatnot

they just want a better place to live user, they are obviously very tolerant, educated and willing to contribute lol

all scientists most likely

Attached: ImmigrantsTryingToTakeDownBorderFenceByTyingARopeToIt.jpg (768x511, 141.24K)

>all lined up like that
I wonder how many a single .50bmg shot would shred through


now that you have mentioned it...

Attached: GM6_Lynx.webm (1920x1080, 897.47K)

also additional things from today
>last night, our greatest neighbors tried to pull the fence apart with chains attached to an armored truck that was partially funded by the EU taxpayer and us.
>all illegal immigrants caught beyond the fence will be sent to an old military base and their deportation will be fast-tracked
>Recent opinion polls are showing majority support for our PM with 85% of Greeks united against this hybrid war. For the first time in years, leftists and conservatives managed to put aside their ideological differences in these critical times and now stand united against a historical enemy of our sovereignty and European values.

Indeed. Very grateful people. They also look very civilized and pasionate to deliver their culture to all the west. Do you think they can help us with a coronachan vaccine? I heard they performing many medical operations, mostly in the head. Mostly to the people they dislike. What a big heart they have right?

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Wait - Turks were trying to tear down your border fence? Isn’t that, um, an act of war?

Jesus christ get the fucking 00buckshot and flamethrowers out

a bmg will go through 96 inches of solid wood. the human body is a lost softer then wood so I'd say you could double that safely. So 96 X 2 gives us 192 inches. Let's say one torso is 10 inches deep, so that gives us 19.2 turkroaches with one shot. And let's just say i suspect that is a low number.

Holy shit! It looks like the Orcs outside of Isengard. Or The Walking Dead.

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It's definitely an act of war but something tells me our military is awaiting the roaches to start first blood.
That or we just love to be humiliated.

well... looking at all this mess, I bet this is a smoke screen for several things that are internal problems in Turkey INCLUDING Coronavirus

Turkey says that they have 0 cases, and they have borders with Iran, which also said they had 0 cases and suddenly became #2 on Coronavirus infection, that shit is probably spreading all over turkey at this point, taking back constantinople will be a walk in the park

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it would also probably not go through the last one and simply fuck him up real good

You misunderstand kind sir. They wont bite, they want to smell you.

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hmmmm...one cannot help but notice a distinct lack of women and children in these pictures of refugees
is soros lying to me?
or are the future doctors and lawyers heroically defending the huddled women and children safely ensconced in the merckelbux camps?
>catptcha: boats

Lets FUCKING GO lads ready to coom all over some turkroaches

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They are going to need a bigger wall

>our military is awaiting the roaches to start first blood
This only makes sense, let them draw first blood then rain down all hell on them

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