Bill Maher doesn't like cancel culture now, he thinks it is "a cancer on progressivism"
What's the matter Billy, can't control the monster you created anymore?
This is only the beginning, I can't wait to see the melt down after Bernie gets bumped and Biden gets beat.
These faggots deserve everything that is coming their way.
Press C to Cancel the commies.
Bill Maher doesn't like cancel culture now, he thinks it is "a cancer on progressivism"
Has cancel culture ever actually canceled anyone? No? It is mostly an imaginary notion in the hands of assholes, who willingly fail to realize the massive power of capital? Okay,neat.
Just because you're butthurt that leftism got cucked by SJWism doesn't mean you're not guilty of being a dumb race traitor universalist egalitarian who laid the foundation for it to take off as it did
Let him continue to hang himself.
Show your flag leaf
careful with that cancer shaming, maher. you're on thin ice!
Cool, what is race?
No Broward County flag, so no go senpai.
Are you that contrapoints guy?
Probably not.
Dialectical memeterialism's blind spot
Cancel Culture only works on the internet where Jewgle and kike bankers can straight-up silence dissenters to enforce their psycho regime.
"Cancelling" doesn't work in reality because it doesn't make someone magically disappear. Well unless you're an actual psycho commie regime and can send people to the gulag...heh, yeah, the militant communist left and their allies in China could never do that here in FREEDOMLAND...
So made-up, bullshit, not-scientific sophistry to codify arbitrary social hierarchies, got it.
Fukken lel. A lot of conservative notions are based on wildly inaccurate preconceptions of the village, in which ostracization and social standing are a huge part.
Louis CK. Faggot. Quite literally cancelled for nothing.
Well cancel culture has resulted in Al Franken being pressured to retire, and now Chris Mathews leaving MSNBC, plus Roseanne getting canned.
>What's the matter Billy, can't control the monster you created anymore?
He was actually the victim of it.
He said something retarded and was cancelled for it.
Biden's top people also hate cancel culture. There are grownups on the Left too, who are coming to take over.
>So made-up, bullshit, not-scientific sophistry to codify arbitrary social hierarchies, got it.
>canceled for nothing
>masturbates in front of women
Hey dude, post your mom's facebook, so I can masturbate for her.
>There are grownups on the Left too, who are coming to take over.
>There are grownups on the Left too, who are coming to take over.
Open borders and free stuff for the world
Thanks for the laugh user
If you're not going to try to advance an argument, that's fine. Not everyone is smart and I get that. But you can be quiet so adults can talk? Try that on.
You sound like a fag. Maher is one of the only based lefties that calls out islam and pc homos.
I used to like his shown But now its almost intolerable listening to him actually speak over his guests. Shut the F up
Bill and let them say what they want to say. Get on my damn nerves
Bill Maher is very worried that Trump will refuse to leave office when his term is up. I mean, he legitimately obsesses over it, he's brought it up for discussion several times on his shows. In conclusion, Bill Maher is a fucking faggot.
Louis CK
Timothy Hutton
Ricky Gervais would've been if he hadn't outsmarted them all.
He's a huge zionist and a self-righteous faggot and probably a pedo
>broward county
>glownigger central
Oy vey color me surprised
It happens all the time in lower level media such as the comic book industry
Cancel culture wont run its course until it has ravaged the progressives. They're the ones that are driving it so it wont stop until they learn not to play with fire.
I mean, I agree with you. Women are too stupid to have personal agency, but according to our current laws, "yes" means "yes". Not louis fault if whores cant make decisions for themselves. Dont blame me, I think islam is right about women.
>cancer on progressivism
Imagine paying your cable company extra money to be fed jewish propaganda just so you can feel "rich" lmao. Americans are truly despicable.
Aziz got cancelled for going on a bad date.
>Ricky Gervais does what he has always done and people fake this huge reaction
>wow lel why wasn't he canceled
>Louis CK
Okay, post your mom's cell, I will whack off and send her a video, and we will see if that is worth canceling for
>Timothy Hutton
Literally who
Your buddy Karl Marx knew what race was, have you never read his letters?
In a letter to Engels, in reference to his socialist political competitor Ferdinand Lassalle, Marx wrote:
"It is now completely clear to me that he, as is proved by his cranial formation and his hair, descends from the Negroes who had joined Moses’ exodus from Egypt, assuming that his mother or grandmother on the paternal side had not interbred with a nigger. Now this union of Judaism and Germanism with a basic Negro substance must produce a peculiar product."
When the United States annexed California after the Mexican War, Marx sarcastically asked, “Is it a misfortune that magnificent California was seized from the lazy Mexicans who did not know what to do with it?”
Why are commies so racist?
>implying Hard Rock isn't Dade
I would say you tried, but you didn't.
Okay, so how do you tell the difference between someone being canceled and their art just being rejected by capitalism?
What kind of blackmail do they have on you?
kikes get mad when they're force fed their own medicine
I said there are, dumb australian scum.
that one user that got expelled from law school for "it's okay to be white"
user means they Twitter mob people for wrongthink and get them fired from comic book titles or blacklisted from the industry
You and your fucked-out ideology pushed for this East Berlin style of self-reporting, you silly pinko cunt. The utter ignorance of you commie maggots is astounding. You fail to accept the current state of the world when you are the very cunts that pushed it into the abyss in the first place. Self-awareness has never been a trait inherent to communists.
>implying communism hasn't progressed since Marx
Also, could you please locate that letter online? I am mostly seeing third party sources for that online, and the sources of those are dubious, to say the least.
>Self-awareness has never been a trait inherent to communists.
Some of them did have it, eventually, as they were being dragged off to the gulag to serve twenty years for some innocuous offense
>Al Franken
Frankenstein got pound me too'd.
They have feet pics. Truly tragic.
>implying that is the real story
I have no idea what you're talking about, but I can fucking assure you that's not what happened because this shit occurs all the time and it is never how fascist pieces of shit say how it transpires.
Is that what they mean? Can you read their mind?
>self awareness has never been a trait inherent to communists
Lel one of the big failures of the left in the west is this weird consistent self doubt, brought about by the over abundance of self awareness.
Why are you even in on this discussion commie fucktard? Stay in your lane, things like vodka, animal sex, shit like that
>masturbates in front of women
I've fapped for willing girls/women, the issue is willingness of the person watching.
Ok neoliberal
>Is that what they mean? Can you read their mind
Actually yes, since I used to follow the industry pretty closely and knew exactly what they were talking about. But you already knew what they meant. You're not fooling anyone.
Because I love shitting on you. It really isn't that hard.
Okay cool, so give me your mom's facebook, whose willingness is unknown. Therein lies the rub.
>in charge of knowing what words mean
Try harder
Okay, cool. Most comic books fail. That is the nature of the industry. How do you attribute some to twitter mobs when other books' successes and failures are arbitrary?
A race is a grouping of humans based on shared physical qualities into categories generally viewed as distinct by society. There is also an genetic component based on pre neolithic human migrations and breeding. Why are you denying evolution and genetics commie scum ?
>Is that what they mean? Can you read their mind?
That is what I meant
>viewed as distinct by society
That is what arbitrary means, dipshit.
I'm talking about comic book artists and writers being fired or blacklisted over their views, not comic book titles.
Commies are so lazy they can't even google for themselves.
And the best one from his friend Engles:
"Here is a bit of news for Paul; Sam Moore gives us tonight a parting dinner, he sails on Saturday for the Niger, where, at Asába, in the interior of Africa, he will be Chief Justice of the Territories of the Royal Niger Company, Chartered and Limited, with six months’ leave to Europe every other year, good pay, and the expectation of returning in 8 years or so an independent man. It was chiefly in honour of Paul that he consented to become Lord Chief Justice of the Niger Niggers, the very cream of Nigrition Niger Nigerdom."
>Whaaaaa modern marxism is sooooo different than OG marxism
Don't stay up too late, your mom has to go to work in the morning...
One day you will be cancelled via a helicopter over the Pacific Ocean.
I'll give you one of the first examples: in 2015, Curtis Yarvin (aka Moldbug) was scheduled to give a talk at the Strange Loop conference. SJWs found out he blogs about a philosophy called the Dark Enlightenment which they don't like. So they whined to the organizers of the conference who then cancelled his talk even though it was about distributed computation and had nothing to do with philosophy.
Emboldened by how easy it was to get a speaker booted, the SJWs have been amping up the attacks on free speech ever since, with our current cancel culture being the result.
THIS, except this Florida faggot will be dropped in Alligator Alley and I will be laughing as I kick him out of the chopper.
>derr idealism dont real
Lmao i hope you dont use medicine either since that starts as an idea too. Answer the question why are you denying evolution and genetics?
Is that you floyd?
Okay cool, how do you tell the difference?
It would have been far more clever of you to suggest that my mother is a prostitute and as such stays up all night, but I have come to expect little in the way of cleverness from the opponents of communism.
You have given me another quote, which is totally unrelated to the original quote, which is a complete no sequiter. You have proven to me that Karl Marx used a word in the common vernacular at the time, and nothing more.
>blah blah blah helicopter
I don't give a shit about Pinochet. Capitalism is burning half of Australia and I hope you die in it.
>we don't like notions that consider other people less than human
Wow, real shocker that was canceled. And what is to stop our dear friend Curtis from using his ideas on whatever inane thing he was talking about to digressing into misinformed notions of the world?
It starts as an idea, but it is backed up by empirical evidence, which is something that your insane ideals cannot claim to have.
Nah dawg, it is just me.