Drop redpills on CERN and their experiments from 2012 and onwards. There was a thread the other day that contained some good information, but sadly I didn't save any of it. I've seen and read about some of the occult shit they've performed, but I am interested in more.
CERN rabbit hole
Other urls found in this thread:
Is the CERN staff on lock down during Corona Virus? They must have a lot of elderly physicists.
I don't know too much but apparently they were researching some "god particle" and also the mysterious storm clouds that appeared throughout Europe was supposedly related to cern here is a video of one of these storms m.youtube.com
CERN is not doing anything special. We have used particle accelerators since 1930.
>if only you knew how bad things really are
Bumping because I'm interested.
Also bumping for interest.
OP here yeah, but the tinfoil narrative is that they fucked up somewhere and landed us in this bizarre timeline we're in right now. This kind of stuff is connoisseur conspiracy tier, don't cock your centered rationalism gun to shoot it down.
Am PhD candidate working on a dark matter search
The only redpill you need to know: everything that happens in these particle colliders happens in nature on earth at much much higher (millions) energies from cosmic-ray interactions
They are safe and nothing to worry about (unless you stand in the beam path. This happened once accidentally - the guy was fine. It is now much harder for this to happen.)
>oh shi-
fake and gay
fucking nice man, you're doing my dream job as a kid.
If I can ask you, what was that super interesting experiment in Japan where they filled a massive tank with water and they tried to capture luminescent particles? I remember reading about it but I forgot most things, it was fascinating
based and reasonpilled
You might be talking about SuperK. It is a water Cerenkov detector. It detects charge particles through a radiation they emit when they change regions of refractive index
What would have happened if he wasn't "fine" just plain old cancer or ?
CERN destroyed the world in late 2009. That was my first timeline shift, at least.
fuck reason I want the spicy shit, why is/was there so much occult shit surrounding it?
What's the last type of interaction you studied? pp-->
Yes that's the one cheers, genuinely hope you have a great career
>believes in timeline shifts
>posts anime
You can think of it as a special kind of radiation exposure, so yeah, the risks associated with that.
Nerds just straight up nerds larping it's a place with a shit ton smart but social broken people who just larped. Jocks do the same thing in fear houses .
It's real. CERN pretty much just said "lel they were just joking around"
There's more here. Who has what was posted last night?
>doesn't believe in timeline shifts
>doesn't know this is the the timeline shift anime with CERN
I have no idea. Probably because it's famous, multinational, expensive, and irresponsible journalists do things like publish about the God particle (which was just a simple kind of boson everyone knew was there for like 50 years but hadn't yet made a big enough collider to actually see it. It would have been far weirder for it to not be there)
>believes in timeline shifts
>posts anime
watch the anime
what's the name of it? Also, are shows like Family Guy and South Park considered anime? Big South Park fan here.
Fucking newfaggot. Yas Forums began as an anime board. You must lurk for two years before posting retard.
i work on an indirect dark matter search, looking for DM annihilation/decays into light antinuclei
It's not a collider experiment but I have to keep up to date on all the collider experiments because that's where the data on the cross sections etc comes from. ALso some in my group work on a CERN collider
>Also, are shows like Family Guy and South Park considered anime
Yes, but only the initial seasons.
It's Steins;gate. The main character is Reddit as heck in the beginning, but it's part of the story so stick with it. It's literally Mandella Effect the anime.
I've been here longer than you, that's a guarantee. Just because the site started as an anime board which I fucking knew by the way doesn't mean people can get away with posting shitty anime on Yas Forums. ON Yas Forums Fucking newfaggot.
I remember this anime being way better the first time I watched it. Recently rewatched it and it doesn't seem the same. Did ((they)) alter it?
This guy knows what he's talking about.
I'll add that a research lab is crawling with inquisitive smart people, it's not a good hiding place.
Thread devolving into anime arguments when it had interesting potential :(
Makes sense. I might check it out because the mandella effect is interesting af to me.
What changed?
Prove it faggot
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fuck me i lost this argument
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cern are based
fuck all jewish lives
It was May 2009
Anyone remember they were peering into another dimension or something and saw something like a "demon dolphin". I swear I remember that.
Guys, this is why we have
Anyone play DOOM? This seems like the DOOM storyline. Always made me wonder...
I saw the biggest shift a few months later.
two alt-255's before the top triangle stops it from looking like you posted originally when people copy and past the triforce. I said that because I don't have a keypad on this keyboard.
Try to research on the "Iranian cathyon machine", long story shorts it suppusedly generated some king of gravity field able to bend space/time and show images of things to come. After it was created the author vanished, Iran denied all, the good'ol cover up. Also the urban legend John Titor, the time traveler posted a lot of info an anagrams on the actual Hadron Collider and theoretic science that has'nt been debunked yet.
John Titor succeeded in altering the timeline
Just by the way he misues the words supernatural and dimension you can see this guy is no occultist, 0/10
Is that thumbnail Harry Potter Gmod RP?
I hate that I am of a rational constitution and that you are probably right. Yesterday some user posted a lot of interesting stuff however, I still hope he chimes in.
I read this as CBRN and is now disappointed
Oh, that's interesting. We may never know what that stuff is. Anyways, I hope you're not blue pilled. I know a number of physicists who know the relevant facts. But most are the same as everyone else.
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There is no CERN conspiracy. Nothing but fake burger video about a fake sacrifice.
CERN conspiracy is nothing burger OP.
All CERN does is science tests for the better of the world, with scientists with minds clear like 500 year old fish.
This is nothingburger.
google "the first website on the internet" and read about who made it
bump, weak so far
I think we'll know what dark matter is within 30 years
idk what you mean by blue pilled but I do vote trump (which is rare in my field)