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dump didle

he clearly has early stage dementia. So this is the best the US can find to be President?

No. We have Trump. Who is unironically the best Western leader at this point.

The DNC must be sweating bullets right now. He's only gonna get worse. Imagine how bad the debates are gonna be.

Nobody wants to get chewed up and spit out and their political career ruined. Dems are waiting till trump's 8 years are up. Wouldn't be surprised if they spend about nothing on campaigning


There's more gravitas when you state reality: This is the best the deep state establishment/intel agencies can find to be President?

Trump winning was a good thing. It exposed just how fucking incompetent the people running the show are.

Like Hillary he's going to get softballs anyways.

Joe was never supposed to win, he's just a smokescreen for Hillary when she drops in to attempt saving the DNC. Her and Bernie will rehash their 2016 match and Bernie will cuck yet again.

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poor guy. you can see it unraveling around him. i think right now he still thinks he's making normal mistakes but you can tell he's getting more desperate.

The Democrats know that they cannot win and he is complete a sacrificial lamb.

Panic in Dem-land. Whoever pushed all those candidates to fold in favor of Joe is looking pretty bad. Thanks, Barack.

they're all kike puppets being dangled around by the jew.

Nice hairy legs mr biden.

>Democrat begs the news media to please stop focusing on the negative aspects of the primary or Trump will win again

Its just such poetic justice. Trump won and we had the news bash him for four years over topics such as sexual conduct, and scoops of ice cream, but when it happens to the democratic party, their response is for the media to stop doing it. The dems really just cannot face facts, that the news media is a fucking joke that deserves to be bashed. The news media is literally a system based on paying people the more dirt they get on them. Positive news is only a highlight on a slow day. If Biden's message was "fuck the news media, its fake bullshit", he would be able to beat Trump when the time came. Once again, a loss due to being too half hearted.

Trump is going to eat this old man alive onstage my god

He was the only member of the pedophile elite that felt like running. Bernie must have burned some very high up bridges.

isn't there a law that if you get impeached and it fails you get to run for an extra term?
if so he has 8 more years

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its just musical chairs bullshit to try to give it to warren. buttghey was allegeldy winning then sanders now bidden but each get torn down

i told you faggots forget abpout all the otehr candidates and destroy warren. even when the media dont mention her. democrats selected a candidate that never campaigned and didnt even have signs up in sc a few years ago for their state level primary (not presidential election) and were stuck with a guy who wasnt good at public speaking running for some position i forget which seat he was running for . might have been governor

Oh nononono bros we need biden to hold on one more week! That’s it! Way easier win for trump
literally what did he mean by this

We just need to drag Biden’s Alzheimer’s ass across the finish line of the dem primary. This is how we get trump re-elected.

Imagine being a passionate Democrat voter right now, whatever that means these days.

Look who it is again, ID Heaven. I'm fed up with your shit faggot. The other day when you called me a newfag, yeah, haven't forgotten about that yet.
Fuck you I've been on here for months and probably get on here more than you anyways. Don't you know that you make yourself look like a newfag when you call others newfag?
Just because you learned how to hack your name and change it to "Heaven" does not give you the right to disrespect anyone at any time.

I kinda feel bad for him. He clearly isn’t right and should be spending time with his family

I'm not sure Biden'll make it to November.

this is great because its his subconscious speaking. he knows deep down Trump is gonna win

Yeah. These aren't "blunders" or "mistakes." He makes way too many of them. The shit he says makes zero sense.

Wow.. this is getting sad at this this point.

the only reason why biden is winning is because he is NOT campaigning. when he does he fucks up and loses votes. that is why he won massachusetts, maine, and those non-black shoulda been bernie states.

>people want to see this person to rule the most important country in the world
why are biden voters so retarded?

They fear Bernie because they know Bernie would unironically drain the swamp.

Man, this is a wild ride.

sorry we don't like to use slurs like retard or nigger
we prefer "low-information voter".


Is this how Hillary gets elected?

Ah yes, the old
>I'll endorse the most corrupt human being >no refunds

Deep state obviously wants Trump to win.

all day all week tripledubs. noice.

he's faking it. if he wasn't running he'd be indicted on charges with the burisma deal. now that people think his brain his gone they probably won't go after him


Can't wait for Trump's reply to this

This is very obviously him talking about how if Democrats don't unite and focus on issues then Trump will be re-elected. It's not even out of context this time, the context is right in the video. I know you magatards are acting in bad faith but I can't help but let you know people don't care about these smear attacks, find a new strategy cause this is pathetic

Putin still numba one
Trump is ok tho

MIGA 2020

He was trying to say they need to win the re-election because it's a campaign with an incumbent.
Than he tries to explain by saying only Trump can be re-elected, not him.
He is not hallucinating, just having a hard time expressing himself.

Looks like that's how it's going to play out

They run biden, biden announces hillary as VP, biden is clearly incompetent/senile and will be removed for yasss hillaryyyy

that's what the libs are going to bank on winning them the election, and by doing this they keep hillary out of the spotlight so she isn't going to debates, looking bad in front of everyone, etc. it's biden who is and everyone will know biden's going to be removed immediately

Hillary's running for president again and using biden as her proxy

Kosher senile candidate tellin it like it is.

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man you are one bold faced motherfucking liar. i pity you

Biden is so corrupt
Reaped billions for his senpai and cronies
Was put in place to ice deals
Lock in victory
Fucked it all up
Shitted the bed with his reprobate offspring
Dissed in 2016
Owes billions to every other corrupt player that enabled him for the last 40 years
Can’t deliver
Not allowed to quit
Can’t win
Only humiliation awaits him (even if he did somehow win)
His alzheimer’s is a blessing he doesn’t deserve
He should be fully aware of his long spiral into hell, and his son’s

Funny thing is, Congress would have to go full democrat as well. If they aren't, 25th amendment could easily be invoked.


You should hear the biden ads on the brother stations radio stations in tampa st pete. Low IQ ads for early biden voting. Fking hilarious

Holy shit what a blast from the past. Is heaven even a thing here still?

Love that guy laughing his ass off in the background.

>Biden will punch Trump in one of the debates
Screencap this. It's going to happen.

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I'm not sure he will either. He's fucking up all the time. Also, there will be a public health scare.

Yet the betting odd map still looks like this
what gives?

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Everyone with a fucking brain knows the following two facts:
1. Bernie is more popular than Biden
2. Biden has the backing of the DNC/Deep State and all the votes are being rigged to give Biden the nomination

That might actually be enough to unify the dems

No one in real life cares about muh fake Biden dementia, if you stepped outside internet echo chambers you'd know


>1. Bernie is more popular than Biden
Only among young, middle class whites.

But this is about it state-by-state, surely Biden's lead isn't gonna be that high right?

How is it rigged if he never receives more than 30 percent of the votes in most states? That was true even before the others dropped out.

Not an argument, retard

Holy shit this is bad

No, amongst everyone.

You're an actual idiot if you believe blacks and old people are voting for Biden

Seriously; Gullible moron. That's you.

Jew Deep State Elites will literally prop up Biden (remember Hillary being dragged into a van after a speech) because that is their guy.

They better hope Sanders comes from behind and gets the nomination.

This is some tremendous cope

No one likes the socialist, get over it

you should _quite literally_ kill yourself, worthless faggot


It is all about trying to mitigate the loss. bernie would be a catastrophe down ballot

the Deep State isn't run by the best and brightest. Just people who stuck around and kissed enough butt to get promoted.

Bet nigga
Sanders is fucked next Tuesday bc nigholes like Missouri and Michigan are voting
best he'll get is Washington state, and that's gonna be a close call

>Bernie is more popular than Biden
You are in fucking Canada retard. If you actually get off the computer and talk to people IRL in the states you'll see most VOTERS don't like Bernie.

Hilldawg was 1000% more functional than this old fuck.