Why do women get angry or insult guys who intentionally abstain from sex?
Why do women get angry or insult guys who intentionally abstain from sex?
they dont
probably, depend on the guy. if a normie abstains from sex then no one would give a shit. if a rich/attractive guy gives up sex then it would probably piss woman off.
Because it takes away any leverage that they can have on him lol
Never happened, they move on to the next one.
Without them being the object of lust they don't know how to operate.
Women lack agency, they need people to react to them to have power.
Because they regret being hoes and didn't know purity was an option. They got wrapped up in dick-riding culture before they stopped and said "Is this really the cause I want to identify with?"
It shortens their options. If you are ugly, they feel slighted. If you are attracted, they feel deprived. These are all possibilities The main reason, I think, is because it reminds them of the differences between men and women and makes them feel inferior. I do not believe women experience positive side-effects to semen retention like men. If a women abstains it is because she does not want to be punished by God, the men in her life, or venereal diseases. I am less creative when I am having sex. I am able to devote my best energies to intellectual pursuits, take acuter pleasure in geometry, arithmetic, piano, philosophy and so on when I am both retaining my semen and exercising regularly. Retaining your semen and exercising both put men into a mental state of hyper- or at least heightened-focus which makes said intellectual activities acutely pleasurable. I do not believe women are familiar with these kinds of experiences. I do not think semen retention is good for all men, but for intellectual types whose main drive in life is the accumulation of knowledge, it is preferable.
Same reason they dont like fags. They know their pussy has no sway and theyre bitter about not cruising on easymode.
Retaining semen causes prostate cancer.
post proof
Men don't intentionally abstain from sex, just like how women don't abstain from not having sex, our roles are different and you're typically seen as a loser if you can't have sex as a male, no you're not saving yourself, the truth is you're being forced into that position and to save face you make up these bullshit excuses that no one is going buy, so it's only natural that females see men who abstain from sex as losers, no she's not mad just looking down on you.
They may think that such guy is a faggot or has a micro dick. Little do they know that animal pussies are way better than human ones.
>Men don't intentionally abstain from sex
So celibate religious types don't exist?
thats a cherry picked minority, we should all be under the assumption that we're talking about the majority of people, thats like saying people can't be trusted because thieves exist, you know as well as i do that everyone is not a fucking monk.
This pretty much. Also that women learn that they can have sex anytime they want so being turned down is extra traumatic
I'll believe that with blind faith
Never said they were, I am just saying that there are many reasons as to why someone would not want to be promiscuous that are personal to them that may not necessarily relate to them being ugly or something similar to that.
after a quick search its basically that when surveyed guys who ejaculated more were less likely to get cancer but they didn't test other factors which is of course that guys who have sex are likely more healthy than guys who are not.
Yes. I would love an answer to that question.
no girl ever complained about this ever. ever
I got a whole folder sitting right here
virgins are people no one wants to fuck and its healthy for society to ridicule their undesirable traits.
okay, but the problem is that it is not acceptable to ridicule women for any of their undesirable traits.
Because sex is the only power they wield that men don't already wield more effectively. By abstaining from it, you are jeopardizing their most successful means of controlling others.
How many of you live in the real world?
They won’t care unless you’re desirable
This is the kind of dump I look forward to in the evening.
wtf is this news story
That is just what incel/MGTOWs think they do. They really don't. Why would they when they can always find a guy who will have sex with them?
True a girls were mad when i"m wasnt paying attetion to their advances on me.
Listen. I may not be voluntary celibate, but i will certainly not waste energy and time into degenerate sex just to "save face". Better to use that energy productively into improving myself / my family / my community etc.
Sex is first and foremost to procreate. Everything else is degenerate.
They need you to find them sexually desirable, even if they won't have sex with you anyway
>the only significance she'll ever have
women can always whore themselves, but women wont be able to find guy who will support them long term.
I dont know what youre talking about but I am going to assume if you dont fuck themthey start realizing how worthless they actually are.
Incels are NPCs by default
You cant even live right lmao
women are the gatekeepers of sex
men are the gatekeepers of relationships
Sometimes Incels get hated on but they're honestly such an insignificant population. Disenfranchised males without a reason to plug into society occur more frequently, and it would not be fair to conflate the two. Women cannot handle rejection in the slightest, and why would they? Any female from the ages of 18-25 roughly speaking has acquired everything she has because someone has given it to her. This is why they handle money so poorly, and why many have issues with dating only assholes. Literally born living life on easy mode. Men have to work at it, and when many of them decide they won't play the game at all, it does make them a MGTOW not an incel. Not to mention the fact that a lot of MGTOW are formerly married men.
Do you think we have something to learn from men who have succeeded? If yes, do you think it is possible to learn something from men who have failed? If the battle of the sexes really is a game that is stacked in the favor of women, I would at the very least entertain their ideas.
>sex is the only thing that matters pertaining to an individual's mental and spiritual state.
okay fag. at least incels are guys.
I'm just dumping shit now. Fuck it. This is now a woman hate thread.
>if a rich/attractive guy gives up sex
Wealthy handsome fags provide ironic burn.
The same reason men get angry when women don’t cave to pressuring them for sex.
Sage glow nigger faggot
Women only insult you if they don't physically fear you. Make them physically afraid of you.
RIP Phil Hartman
a woman’s only true value is sexual, and deep inside she knows this. to be turned away in a sexual advance cuts her deeper than any serrated blade wielded by her jungle lovers. it’s simple and universal and always true in every case.
I have my wife for semen retention purposes.
Evidently she was quite good at it before we met.
Women take it as a personal insult. Just like about everything else.
>just intimidate her user
>intimidates random gym bunny
>1000 white knights come to her aid to kick the living shit out of you leaving debris all the way from the ab machine to your car in the parking lot
how exactly do you propose MAKING an individual afraid of you? We're all playing the same game of Mexican Standoff where everyone is pointing the lawsuit gun at one another. They're a protected class. So yeah, while your dicking around trying to make people scared of you, I'll just stick to looking scary, and being nice to people because they're people.
>tfw ex's name is Maggie
Dodged a fucking bullet
the sad reality for the moment is that if you want children at some point, you do have to find a woman to pair bond with, and judging by the relative age of the users of the board, very few of us are in the position to do that.
Mgtows are incels in denial. And incels are always right
Anyone hungry for Arby's?
Karen Pic and talking abstain sex . ..
Yea you should abstain
Nigga, I am reasonably handsome and intelligent. Not some incel (not that anyone who is should take insult from that word, shaming someone for not partaking in mindless sex based on retarded criterias is absurd if you're actually not a brainlet NPC), I've had reasonable options and experience for my age. Any time I've rejected women, with intent or not (I swear by the creed of furious shitposting irl regardless of the gifts on genetics the gods bestowed upon me), they're bewildered and furious. Literally had girls go from essentially saying "wanna fuck?" to sperging out in the next second because I am sadly not apebrained enough to ALWAYS eat the banana when it's thrown to me. Fuck your hoe apologism, bants are eternal.
Because all of their power comes from the promise of sex.
To my girlfriend, it was a pleasant surprise. Almost thought it was too good to be true. Thots probably get mad cause it nullifies their one power.
That Seinfeld episode with George is bullshit. Stupid idiot.
Men are much worse. If they don't get sex then they become violent and still call women whores. Men are very stupid, simple creatures.
you're conflating volcel with incel. there are several prominent members of the online MGTOW community who are former husbands and are merely using the internet as their outlet for the transgressions they were initially, and unwittingly the recipient. some MGTOWs aren't even volcels, they don't mind spinning plates and getting their rocks off. I prefer to spend as little time with women as I can muster.
>incels are always right
well that's just a fallacious statement in and of itself.
They don’t op. Men who abstain from sex aren’t on their radar.
Because women know that all of their power is rooted in their sexuality, and without it they’re just inferior men.
Spotted the hole.
Most niggers have sex yet are extremeky violent proving you wrong simp
Is it really that foreign to you to conceive of such an individual who has pair bonded with women, found no good to come of it after a cost-benefit analysis, and then choosing to remain single. why is it important for you to frame men as these fragile characters who are incapable of being told no. A lot of them do have high sexual drives, fewer call them whores, and even fewer become violent.
Based and coomer pilled
100% this.
Women push the "HAVE SEX" meme so they can spread the ultimate cuck mentality of men giving them half a million or more in child support over the course of 18 years. As long as there are no consequences for women, they will continue to push this greedy meme. Nasty, selfish roasties should all be killed. Unfortunately murder, even when its totally justified, is still illegal.
I have no clue. I reached a point in my life where I stopped trying to understand people who don't even understand themselves.
Perhaps subconsciously they realize it's the only thing of value they have to offer so that's the only thing they can deny a man, afterall, you don't hear them threatening to cut a man off of a fun conversation, financial support, or even basic friendship.