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Mamma Mia!

It feels comfy

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>announcing dates for when the quarantine will begin

Why does it seem like governments are going through the motions in regards to this outbreak? Is it pure incompetence? Globalist greed? Do they fear the people more than the virus?

Why does it feel like every authority figure is having a half baked response?

They want it to spread. China absolutely did not want it to spread, but the west does obviously. Not sure why yet.

They are buying all avaible masks and intentionally spread the virus, to make sure world goes down with China.

Someone leaked an early versione of the document


China gave a few days notice before Hubei was locked down, millions left





Godspeed Italians.

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I do believe chinese new year already beat Italy to that friend

Italians should be shoot at sight.

Mama mia a pasta nigger shoah!

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Globalist greed first and foremost and secondly sheer incompetence, pic related

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Porco dio

Best Korea needs to manage coronavirus - they would've put all these potential infectors down without any hesitation. I can't believe how lax the west has been

Imagine the panic that will follow. It's going to be glorious.

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China did not react perfectly, but welding people into their apartment buildings showed they were at least making an honest effort.

yeah I wonder what happened to 3 day incubation LMAO

Now wait a minute, what is the point of quarantining a region if you're going to let people leave beforehand?

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Sounds like NEET heaven.

Bro for all we know there’s no damn virus or if there is it’s not even deadly, it’s just new. The way western countries are handling this is bullshit. Most things point to this being a chest cold with a .3ish mortality rate, but it’s new so people are freaking out, myself included. Maybe the governments know this, and are playing along because they know this is a great cover for the world economy going down. There’s a lot of unknowns and fake bs with all of this. Have you seen most of the videos from china? They look like bullshit. Not all, but a lot.

Bella puta!


>The French
These are truly dark times...

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Only it was a Paki in Chinese restarant, but that would be racist thing to say, so lets all just pretend it was an Italian guy in Italian restaurant. Fucking SJW leftist SCUM die.

>Most things point to this being a chest cold with a .3ish mortality rate

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Democracy proceeds similarly to natural selection. The traits it selects for are those that promote success in labyrinthine bureaucracies and western style elections, which necessarily come at the expense of the ability to solve problems like a normal human (which requires humility and rationality). The cohort comprising successfully elected western leaders has been aggressively optimised since the advent of democracy for supreme narcissism, selfishness, and magical thinking. Where they can even be convinced it’s a problem, western leaders unironically think they can make it go away with charismatic speeches and increasing GDP number.
Donald trump is a perfect example - he blew away the competition in the elections by saying the right things and not backing down in the face of overwhelming opposition. Now he thinks he can fix coronavirus with the same techniques.

Maybe because they want people to freak out and start rioting? I don't know maybe because this virus is more worse than it seems and they truly want to contain it, I think it takes about 20 days for someone to feel the virus so all the people fleeing might have the virus and spread it to other parts of the world

>implying they will lift it

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There isn't. They're fucking incompetent morons.

Don't think goyim, everything is under control. Now make sure to keep working for Mr shekelburg, he needs the economy to recover from those foolish panickers!

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Chinks literally had 5-6 hours between the announcement of the lockdown and the enactment of the lockdown IIRC, but during that period still a shitload of people managed to escape. But they sent people after them to "retrieve" them, and most of them did get sent back to Wuhan for Quarantine, most being reported to the authority by their neighbor.

>Evacuate Northern Italy
>A million sandniggers move in from the Turk/Greek Border

But user, preppers are crazy, unhinged people! Nothing bad ever happens!
Imagine how many blue pilled dumbasses are regretting all their life choices right now.

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>16 million people used to live here. Now it's a ghost town.

We really should shut the world down for like 2 weeks. it would limit the virus spreading, make it easy to identify and isolate new cases, prevent people from making a mad dash to stock up on supplies for a year, just 2 weeks worth of food is all you need, and limit the panic and economic damage to right now as opposed to slowly spreading it out for the next few months

I’m going to make 280k on my puts next week
It will all be for moot
I am laughing at the futility of it all now

Why the fuck are Italians eating takeaway Chinese when they have the best >MUH SPAGET available to them?

No need to worry burger, it's just terroni doing god's work and fleeing like rats to the shithole they crawled out of

>corona thread on Yas Forums
>thinking you're safe from THE GAME

This reminds me of The Stand when the general orders code Troy.

It's a mixture of incompetence, maliciousness and putting the economy before everything else.

>two week quarantine
>for a virus that can incubate for 3 to 6 weeks without symptoms that can evade tests



Exciting, isn’t it?

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Bopity boopy

No shit. Sounds like a sure way to speed up the spread.

Macaroni fail

They actually do not even know. 1 day, 4days,14days. I say its 3 to 5 days and most people lie they felt nothing.

Just punched a hole in my wall; youre such a nigger GOD DAMN IT

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It was also announced in the middle of the night so most people missed it.

Nothing ever happens...

>all those infected leaving


Don’t fear the reaper

>he west does obviously. Not sure why yet.
They want to blame the coming stock market correction on outside factors, thus the over hyped media scare - they will use the corona virus to explain why the stock price levels plummet, though with the over valuation this was inevitable - With it being a Trump re-election year, they want to blame anything but business for why stocks are dropping.

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That is why you don't announce shit, you just do it, in less than 24hs soldiers appear on the entrance of your town and shoot everybody who tries to leave, no question
The state show always this kind of incompetence retardness, it just happens than in the face of a crisis people can see it in full display

its gonna be fun when they will pray to return in the north as soon as they need to be put in hospital

Related OC

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Washington state has a 16% mortality rate tho user.

looks like the jig is up

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Cleanse our grey population so get out of promised benefits

accelerating the spread

that's just normal for WA though.


Being right isn't always all it's cracked up to be.

Stay in fucking quarantine dumb retards. I swear if I'll hear someone talk with a northern accent I'll shot them on the spot.


Time to split up and recreate the kingdom of Naples, bro.

With an H for you autists

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>Being from the country that will do nothing until everyone's dead probably and Trudeau is on Aga Khans island.
Kek, good luck also user.