I hate my race

I hate my race.

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Mexicans are genetically superior to people from paraguay.

change my mind

i dont hate any of you in your home country.

but i sure do when you come here


I hate your race too

Can't be as bad as blacks...

idk i love being white. white privilege is great.

atleast you're smart enough to realize it.

I hate your race too

at least you'll never be a nigger

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It's ok fren. Just stay in your country and noone will hate you but love you and support you.

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the issue is that slide threads are most appealing to redditors, so all the newfags respond. this is why pol sucks rn

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smelly dumb
beaner scum

ofc you're a self-hating Mexican incel who's been on Yas Forums for years and years and believing anything these retards post.

If you hate your race, then find ways to improve it.

For starters: Do something about your nigger & coalburner problem

You are a true cuck, hating your own race. Why don’t you do us all a favor and an hero.

Stop being a faggot man, those retarded faggots nuNazis are all mutts themselves, it's just triple-agency propaganda trying to stir up ultra-liberal commies vs ultra-nationalists in some crazy civil war. Don't eat the nuNazi trans-Aryan pills.

What a coincidence, i hate your race too

Whats the alternative, tho?

Imagine being in whitie's shoes but 100x worse with even less informed heathens. We don't have the jew problem and people are more community based, true, but spics do not need the help

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If you're going to hate your race you might as well become a Christian, part from your kinsmen, deny race and racial allegiance, and align yourself with a new multiracial group of God's Chosen traitors working to undermine all races for their Jewish masters. The goal of a racially-aware person shouldn't ever be the hatred of your race, but to love it despite its flaws, and desire to improve it. My race is Christian, eager to serve the Jew for a pat on the head and his promise of Heaven. Quite a severe flaw, and the world reflects it. You can hate the flaws and love them.

Gay and faggotpilled

75% french 25 % Arabic from my half father
i look white so i am not considered as being a minority shit by people who don't know
I shouldn't be a son of mixed in a normal Europe
You can only vote for change in your country nothing else.

You have some European blood.
Mexican culture is pro-family and religious.
Keep your chin up, user.

Likewise. I'm moving back to Peru, my true home. I don't understand why my mother decided to come here.

Meh, I consider myself white because I have a good job yet I'm a 35 year old virgin.

Being spic is not inherently bad. Being nation wrecking illegal spic is. Know the difference.

Based and reasonablepilled

I gotta be honest I really do too
Spics I mean, I love being white.
The worst part is even a nigger won't look you straight in the eye, tell you he understands and then sit there with his thumb in his ass until someone tells him in Spanish
I swear 90% of "fluent" English speaking spics don't how a fucking thing they just know how to nod.

it's never too late to pay a bitch but if you wait for your true wife i respect that

What the fuck are you doing here user.
You want to get a KYS.

>I have a job, therefore i am white

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The best part is the Republican flag

stfu 80% whitoïde
20% nigger to make this post

I dunno, I might tried to get laid later this year.
>I'm a 35 year old virgin, therefore I'm white

why would you hate people that shit up their own country, and not your own? you dont have to interact with them daily.
why would you bother hating them?

i dont want them anywhere near me. and i hate hearing people speaking foreign languages around me

North american goblino vs south american uruk-hai, such a battle

But you are technically a mutt with a disgusting coalburner mother ... so...

Cope with a pic, maybe?

It's your job to improve it, you nigger.

Left wing post:
Right wing post:

Who cares, judging someone by their actions of their culture/race is retarded anyway.

>coward flag
this post made me want to filter every straya flag

I fucking love Mexicans and have always lived in Mexican neighborhoods
They take care of there shit
They keep an eye on the neighborhood
They mind there business
They are genuinely pleasant and polite
They have bbqs every weekend when the weather is nice and invite everyone over
They are family oriented
The worst thing I have experienced in the 20ish years I have been living in the Mexican part of town is drunk uncle Paco passed out on his front porch.

>1 post by this ID


>they play their shit music loud everyday and night
>they destroy neighborhoods by loitering and littering them with trash
>every house and neighborhood that were owned by whites have been shitted on by mexicans by shitting them with their shit non-existent culture
>Mexicans are more entitled and tribalistic just like jews, even dna tests haven proven mexicans containing sephardic jewish dna (aka the brown kikes)
>Mexicans bring their criminal behavior and the reason for high crimes in once safe neighbors, par with niggers.

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>par with niggers.
Lets not get ahead of ourselves here.

Goat fucker

It's almost like you have no idea what you are talking about and are just parroting bullshit you read on stormfront.

cope harder spic, join the rest of your padres and fuck off back to spicxico.

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Sad lets say the n word.

It's true though. I grew up in the hood. Mexicans hate niggers though which is based but they are just about as dirty. Nothing but gang infestations and the paisas play their loud bands shit all night. They treated me like a king though so fuck it

>cope harder
And you speak from experience I assume?

>They treated me like a king though so fuck it
the clever el-spic disguise. The spic bandit strikes again!

>everyone is always having a good time and they treated me really nicely

Sounds awful


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No need to. Everybody's got their own problems and asshole people to deal with.

Sure sucks to be you. At least you're not Peruvian

Had a Argentinian and a Peruvian friend that i used to talk to, both chill people. Wonder if you and the other Argentinian guy met my Peruvian friend, how would the conversation go lol.


I just want to say that OP makes a valid point and is also built for tiny mexican cock

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