Wow...this really says a lot about American public schooling

Wow...this really says a lot about American public schooling...

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What does it say? Niggers are shit parents?

Nigger asking for more gibs


>I ain't got no punsole

>Cause ain’t nobody washed my uniform

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the affirmative action poetry

It's a white person.
>Joshua T. Dickerson.

Ayo hol up

Maybe in skin, not in spirit

How is this a school's fault? There shouldn't even be publicly funded education.

>"Cause ain't nobody washed my uniform"
>public schools
These fucking liars deserve no sympathy.

I'd bet that's still a nigger. They're not all named derkshawndrick.

You're right. It says a lot when the only structure, and order many black children receive is from their school.

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Kek this whole thread

nigger name

you clearly don't know niggers

Ain't ain't a word

And I ain't gonna say it

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It’s a disgrace, America was built on the bodies of Black Americans

>i ain't got a pencil
never should have come here

There are public schools that have uniforms.

>Baltimore City

All caused by low iq. You know it’s true.

>I had to do basic functional things
>praise me

Lmao it's says a lot about the niggers absent father and druggie mother

What IQ do europeans regress to again?

Not even, the nigger put on dirty clothes and didn't think to make toast


pathetic... breakfast doesn't rhyme with pencil

Does anyone else absolutely hate 'poetry' that doesn't have any kind of rhyme in it at all? Haiku is an exception but I hate this poetry so much I wish a car would drive through the wall and hit the person who wrote it.

a lot of black schools in the inner cities require uniforms. so they can seem more civilized.

And everyone stood up and clapped.

That nigga ain't 12 lmao

You can find a pack of pencils for $1
He means to tell me he can't scrounge up $1 somewhere from the mountain of gibs and walk to the store to buy a pack? Ask a friend for $1? Hell, most teachers would gladly give up $1 if the student was really going to use it to buy pencils.
in conclusion
fuck niggers
fuck kikes

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Shame about the genetic IQ. :(

Fake news.
Joshua Dickerson is a 40 year old from Atlanta.
>Viral poem, 'Cause I Ain't Got a Pencil,' was not written by a Baltimore student

Well she didn't say current student...

Wow so it took a 40 year old nigger to write a middle school tier poem. As expected of blacks.

maybe they shouldn't be hiring Board of Edumacation niggers that embezzle school money like they did with the county.

Yeah , tell your scumbag parents to get a fucking job, no one ever helped my family and now that I make money i am sick to death of paying for shitty peoples kids to go to school. I hope that whole family drowns and since they are nogs, it could happen.

I don't think not having electricity is "basic functional things"


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No, it wasn't. And the only slave owners were circles. Nigger.

I'm doing just fine, poorfag. Get a job and stop reproducing.

Now tell that nigger to diagram any of those non sentences.

It's because uniforms dont highlight wealth inequality and discourage bullying the poor nights. and then the nogz dont need to worry about buying school clothes

I teach at a Title 1 school. It's awful. I have gone through 700 pencils this year because kids can't be expected to bring their own. They break them on a daily basis and stick them in their butt cheeks and try to hit each other with them. I am not kidding you. The destructive force of these "students" is astounding. This is my first and only year doing it.

>woke up today
>everything is great
>I can walk outside, and get to feel safe
>no one steals my shit, while I'm away
>no trash in the street, no shit on the sidewalk
>no car alarms, or people yelling for no reason
>even got a functioning society
>cause we ain't go niggers

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How did he write it then?


Literally a statement about how irresponsible black people are, yet they'll blame white people or "the system".

>white kids in Baltimore

>America was built on the bodies of Black Americans
America only had slavery for 80 years faggot. America was built by the industrial revolution.

People should have to pass tests to be allowed to reproduce.

What are you planning to move on to?


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They require school uniforms in black communities because niggers want to flash their gang colors and steal other niggers shoes.

I like this kid, it’s like a PSA on how bad niggers are as parents and how stupid niggers are
>no alarm clock
Your crackhead momma can’t afford a $10 clock?
>aint nobody wash my uniform
Wash it yourself u little nigger. Niggas got a dirty cloths bin but no clock.
>cus the lights ain’t on
Again what is your crackhead momma doing? Can’t afford a fuckin electricity bill. Maybe she shouldn’t have let some dirty big dump a load inside of her. She should have at least got his name so she could try and get some child support
>cus my momma ain’t home
This fucking crackhead sheboon. It’s before school, so like 8am, and you’re not home? We know u ain’t out working at that time. Probably passed out in some crack den with a needle in her arm
>good breakfast
Why’s this nigger complaining about his school when they provide more then his own parents

These fuckin niggers man, how they treat their own fucking kids makes me sick.

Unfortunately, this is exactly how a lot of kids function through life. Once you look outside the gated communities or suburbs, there are kids are going through shit. It seemed cliche when other caseworkers would say school lunch and breakfast were the only meals most kids would have. But it was and is true. And the abuse and neglect, there's no wonder the dysfunctional communities. It crosses racial lines, I have personally seen horrificly impoverished and abused kids of every color.


I used to know that feel
Till Obama came around and shit got real

there's a reason half the teachers at any poor school are old substitutes teaching classes they aren't experts in. anyone that can is leaving ASAP.

That niggers are shit poets?

>crack den
>with a needle in her arm

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>Joshua T. Dickerson
You expect me to believe there's a black kid named just plain Joshua in a Baltimore public school.

They blame white people, the government, schools, the electricity company, the "system". Blacks have no sense of responsibility, which is why they do shit like this.

Do you leafs have lots of niggers up there?

No, it says a lot about niggers. Fuck them.

More like income inequality due to past racist policies.

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This is how Jews control the world. The Holocaust and Abrahamism and Hollywood and the media, all products of Jewish schizophrenia. The sad thing is, and you can read Foucault on this, everyone else is forced to live in their psychotic delusion as power determines reality. If you like television and film you're brainwashed, i.e. mentally entrained to the Jewish worldview. If you like movies you're transitively mentally ill.

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no just niggers

bitch I knew a nigger named George Washington

Oh man, I don't know. I'm hoping to teach at a better district. But anything is better than staying in this hellhole. If I have to change careers, I will, but I do love to teach.

>current year
>not injecting crack

Never gonna make it.

You're not wrong. But I have some really good colleagues who are far better than the students deserve. I don't know how they stay there, but more power to them. I'm getting the hell out though.

They were tools, like a shovel.

I'm pretty sure if both your parents fail you, your family line should end.

Did you just assume his race? Fucking nazi.

pencils were being used as weapons, they give out special blunt writing utensils

My long removed relative came here with nothing from ireland, he fought in the fucking civil war for wisconsin to get a farm. I make good money in IT, I think we progressed, unlike others. Their own people sold them into slavery, likely cause they were shit in their country.