How were Germanic peoples able to attain this level of genetic superiority over all other races...

How were Germanic peoples able to attain this level of genetic superiority over all other races? Surely this cannot be explained by Darwinian evolution alone

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seems like your retarded thread is dying, bro

Steroids. Also Arnie was a manlet.


>I'm as tall as fucking Arnie


also this thread doesn't work because Germanic people aren't riddled with inferiority complexes like Slaves

>believing that he's any taller than 160cm

Arnold has been very open about his steroid usage.

According to Arnold, only 2% of the men on earth have the genetic predisposition to get as big as he was, plus they have to train like madmen, and eat properly

germans have pretty good genes, but their women are ugly af

Now you just need to get as buff

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And 0,5% for both size and aesthetic muscle insertions

Anyone with that size is roided up. If you want a good idea of what can be attained naturally as a genetic golden nugget, take a look at old latin/greek statues. That's peak human condition, and anything above that is 100% of the time enhanced in some form or way.

Humans are not supposed to be as big as body builders, they are all roided up.


I don't know.

He's like 5'11 in real life. He's never been over 6ft. Anyone can just go to golds gym in venice early in the morning if you're really want to confirm his height in person.

>Surely this cannot be explained by Darwinian evolution alone
High pressure environment from all sides with different seasons and harsh weather but not too harsh to build a civilisation.

Arnold did a massive ammount of steroids.

Goths were were homo-sapien/neaderthal hybrids.
Inherited big bodies and autism

the evolution of wh*Tes

literally being built for BBC

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Holy fuck imagine the white shotas in the 2040s

men in the 1940s were significantly shorter with much smaller builds on average

with lifts

The science of steroids.

I would imagine that a bell curve and statistics would explain it somehow.

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>None of them are fat

What retard made this?

Germans are the descendants of aryans.

Aryans are the descendants of Atlanteans and Hyperboreans.

Who came from the Pleiadian alien race. (blonde hair, Blue eyes).

The other races have alien origin too. Most of them are from Mu or Lemuria.

I mean, it's pretty damn impressive physique, if you ask me.

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He was 5'11. That guy has always been a back. He's got shit on Steve Reeves, an actual ubermensch.

Holy shit my mom is an ayy lmao! Explains why she is batshit crazy.

judenhagen is a fraud

This. Stop being retarded.

>Steve Reeves
The aestheticest
No doubt, but I like the pic

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Yeah, Arnold looks nice, but he had no core muscles. It's all for show.

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Do you lift, hermano?

It worked, but now everyone thinks I'm just fat...

>now everyone thinks I'm just fat...
KEK. Most people in argentina are lean and very few guys are muscular. Take advantage of it, just cut a bit and you'll stand out.

Wow' that looks like me on the left... then again I'm a 36 year old MGTOW who doesn't shave his body hair and has been working out for 20 years.

how does one go about maximizing functional strength? Calisthenics?

Free weights. Barbell only. NO MACHINES!

what's SS?

GOMAD = gallon of milk a day, right? I can't do that, since I don't drink milk (it gives me the farts; though I might do better with raw milk, haven't gotten around to trying it).

btw, cutting is quite easy, just do some fasting and get enough protein. I used to be a fatass back in the day, now I got myself to the point of being quite lean, but want to put on some muscle

Franco Columbo was the manlet. Arnie was tall. met him twice.

Schutzstaffel or Starting Strength

I assume kettlebells also?

I wasn't considering machines. I've just been doing a bit of bodyweight stuff lately, and, while it has improved my physique a bit, I'm still not where I want to be.

Starting Strength, but lets not derail the thread further. There's an entire board devoted to the subject. This thread's about Hitler.

That's called steroids bro.

Caesar’s Gallic Wars stated that the Germans dined on flesh and milk for the most part and bathed in rivers. They were the furthest from civilization like the Belgae, so merchants rarely frequented to those parts and sold the goods which tend to effeminate the mind.

I cant tell if there are anons who actually believe this shit or it's just humor.

He is Celtic you dumb mutt.

Attached: Keltic Hitler -- The untold story.jpg (608x935, 250.88K)

*blocks your Germanic path*

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>only 90kg
lmao pussy

lol i wish german aryan and whatever other dick suckers out there would post their pictures when they boast about their alleged genetic superiority. dont post someone else. post yourself.

but you know youd get ridiculed so you post these ripped fags instead. you all may be retarded.

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That looks like a Slav. Haha, what an ugly bald fucker. You can tell he is manlet with his short squat legs.

stfu chang

Eeew whats that crap on his legs. There are worms under his skin.

This infographics is so retarded. Average height and weight has only been going up since the 40's and the strongmen of today are much stronger than anyone in the past.

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Met Arnold about 10-12 yrs ago at a restaurant in cape cod...he was there for Eunice Kennedy's funeral. In pumping iron they say he was 6'2" - 240lbs...obviously not 240 anymore but he was at least 6'-6'1"...I'm 6' and he was a little taller I think.


Pick one

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Except slavs are stronger. Literally, as calisthenics is very popular in Russia, the average Russian is more fit than the majority of lanklet germaics

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And yet they are still dominated by B B C

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Makes sense

Name some Germanic which are world-renowned athletes or super models? I bet you can't!

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