Capitalism is the best and most efficient way to allocate resource-

>Capitalism is the best and most efficient way to allocate resource-

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Did somebody think of Greta and her feelings? If not, HOW DARE YOU.

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So this is a good time to fly?

The algorithms and neural networks were designed to train on past training data, even if that data updates right up to the present, machine learning has no forward prediction component.

So the flights are going around unfilled to capture value that won't be there, because of a fundamental shift in the environment.

The programmers have to clear out all past observations, then only seed the training with data from coronavirus observations.

It must be chaos over at the flight routing algorithm office.

>gotta keep them chemtrails pumping bro

>so they can keep their slots
Those are government regulations they're trying to appease

If they're doing it it's because there is an economic incentive to do so.
Capitalism is working as intended.
It's a feature not a bug.

signs of an imminent collapse all around

Look, if I can't get a fucking 747 and fly it to the other side of the world by myself, it isn't an example of capitalism.

Also this.

Every aircraft is running a route that involves 3 to 5 legs and you can't simply ground a plain on the second leg or you would have to have an alternate airframe available at that airport to fly the third, fourth, or fifth leg.

I just got back from a trip and beforehand checked fares for price drops. The price actually soared, my $133 RT ticket went up to $450.

Outbound: 50 empty seats.
Inbound: half seats empty.

Yeah, lots of smoke and mirrors.

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Stop shitting up every fucking thread with your insane rambling and reddit spacing. No one fucking cares about your lunacy.

depressed happening fags eager for their life to finally begin are going to be disappointed yet again

>Trap Diner
Address of diner?

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Lol I can literally fly nonstop from lax to Honolulu right now round trip for 200 bucks. I love Hawaii. Contemplating this.

Capitalism is a meme chink time is here

>capitalism is better than you and can flaunt it lol get fucked nerd

>beaurocracy = capitalism
Considering how much worse it was in every communist regime that's kinda retarded.

No such thing

Keeping a 747 on the ground costs almost as much to keep it in the air.

That’s due to contract requirements. They’re obligated to fly the routes regardless of passenger count.

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That's not schizo posting. He's talking about machine learning.

You will be killed in my ethnostate.

how's that?
did you intend to say "payments on a 747 cost..."

makes perfect sense to anyone with the most basic of computer science knowledge

whats happening here?

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>>gotta keep them chemtrails pumping bro
They're called sai.
Stratospheric aerosol injections.
Google it.


M8 im a supermarket manager and our ordering is to some extent what he's describing.

>just waste billions on oil to keep shekel bergs company happy they doesn’t care about you during a pandemic

What are pilots retarded? Where’s the strike. Who the fuck would be a pilot during a world wide pandemic.


leaf is speechless

I'm just gonna start filtering these "CAPITALISM BAD" threads from my catalogue. If you're smart, you will, too.

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Cloud seeding in Vietnam?

'flight slots' is actual blatant communism. under capitalism they'd be able to freely fly to any airport they wish (if they have a deal with said airport)

If they were smart they'd offer to transport loads of TP during this crisis

And they are also asking the government for gibs because it's costing them money.


>Centralized government doesn't waste resources

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>Driving housing prices down by an abundance of supply is a bad thing

Jet fuel is a hoax; a yuge lie in order to hide perpetual energy engines/machines and to boost prices of tickets. Jets run on compressed air, as proven by Enslaved Ny No Media's youtube channel, unfortunately the channel has been (((terminated))), but some of his videos are still around.

I couldn't find the video I was looking for but this guy has an ok video on the topic and quotes Enslaved.

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>A single cold day disproves global warming

I'm not really sure how the Chinese system works. Doesn't the government own all those excess residences? What benefit would there be to excess supply? Besides artificially increasing GDP growth

Video evidence. In #Wenzhou, factory manager told they must consume 3000 kWh electricity by midnight, as the authorities use electricity usage as a criterion of re-open rate. Even this factory has not re-opened for lack of supply and manpower due to #COVID2019, manager had to..

imagine thinking it's capitalism vs. communism in 2020. i will personally get you a delorean and send you back to 1962.

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>Chem trail deniers literally annihilated in a single post

Capitalism? Do you think the capitalists are the ones assigning the “flight slots” and writing the regulations leading to this behavior? or might it be the government? No capitalist wants to waste resources unless there’s a perverse incentive, usually caused by government regulations and/or kraut retardation

Are they retarded? I can't even begin to come up with an excuse for this.

>left: it's the corrupt capitalists!
>right: it's the corrupt government!
>centrists: it's the corrupt capitalists in the corrupt government!

Cloud seeding

>Airline wagecuck here

this literally needs to be done for maintenance. Planes are very expensive and very old. If the plane sits in a hanger (there are no extra hangars lying around). It falls apart.

Imagine a car with 300,000 miles on it that you have maintained to perfection for 20 years. Then you let it sit. It quickly falls to shit.

If the planes don’t constantly, the fleet would crumble to pieces.

>What benefit would there be to excess supply?
cheap housing for all Chinese people.

In a free market passenger planes would be equipped with air-to-air missiles and escorted by fighters that shoot down other planes that violate the NAP by taking up flight slots

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Chaff is metallic shavings.

I’ve look at loads for flights and they’re literally empty on a lot of routes like 20 empty first class and 150-200 empty economy on widebodies.

You work for a legacy?

they do this anyhow. planes fly empty or with few people all the time to keep those slots, virus outbreak or not.


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No retards, they have to fly in order to not lose their slots. That's how airports work.

You know that's not a commercial plane right? The ones being accused of chem trails.

only if you want coronachan to rape you

Pretty sure this is actually being driven by dumb fuck regular chinks investing in property for the sake of it (which can be built cheap due to government subsidies and no regulations).

There is no supply, they fall apart in 3 years.

If planes don't fly, they die. Saw it on Discovery Channel

Not everyone who uses Spaces are Redditers. even if they were they have just as much right to be here as you user.. please remember what it was like when you were a newfag.

>>Capitalism is the best and most efficient way to allocate resource-

someone needs to explain how government forcing private individuals to waste resources is capitalism's fault and how the answer is more government control over resources

>Stratospheric aerosol injections.
I knew about this before hand. It was covered in one of my weather and climate classes before Universities started doing human studies. They been doing this for years now.

Prices go down when demand is met. There is no fucking demand for a concrete hellscape with no jobs or commercial infrastructure.

>puts on tinfoil hat before watching video.

>regulatory bullshit requires companies to do something to not get screwed over
>this is capitalism's fault

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The cargo space on their hold is rented out months in advance and stuff still needs to get there - if the airlines have a clue, they'll retrofit a couple of units into pure freight transport while the going is good

To be fair we could use with less Airplanes overhead.