I am so happy to know that Porn will soon be outlawed. :)

Day of reckoning is imminent for coomers and coomer enablers

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only in your dreams you feminist jew.

>takes away from womans pussy monopoly
>much cleaner than real roasties because no chance to get herpes, other stds or babys
>not degenerate like hookup culture
>can be obtained for FREE
>makes men spend much less on roasties
>even guys who cant get laid can see naked 10/10s

yep Porn and Masturbation is based (and harmless)

Attached: Rocksy Trip to Rome (17)-hEeeIm [24.10.2019] 2019-10-24.jpg (1080x1920, 1.76M)

keep watching another man fuck a woman you cuck

Will 2D Porn be also Outlawed?

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I just watch solo scenes.
>you cuck
it would make one at best a voyeur.

Attached: Rocksy Trip to Rome (35)-4gwAe1 [24.10.2019] 2019-10-24.jpg (1080x1920, 1.85M)

>>takes away from womans pussy monopoly

Yeah, woman are the only ones that have vaginas. Abstaining from porn rekindles a mans healthy instincts to go and socialize and procure a partner

>>much cleaner than real roasties

Sorry, but you are literally pleasuring yourself to other men dominating the most sordid and disgusting women on earth. They are prostitutes on camera

>>not degenerate like hookup culture

Porn is a vital component of the overall hyper-sexualized and degenerate environment that we see today

>>Can be obtained for free

Imagine thinking that Porn isn't one of the most profitable industries currently capitalizing on the exploitation and corruption of young people. Real sex is free, faggot.

>>Makes men spend much less on roasties

Imagine thinking every single women is a roastie. Imagine thinking the only places to meet women are clubs and bars. Stop pretending that you have any money to spend, you scrub

>>even guys who cant get laid can see naked 10/10s

Lol.. Jerks off to videos of roastie queens 10x a day to save himself from falling prey to what he is watching the men in the videos getting paid to do

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Okay, bud.

>all that reddit spacing
must hurt you really bad that they nuked your coomer subreddit lmfao.

>Yeah, woman are the only ones that have vaginas.
totally missing the point here
>you are literally pleasuring yourself to other men dominating the most sordid and disgusting women on earth.
and? my argument is still standing. watching porn is much cleaner than IRL roasties.
>Porn is a vital component of the overall hyper-sexualized and degenerate environment that we see today
still not as degenerate as getting real herpes out there and then spreading it
>Imagine thinking that Porn isn't one of the most profitable industries
on the internet everything is free if you are not a brainlet
>Real sex is free
it really isnt, you still pay for it. with a meal, with drinks, gas for the car to pick the whore up etc.
>Imagine thinking every single women is a roastie
all woman are whores
nothing funny about it, every Man deserves to see 10/10s for FREE.
only cunts have a problem with that.

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>i am so happy to know that the state will soon control all traffic and discourse online. :)
>Day of reckoning is imminent for those who don't want the internet to be state run and those who enable free discourse online.

Complains about easy to women and then complains about wholesome and dignified women who you actually have to demonstrate your sincere interest in caring for to eventually have the opportunity to have sex with her. Complains about the spread of STDs, while is supporting the industry responsible for the generation and proliferation of STDs. When you go out and hang with your mates, when you go out and to anything, you are spending money. When you leave the house, you are spending money in someway. You cannot rail against sluts, and then laud them for spreading their cunts on the internet for your pleasure. Also, you are not entitled to anything. People like you will eventually be left to suffer when your precious porn is eliminated

all the noporn/nofap shills want more censorship laws, its their endgame that everyone has to sign in with their government issued ID to use the internet.
>you are not entitled to anything
try and stop us faggot
>when your precious porn is eliminated
that will never happen.

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>Implying that zoomers care about women's rights.

>>Calls me a Jew

>>Complains about having to spend a little bit of money for entertainment and food


Not just censorship, but the death penalty for Porn consumers and producers

>Implying that it only counts as porn if it involves penetration.
I've seen a lot of porn that doesn't involve penetration dude.

FACT: Robo-girl porn is the type of porn that feminists hate most. Therefore, robosexuality is the most red-pilled fetish.

>I want a police state with no free speech

will never happen
>spending any money on holes
makes sense because no actual cunt is getting paid for it.
hoes mad

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porn is just a steam release valve. if you take it away you can expect a spike in sex crimes. the good ole serial killer days of the 70s and 80s will resurface.

What about this?

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God it would be so funny to have their fap material be banned. They excoriate woman for acting like whores but then support the industry that promotes promiscuity and every sick fetish imaginable. They criticize easy women but then also respectable women who you actually have to invest your time and energy and yes, some money, to eventually have sex with.

Cheap women (free when picking up at bars, clubs etc) - BAD!

Valuable women who you have to work to get - BAD!

Prostitutes that are not only roasties but roasties that you have to spend money to have sex with (worst variables involved in wooing process of cheap and valuable women) - GOOD!

Pornstars getting creampied by 50 niggers - GOOD!

Holy fuck you are the biggest faggots of all time

Sex crimes and school shootings are an epidemic and porn is more accessible than ever before, fucking retard

>respectable women who you actually have to invest your time and energy
all woman are whores, just because some momentarily larp as "respectable" doesnt mean they are.

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I thought autofellatio vids were rare.

Every single thread that mentions porn has the same german cuck posting the same pathetic bullshit. He's as sad as that french kike who spends all day looking for holocaust threads

Yas Forums isnt your safespace

>Yeah, woman are the only ones that have vaginas. Abstaining from porn rekindles a mans healthy instincts to go and socialize and procure a partner
Yes, men instinctually want a partner. This desire evolved during prehistory.
Here's the difference: During prehistory, a man could court a woman without being arrested for sexual harassment. Also, men had less shit to lose during divorce. You fail to realize that the modern feminist system uses men's primal instincts to trap us. Be aware of the fact that you do not have the same freedom that your caveman ancestors had.
>Sorry, but you are literally pleasuring yourself to other men dominating the most sordid and disgusting women on earth.
... so ... pics of anime boobies don't count?
>Porn is a vital component of the overall hyper-sexualized and degenerate environment that we see today
Hookup culture largely exists because men want to have sex without risking a marriage. Blame the feminist divorce courts matey, not porn.
>Imagine thinking that Porn isn't one of the most profitable industries currently capitalizing on the exploitation and corruption of young people.
Porn is only profitable because some people are dumb enough to pay for it.
>Real sex is free, faggot.
Dude. Have you ever spent time with a real woman? They want your money. They want your time. They want your undying loyalty ... and you still are not guaranteed sex ... and if you do have sex with an actual woman, she will tell you to do a bunch of weird shit to "turn her on". She'll be pissed if you just get straight to the boning. Real women are fucking awful.
>Imagine thinking every single women is a roastie.
Every woman behaves like a roastie.
>Imagine thinking the only places to meet women are clubs and bars.
>Muh conservative church girls.
Church "ladies" are even worse than bar whores. They are gold diggers who withhold sex constantly for "moral reasons". At least bar whores don't hide their true identities.

This is the truth. You are playing into the hands of the Jews by banning porn. Porn liberates man from women. Without porn women have complete control over man. Without porn men who can’t get pussy will freak out and cause many problems. Porn is needed for a functioning 1st world nation. Without porn we’ll devolve into niggers

How do you manage to care about the world so much when it clearly doesnt care about you

You shouldn't make your mommy issues this evident

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Mega cuck. Keep defending women more faggot feminist.

Fucking based German chad strikes again!

Your mother is such a whore, I mean, she had to have sex to become pregnant with you.

If all women are whores, then there really isn't any basis for there being a despicable and deviant behavior warranting revulsion and condemnation. The term "whore" implies a dirty lifestyle that distinguishes a particular camp of women for acting like prostitutes in their personal engagements with men. You're a fucking retard.

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If they stopped making new porn today would it really matter. There's enough out there already to last a lifetime.

I wonder what sort of idiot would ban "porn". The moment you do that you create huge black market and criminalize art.

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This. But pol is too stupid to realize how the Jews fool them into banning freedom of speech. Next they will ask to ban LGBTQ’s and before you know it the law will spread into genociding all white people

>To make something beautiful, first it gotta be loved
>t. based GK Chesterton

It seems they still have complete control over you hence you not being able to stop beating your meat to them prancing around naked online. Porn is needed for a pacified and decaying nation. Without healthy families and monogamous relationships, you become niggers. Niggers do not have caring male role models, just like Pornstars and the whores whose careers and popularity you bolster

10000% based here

Devils advocate: men in medieval Europe had no porn, embraced religion rather than becoming savages, and used their suppressed sexual rage to deus vult all the fuck over heretics and muslims.

>Without porn we’ll devolve into niggers
would we? sounds like something a subversive kike would say

It was literally the Jews that got obscenity laws lifted and who profit the most off of porn consumption and the demoralization of the west you fucking fag

>Complains about the spread of STDs, while is supporting the industry responsible for the generation and proliferation of STDs.
Porn doesn't spread STDs. Having sex with niggers does.
>Complains about the spread of STDs, while is supporting the industry responsible for the generation and proliferation of STDs.
Yes you can because a lot of porn is free and it's also disease-free.
>but some people pay for it!
Not me. Finding free porn online is like looking for hay in a haystack.
>Also, you are not entitled to anything.
Yep. Us men are not entitled to due process, fair divorce or visitation rights! #killallmen
>People like you will eventually be left to suffer when your precious porn is eliminated
I'm not scared in the slightest because the nofappers don't even now what porn is. Is any image pornographic if I can fap to it? Good luck destroying every last fucking image I can fap to dude.

I wish this whore never got those fake tits

Wrong, By banning porn, you are destroying a jewish monopoly. Also masturbating is a sin

I love how the neo-puritans on Yas Forums continue to believe that all porn is "watching other people have sex" ... despite all the counter-examples being posted in this thread.

>little bit of money
Women want all your money dude. Just look at how marriage and divorce works.

I don't even masturbate and I'm against this recent fad about trying to ban porn. These people have shre of responsibility for their lives and want to be controlled. They are insane.

You still haven't even defined what porn is. Are teenage boys going to be put to death for drawing women with big tits in their school notebooks?

Also good.
Almost any type of monster girl porn in red pilled because feminists hate it.

porn drives males who desire an actual woman mad and as such they do those things. Taking porn away would be quite the thing because we would see more people then ever actually taking initiative.

Porn is bad mmkay. Jerk off without it, much better for building a healthy libido.
Gives you drive to go and get it.
Gave up on porn for a month and was finally motivated enough to go out and get laid.

Sometimes banning things is for the better of society. Drugs are banned for example here and as such I don't fuck with them because I definitely don't want to go to jail/prison. If drugs were legal, I might end up a drug addict.

Without porn we were all incel freaks that waged war non stop in order to get pussy. The age of porn has brought the most peaceful times of all existence and has gave men who would otherwise become terrorists or barbarians a release valve.

Medieval times were complete anarchy. War nonstop. They coped with fake Jew religion of Christ cuckery and were all mentally insane and did messed up torturous shit to people who were deemed heretics like for sexual satisfaction like pic related.

In modern society since people have porn they don’t resort to becoming nigger barbarians who do shit like this.

Jews want us to get rid of porn to create anarchy and push for anti free speech laws which will inevitable lead to laws in which it’s okay to genocide whites.

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>Without porn we were all incel freaks that waged war non stop in order to get pussy. The age of porn has brought the most peaceful times of all existence and has gave men who would otherwise become terrorists or barbarians a release valve.
This is actually a great point.

>promotes promiscuity
Nope. Feminists promote promiscuity by making marriage so risky. The problem is feminism. Stop blaming men for the shit that women cause, you cunt.
>every sick fetish imaginable
Those fetishes existed before porn was a thing.
>They criticize easy women but then also respectable women who you actually have to invest your time and energy and yes, some money, to eventually have sex with.
Those "respectable women" will have kids with you, leave you, take your kids, and milk you for child support.
>Pornstars getting creampied by 50 niggers - GOOD!
I don't watch that shit. Anime monster girls and robo girls are hotter.

I wish she didn't get multiple face surgeries.
She just looks like one of the jerk off pop singers that our tv was full off when i was growing up.
It's all so tiresome.

What? You didn't learn from prohibition?

>Sex crimes and school shootings are an epidemic
Murder has always been common.
Sex crimes are only on the rise because feminists think that everything is a sex crime. Stop blaming men for women's bullshit.

Lol. I wonder who will win in the war against the coomers. Men or energy deprived porn zombies. During the medieval ages, INCELS were culled and marginalized and actual men with families went out an declared war to come into possession of land for their descendants. Imagine thinking that numale porn addicted INCELS would have the courage to march into battle against actual worthy opponents. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

I am so sad to know that you are a ridiculous religious pervert probably moslem gay and frustrated. To each his own you fuck face cunt

>mommy issues
Typical feminist "logic".

her end goal is to become anime


What point are you making with that question? Things being banned makes for an easier for life for some people.

>Porn will soon be outlawed
wait wtf are you seriou--
KEK yeah I guess if you live in an authoritarian feminist society like Canada it might be. But here in the Land of the Free, we have nothing to worry about. If religious conservatives couldn't get it banned 20 years ago, then even feminists won't be able to do it.

Attached: Trudeau Feminist Foreign Policy.png (896x370, 50.21K)

is it weird that most of my coworkers have favorite porn stars and know their names?

Yep, i wonder if he just spends all day on pol and watching porn.

>Without porn we were all incel freaks that waged war non stop in order to get pussy
>The causes of war were all about getting pussy
Hundred years war?
English noble land claims in France? No. Pussy.
Napoleonic Wars? Pussy.
WW1? Pussy.
WW2? Pussy.

Is this the state of Canadian education? Pussy.

Same shill from the other thread.

Right on schedule here comes the German cuck. Are you paid to do this or are you just the MLK for Coomers?


Yeah. What industry do you work in and what kind of environment? I've never discussed porn with anyone in real life before.

programmer. conversations on slack.

>you are playing into the jews hands by outlawing the degenerate medium they invented in weimar, entirely own the distribution of and actively use for psychological warfare in the west bank

So you didn't discuss it in person. That makes more sense.

based. All porn should be illegal



>sex bad

Kindly take that cross and fuck yourself with it.

>Jews want us to get rid of porn
Even though the bast majority of porn is produced by jews? You retard.

yeah, like in the same office, but not face to face.

>picture posted in slack
>who is that
>my favorite porn star

basically like that

Your still a blantant shill.

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Ohhh I see I see. That makes sense. I can see that happening.

Cope more coomer

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We may have been incel warmongering sadists back then, but is that better or worse than the cucked weak state so many are in now? Men are literally turning into women for fucks sake, and I'm not just talking about dickchoppers, I'm talking about pic related.

An age of relative peace and instant gratification is definitely one of the major factors behind the effeminization of modern males.

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Go back to r*ddit

Terrible pitpul moshie
This shit really scares you guys huh.

when porn gets outlawed ima make bank drawing hentai

Return to whence thou departed. Try not to bump your nose on exit.

>waaah, muh free speech, muh marketing campaign, muh fine art, muh black market
You should be forced to hide your shit, that's sensible rearing of a population which is full of youth, and which is full of adults who need to make good plans.
Porn disrupts the adult male ability to do long-term planning. Every one of you selling the idea is selling their own civilization's utter destruction. No surprise, as a male in this hypersexualized existence, you have no long-term planning ability on a regular basis, since you can hardly drive without being bombarded by half nude women.

I am the most fierce white nationalist on this board you fucking clown. You think we will tolerate INCELS? You will be purged

Is Yas Forums really a place of retards who want a police state to babysit them because they cannot control their impulses? I genuinely hope coronavirus kills you. Seriously.

She looked more anime a year ago than she does now.
Now she's a generic russian 25+ thot with a high production and photoshop values.

Attached: Pic (3)-ZuK49kQM-saOoIS [14.11.2019] 2019-11-14.jpg (2400x1600, 2.59M)

>I am the most fierce white nationalist
jews can't help themselves, can you?

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You dont have to ban porn. You can solve the issue simply by raising the minimum age for participating in porn to 25 years old. That could do a huge damage for porn companies. And if you menage to raise and enforce a 25 years old minimum age for consumption then porn industry is pretty much done for.

This is literally an argument in favor or anarchism you fucking fag. kill yourself

>>muh police bad!

that actually might become lucrative should that happen. Interesting.

No, we just want the authority to kill you pornographer jews for intending to destroy the marriage bed and the sanctity of our future. I don't need the state to put your ass down once it's a felony, I only need your jewish ass to resist.

Hang yourself. YOU are the coomer here and you KNOW it. You are the one that spend years masturbating, had a moment of enlightenment and now wants to shift blame. PATHETIC.