Someone asked if I Jewish blood. I know I’m a med, but do I have a Jewish profile ? Should I just kill myself ?
Someone asked if I Jewish blood. I know I’m a med, but do I have a Jewish profile ? Should I just kill myself ?
>I know I’m a med
armenian scum
That is one hell of a slope.
Infiltrate the jews and subvert as a double agent, redeem yourself by being yourself.
Nose or forehead ?
Im Spanish
You don’t have the stereotypical hook nose but that slope is pretty damning.
no.. you're armenian.
nose doesnt fit, you look more turk
>Should I just kill myself ?
couldn't hurt.
stop using a vpn, ahmet
Is it really?
>Should I just kill myself ?
no you shouldn't
and as for jewish etc, you don't look jewish to me.
I don’t think it’s that bad, plus head shape is different
Yes, Jews originated from med people. The Roman historian Tacitus claimed Jews came from crete.
>The Jews are said to have been refugees from the island of Crete who settled in the remotest corner of Libya in the days when, according to the story, Saturn was driven from his throne by the aggression of Jupiter. - Tacitus Histories 5.2-5
Who do you think the first Christians in Rome were?
You look like your name is Jonah, you fucking kike fag
Not quite a jew, ill say no more.
Say it Ireland bro
>this is white in america
Whats your profile like then
Looks like you caught the Zika Virus.
Brazilians a bigger problem here than jews.
Wow that's a weird head
Don't mean to offend
you are absolutely a kike, the best thing you can do for humanity is pull a Bobby Fischer
tilt your head more forward so the top of your earl lines up with your brow ridge
Bombing thread jannies tounge my anus.
bruh holy fuck
I get asked if im jewish too.
american with german/spaniard ancestry
You could ski off of that forehead
brah, you're missing a good chunk of your frontal lobe
nothing personnel brainlets
Lol damn you have some mysterious hominid ancestry there.
another lobelet
If it's any consolation I am WASP ethnic background and constantly get mistaken for Jewish, even by Jews. I look almost exactly like pic related (minus the black arm covering half my face), freaked me out a little when I first saw this image on here.
I mean Im a medical student so I’m not dumb
Post profile liar
This is why the Jewish mob and Sicilian mob basically merged in the US, because genetically, they are almost the same people, cousins with different cultures but certainly shared common traits.
At this point the Russian mob/Italian mob/Jewish mob are all essentially interconnected and in many cases intermarried families. John Gotti married a Russian Jew and John Gotti jr. was jewish.
And I have attached lobes on top of it all
Nigger brains.
somehow accuses me of being a liar, when will lobelets learn?
there is no such thing as a retarded doctor. ok
lobelets btfo
lol you have the grossest fucking skull i hope you die lmao. god you're so fucking ugly
lobelets praise be to your king
who cares about your origins, you look like a subhuman, it's over for you.
whats up with that forehead?
You must be from the south and you're definitely sephardic, I've never seen anyone that looks like you in Catalonia unless they are sand niggers from extermadura or andalusia, sorry, you're either a sandnigger or a kike :/
Head doesn’t look like that though..
spanish christcucks forcefully assimilated Jews, so spanish are bunch of half-jews.
imagine missing this much brain
I don’t think you understand the difference between skull shape and brain shape
What do you mean
Onions de Pamplona, estoy en NY de intercambio
What forehead
fucking newfag
Joder nen que movida, que cosa mas rara, hazte un test de ADN para salir de dudas, salu2 ;)
Holy shit! what kind of accident took the front of your head off?
Sick sideburns bro
If your last name ends in "ez" like gonzalez, Sanchez etc, you're 100% sand nigger or sephardic.
What about my surname Whiteboi?
Where's you prefrontal cortex?
Why would a patronymic surname indicate being a kike or a sarracen?
What the hell is wrong with your head bro
Armenians = fake Jewish churkas. They literally do have huge noses.
It's clearly still intact, look to the back of his head. His brain is just slightly placed further toward the back that other groups.
Faces of Yas Forums
well, my last name is irish, but the spanish surname was duque
Jesus fucking christ what the fuck is wrong with your forehead?!
Also you are brown as shit, clearly a rape baby.
No, I'm just messing with him. All the Celt and Visigoth surnames end with ez in castille and below, in catalonia they end in "is", it basically means "son of". IE: Diéguez=Son of diego Ansúrez= Son of Ansur. Sánchez= Son of Sancho... etc
Lmfao I look identical to op
it's still a smaller cavity
are there any real white people on this site?
Shave your neck bro
Oh, ok. I got scared for a moment because patronymic surnames are super common in here (Sánchez, Pérez and López abound)