Can other races even be considered human? Asians have
>decreased body odor
>greater cranial capacity
>greater neoteny (lesser primates = less neotenous)
And of course Asians continually prove their superiority in the real world, being the wealthiest and most civilized wherever they live while boasting the greatest ancient civilizations that have stood the test of time. Why are non-Asians so inferior?
Why are Asians so much more evolved?
It's because east asians have mastered something far stronger than natural selection: shaming. If you can shame women into being perfect and shame them from marrying unfit men, you secure a better batch of children
Kek. Aoart from nips why dont there civilizations or tech reflect it then?
I mean chinkoro you need to understand only the Japanese qualify as human, your behaviour outs you.
I mean where is this high IQ i keep hearing of?
Why do bugs think they can have a place at the table, when only tiny offshoot of you are bright the rest are literal insect's with no value for life or concern over it.
Asian civilizations stood atop the world for most of human history. In fact, Japan was the backwater of the orient (while still being above anything in the occident). All that happened was a single fluke on some shithole off the coast of europe, which was industrialization. This led to the countries around that shithole to adopt the same and surpass the rest of the world technologically. Japan happened to adopt this industrialization first as they were the backwater of the orient, but the rest of the east was so used to being superior that it had shut the world off. This was of course a mistake, but it has been corrected and now the east is quickly returning to its place at the top of the world.
Like the shit you do, and when we ask why we get no real answer.
I mean, you can't claim to be self aware ot even human when i can show you things like this fucking video
Why even try and play this game, you've lost because you don't do anything to adress your bug nature.
Where theres a china man, there is no concern for anything but
You buy now cheap cheap cheap
>the more ‘evolved’ you are the more you turn into an emotionless bug person
I used to think you guys were cool, and some of you are, but as a majority, nope, no fucking way.
All this pinkoid butthurt. You think I care about some cherry picked webms? Meanwhile pinkoid cancers recognize what they are and are working to terminate their own worthless existence. Pic related, from 2020 to 2050 Europe will probably be in the negative percentages, unless Arabs and Turks fix that KEK.
Imagine a pack of locust takeing pride in the fact they are?
It fucking surreal mate.
also cant drink alcohol and blowtorch dogs to death.
i never noticed this before but that's like a tranny or something isnt it?
Alcohol kills brain cells and is for drunkard degenerates, no wonder Asian genes selected against its consumption.
We all know both of you are subhuman curryniggers
Next step is eugenics.
its not about who has the highest of what ever stat. its about who is falling behind. they hold society back literally. they prevent upgrades to the public educational system
you have to acknowledge there is a problem before you can fix it. then you have to understand the cause which may be multifaceted. then address it. the left try to avoid the first step and the right think there isnt anything that can be done. the most we have seen done is desegregation and common core
honestly i think it comes down to lifestyle and attention span at developmental phases mostly. diet and heredity partially. at the very least even if people were still falling behind academically they may be better behaved if they were in a better environment
We've been subverted and oerhaos we face extinction.
You still haven't adressed what's been presented
Wanna know why?
Because you're spinless, keep shilling the idea of being something worth a dam when you can't own your own imperfections.
Bat soup.
Even if i was, what relivence whould make to whats been said?
Absolutely non hans.
All those genetic advantages couldn't outrun 2 spicy extinction balls tho
What a fucking faggot. I would've backhanded her then raped her on the spot in self-defense.
yea being weak against poison sure sounds like an evolutionary advantage.
>muh subversion
AKA a people superior to you rats (Jews) are taking their rightful place as your masters and stomping you out like the plague you are. You know why Jews can't do that in Asia? Because they recognize their inferiority. Israel bends it's neck down like a bitch in the presence of China, and Japanese aren't retarded like pinkoids to fall for open border shit. In the end pinkoid extinction is due to pinkoid inferiority.
>address what's been presented
A bunch of retarded cherry picked webms. I'm not obsessed enough to but I could easily go find clips of chavs in your shithole acting like apes, and even more easily of slavs doing so. Everyone has seen Russian compilations.
you are a dumb fucking bugman with a tenuous grasp at best of european history. the ONLY asians that can be considered human are the japanese. everything else is a sadistic dog eating proto-species of humanity. fuck off you retarded amerimongrel chink. i bet you're kathy "eats everything in the" zhu.
How is it not? It's not like the weakness is fatal or long lasting in any way. It simply signals to Asian bodies that alcohol is something to not be consumed, while drunkard crackers chug booze and kill the few brain cells they have.
>You know why Jews can't do that in Asia? Because they recognize their inferiority.
except that the chinese government is literally trying to copy jews in order to gain footholds in western institutions, and they state that overtly and publicly. chinks are so dumb that they live in poverty and destitution and let their communist government rape them in the ass every day and censor their internet so they can't even tell people about it. again i must reiterate, only the japanese can be considered of the east asian races.
They moved our industry over to you, your just a big facotory for them that costs nothing to run.
I like how you didn't adress anything and tryied to red herring, that's fine yellow bro i know you aint the stones to look in the mirror.
I have, i can honestly say most Europeans are worthless now.
How about you bug man?
>except that the chinese government is literally trying to copy jews in order to gain footholds in western institutions, and they state that overtly and publicly.
yeah? asians are superior to jews but not as sneaky, so that must be adapted too. In the end Jews will never gain a foothold in any Eastern country though
Also, pinkoids are so dumb that they live worthless consumerist lives and let their neoliberal government rape them in the ass everyday and replace their worthless population, and they don't even need censorship since most pinkoids like it LOL
Also communism is jewish
The international joos in the soviet union screeched their panties off when Mao severed ties during the sino-soviet split, and Deng only furthered it and with actively fucking over the soviets/their allies.
asians are also robotic bugpeople with no conscience that eat everything that moves..
white man is the pinnacle of human race.. he has the best qualities overall-not aggressive and destructive like groids, but can get reasonably agressive and conquer the world..
-not cold emotionless robot like asians, have conscience, which is also white man´s downfall..
Ohh yes plow some of that fucking rice.
Ya know, a lot of nigs see whites the same way you see Asians. I suppose it's only natural that inferior lifeforms cope with their inferiority in such a way.
china was alright before the qing nigs, communism was the last nail in the coffin for them that really sealed their fate as a nation & people from ever recovering. Internet might be their only saving grace for the youth, to see what life is like, and how people are in other places. they really gotta shame their elders for the retarded bugmens they are.
How unfortunate that the increased textbook intelligence is paired with such low test faggy like appearances, which in turn makes most of you fags betas by default add to that your tiny tiny dicks in a world full of brainwashed women who hold large penises on a pedestal and......
You’re no better than any of us and if you’re asian, and you posted this, you’re definitely a faggot. No one sure of themselves in being “sooooo superior” posts this. Because mere existence is bait enough for non alpha omegas to seethe. You want seething people, you need reassurance of your non existent superiority.
whatever u want to believe, bro
No it wasnt china was always a shit heap that was only every worth a damn when it was conquered by foreigners. Chinese are a slave race through and through
Never gonna happen, take the shit poster that made this tread for example.
Claims hers better but is too stupid to understand how badly the jews have fucked up his people
At least we have a chance because we can recognize the fact.
Only one of my asian bros has that quality the rest are arrogant as fuck and can't self reflect, that how they come to be so damaged as a people.
For those of us who are conscious of what's been done we can change and hopefully make things better, but if you can't acknowledge it then you can't ever change it.
>muh dik
What makes you better than nigs who say the exact same thing about white people? You can disagree with Asians being superior but adding MUH DIK TESTOSTERONE insults is a nigger tier argument that shows you're seething, even though you claim otherwise.
I guess when you live in hives and never bathe you have to adapt to smelling like shit all the time.
asians still have bad breath and bad teeth by the way, and they don't seem to even wash their clothes
also asians have a smaller penis which is more similar in size to chimps
there's a reason when you crack open any textbook you get european names and events and nothing about asians
>muh dik woman brainwashing for last couple decades becoming mainstream to average normalfags
>bad that I pointed this out
Wait leftist commie nigger are you suggesting that sculpted muscles, hairy chest and arms, good jawline and a knack for being a leader......
Is a bad thing? Do you not believe that the aforementioned things don’t matter to women and in general to everyone around you? How old are you?
*things matter to
>any slant-eyed faggot
pick one.
yellow niggers can only cope. they were cucked historically and they're literally cucked today
I'm a allele, get fucked smelly monkey niggerfaggots.
Cope more, micro yangalang Asian women can't resist our smells and beg us to breed their shameful pu$$ies any time we are around
where did OP go? I wasn't done dunking on his thread and his race
stick around, I’m sure he’ll come back
Indians not on list
Evolution =/= Creativity
Asians have a slightly higher IQ on average.
But their bell curve is much steeper, less geniuses, and less idiots.
Huwhite people have a much broader bell curve, therefore far more geniuses.
Genius = Creativity
All wealth and innovation flows from Creativity.
Jeez, zero odor for Koreans. Go get on a fucking bus in Korea during winter and if you can survive the odor come tell us about it.
They don't have a higher IQ. The stupid ones don't get tested as much as other places.
>there's a reason when you crack open any textbook you get european names and events and nothing about asians
Yes, it's because you wouldn't understand the Asians.