Every Sunday all stores are closed in Germany and nobody is allowed to work. You can't buy food or do anything. How can our economy grow when 1/7th of the week is just wasted. This country is so backwards and stupid. Nobody earns any real money here. Jobs are shit. Future is terrible. Everything sucks about this country.
Every Sunday all stores are closed in Germany and nobody is allowed to work. You can't buy food or do anything...
Dont forget the sleeping. Many hours wasted instead of working.
At least you don't have coronavirus
Is it you again from yesterday? You seem to be building a habit of making sad kraut threads after 2am.
Fuck you, keep the Sabbath holy.
>Nobody earns any real money here
Bitcoin is real money, get the fuck on board.
Get yourself a nice whiskey lad, your a regular here eh?
Yeah I was a bit annoyed by that when visiting Germany, desu. You can provide gibs to a million shitskins but I can't get food on a Sunday.
Just order something. Plus there's always a Rewe open on Sundays
>Sunday trading laws
We got rid of those in the 80s under Thatcher (right wing PM). Germans are surprisingly quite religious. I remember a tonnes of the students doing Theology at my university were German. English people who have come back from Germany say the Germans have a funny relationship with Christianity and are more respectful/in awe of Christianity than we are, even if they are not religious.
I guess he’s a... sauerkraut.
If you do not like our country get out
>wanting to work on a sunday
>wanting to see other miserable fools being forced to work on sundays instead of having lives
Unironically kek'd. I must whip myself now for laughing at dad jokes.
Yes, they should open the shops on Sundays.
It will increase the GDP if shops are open on Sunday and longer during the week.
Migrants can do the Sunday shift. Or copy the English system, people who work in retail on Sunday get a higher hourly wage.
I really hated this when I lived in France for a few years. It wasn't just that the shops were closed, it was that legally they had to be closed. Like at least let me go buy groceries on Sunday, dammit.
>A German laughs. He understands a joke
Incredible. We must record this speciman.
>Beats himself for inefficiency and lack of discipline.
Ah yes. Germans.
damn straight
Sabbath is a christkike concept imposed upon whites to make them lazy. We should just work every single day.
Yeah sure lets submit completely to the Globohomo shit and spit on the few last traditions a european country has.
Sundays are days of for recovery and family.
I wouldn't wish my worst enemies that kind of shit.
Your fatass wont starve if you cant buy Red-Bull and chips for 1 fucking day.
Maybe try to get your ass up early and buy your stuff during the week, how about that?
>TFW you live near border to Netherlands who aren't such cucks so you can casually walk over and buy stuff on sunday
socialists did the same in Poland. Imagine having economy 1/1000 of Germany and still slacking off.
And surprising fact is that, doctor in hospital has to work on Sundays whereas half brained shop assistant cannot.
Do Jews obey this law or do they get a religious exemption?
And i hate this stupid shithole country. I wish some huge ISIS army invades us and behead everyone.
If you can't manage to get your ass out of bed to buy your shit on 6/7 of the week, there is no help for you.
Be the change you want to see in the world.
Wagie wagie, get in cagie. Pay for Ahmed's medical bills. Don't like it? Well there's the streets.
>tfw live on the border with Germany and shops are always full as fuck here filled with Germans during the weekend
Where can I get coronavirus masks on your side of the border?
Meant to be directed at you.
this is the real redpill kek
>poisonous food, drink, and environment
>spyware products everywhere
>planned obscelence
>built by the lowest bidder
>shallow materialism and consumerism
>breakdown of family unit and gender roles
>mother earns money to pay daycare to do her real job
>divorce business
>propaganda in all media
>generic mass appeal products
>morals, laws, and culture subject to profit
>sociopathy rewarded, decency punished
>political and social systems fully controlled by corporations
>manufacturing endless proxy wars
>manipulating money is a job in itself
>debt based economy
>constant inflation considered normal
>race to the bottom wage slavery
>manufacture identity based infighting
>illusion of democratic control
>mass immigration for welfare and wage suppression
>only frivolities get cheaper while necessities rise in price
>false dichotomy of the only alternative being bread lines
When did you realise that capitalism is actually the most degenerate system? Inb4 'real capitalism has never been tried'.
What do Germans think of English people at this point?
Wie denken Deutschlander uber Englische Leute heute?
(excuse my bad German. I learned some at school).
Shut the fuck up you defeatist cuck.
Thank you, finally a man with reason
In universities in labs there must be some. Just pretend that you are a student there.
Depending on which german city is nearby you might find something.
>When did you realise that capitalism is actually the most degenerate system?
All systems involving the development of technology are degenerate. You think the Soviet Union didn't poison the environment? kek. So much of Russia is fucked like the Aral sea.
>spyware products everywhere
That's just technology. Same in a communist country if the soviets had the internet.
>sociopathy rewarded, decency punished
Again, this happens under communism as well. People who aggressively desire power move up the ranks of almost any system even, no especially, the most meritocratic system.
Anarcho-primitivism ftw.
Neo-liberalism is capitalism at it's worst. It's so well sustained because people don't realize they are all enslaved by debt and owe everything to someone else. Renters are the worst.
See the positive side. At least, You're not French. France is an islamic african shithole.
When I think of England I think of faggots parading everywhere and mudslims stabbing people
France isn't that bad, neither is Germany. People just love to complain, you can easily move out of the disaster zones and get a job or live off welfare. Compared to where I live, it's a paradise.
Wew kek
no, that's you and sweden.
London is like Berlin. Just switch turks with pakis
In certain areas , you're not wrong
Wie schlecht is mein Deutsch? In der Schule habe ich Deutsch gelernt; zwischen elf un sechzehn. Jetz, bin ich funfundzwanzig.
Ich habe ein bischen Deutsch in mein Grips. In der Zukunft, muss ich mehr Deutsch lerenen, weil Deutsch eine schoene Sprache ist.
That's something I could get from the recesses of my memory alone. How is it? Most English people can't speak another language well. I feel bad so I'm trying to improve.
wasn loss bei euch brudis? hir in polen sind die sonntage auch geschlossen
Nicht schlimm. Für ein Engländer.
That was a good one, but you're still getting deported Carlos.
based burger
You already write german better than me.
So congrats I guess
shut the fuck up
Berlin has some pretty cool places and some shittier ones. I liked it. London is a mess in comparison.
not even hospitals work then?
Eh, I guess.
It's pretty good, just needs some refining and you're good to go.
so all stores are out?
I havent been in both cities, nor I ever will. Vienna is hard enough to deal with
Btw are a german living abroad?
Blessed trips
No, I am a trilingual Panamanian. My family has some German relatives, though. I'd like to visit Vienna.
They don't sell masks in stores and in pharmacies you'll be lucky to find a single bottle of a simple desinfection spray.
It's easier to mix one yourself from chemical lab than get it the normal way.
That's not true, well maybe if you're godless heathens.
The highest commercial earnings in the US is a county in New Jersey which maintains the blue laws.
>hurr people should work 24/7, people are machines who never need rest
>oh all these studies which show that productivity increases along with rest up to a certain point? Don't believe your lying eyes, goy, work harder so Mr. Shekelberg can buy his 7th yacht
Based Kraut