99% of Yas Forums isn't White and doesn't look like pic related.
Why does Yas Forums larp as White?
>Nurture Is an expression of nature. Communication IS organization emergent. The likelihood any two people who share truth effectively will share common ancestry, is explanation for why people self organize among the identity they share communicatively. The origins of the diversity of language is congruent with the genesis of ethnicity where by systems form spontaneously within a sequence whose interior is a reduction of complexity (order). A system of formality does not order itself complete and consistently, but is rather the product of continuous human Will proclaimed upon it’s sequence of transmissions informed by post-rational sets of initial axioms that unfold to signal the most legitimate format recognizable to the whole. Thus morality is indistinguishable from shared human agency. It is that common medium through which truth is abstracted and expressed throughout institution as legitimate progression of knowledge. Our collective Will is the energy which compels a state of change to progress in the direction of our agency. The name of the game is to exist in the future where that which continues must change by moving forward. If a people desire to prevail within a spiritual struggle, they must achieve the morality which justifies victory.
He looks better than 99% of Yas Forums.
How did you come to this number?
my hair is lighter than his and my eyes are light blue
that guys literally me
whites are subhuman
I do
Daily reminder to sage demoralization meme flaggot thread
>because white heritage is the truth and we will always follow the truth, you think hitler was 100% white?
this is what a pol user actually looks like
Is being european with ancestors dating back thousands of years not considered being white? I do have blue eyes but light brown hair, am not as good looking and dont earn as much as man in the OP
but once in a while there is this
Looks at this mutt projecting.
when he refers to good looking it has nothing to do with his hair color, its that he looks fit and looks like a functioning member of society that knows what hes doing, so user, if you have a steady life, and dont look like a cave dweller, your probably near as attractive or as attractive
Is white hair or yellow hair more white?
Every Yas Forumstard on Facebook is a shitskin or a dorky looking white guy. Taking this board seriously is a mental illness. You should stop.
beaner scum
pls tell me thats fake nails?
What are you talking about? Are you insane? This is the only serious place online right now.
Thats Oscar Wendt, Swedish fotball defender.
Just those superior nordic genes. Nothing to see here people, move along.
I literally look exactly like that except my eyes are more brownish-blue, my hair color is more of a jet blackish-blonde, and my skin tone is a few shades darker.
Fuck off, divide and conquer shill.
I unironically look like that. My eyebrows are darker though.
A bunch of maladjusted people telling me how to prepare for a pandemic isn't serious. Even when I took their advice to stock up on supplies for 2 and a half months they kept asking me to do more and go up to 6 months. Yas Forums is a low IQ board and you need to stop taking it seriously.
No. real nails.
why? just cut them off fren, it will make you happier i think, with those nails you cant even do anything without extreme carefullness, and lots of things you cant do at all
The fuck are you talking about, that's almost exactly what I look like
What patience? You niggers are the EMBODIMENT of impatience. Accelerationism doesn't require an ounce of patience. Stop proving my point.
Is white hair or blonde (yellow) hair more white? youtu.be
When hair goes white will I be whiter than a blonde even though I started out with black hair and white skin?
Yes, you are so intuitive. I have been learning extreme carefulness. Continual mindfulness.
Nice, really good genes, wife seems a bit dark though, and daughter even has brown eyes, no son
but why? is it just the feeling of not wanting the sacrifise youv made be wasted?
Is your stockpile nice? You got the deens?
reminding that memeflags are amerimutts
Because denying the holocaust and acting like an arrogant racist makes white people look really bad.
t. Mexican
Yes, it seems many nordic yellow toe heads have a difficult time breeding with their own pedigree because of socio-economic and cultural reasons and have to wed darker, unfortunately. youtu.be
All the nordic yellow hair blue eye white I know have mainly bred and married dark hispanics and fallen into low level behavior. The entire culture forces white guilt and targets them. If they could understand true white power and keep they pedigree solid it would be awesome, but most do not and lose their pedigree in one generation.
That's because 99% are Americans
Family name doesnt equal autosomal DNA.
He is not slavic, look at him.
Yes. I think is I am able to care for something so seemingly insignificant I will be able to translate it into all areas of my will and intent. It helps me grow my awareness.
lol I look like him
I'm a Bong but look like a skeletal blond Jerry/Dane
You should be in Mexico, then. Why are you here if white people bad? You desperately want to be with us.
I am a actual paranoid schizophrenic, not a people call me schizo for being a weirdo but a actual one.
>these are the people who are going to save the huite race KEK look at the genetics on these specimens
>some guy on a message board told me to buy 2.5 months of supplies, so i did it
>then some other guy on the board told me it should have been 6, so that's automatically true and now i'm mad
>the people on this board are therefore stupid
Most posters are niggers.
I started browsing Yas Forums because some nigger on my discord group keep talking about Yas Forums.
Are you a nigger?
why would some regret have a nice little cache of supplies.