Greek priests blesses the chads about to BTFO mudslims

why orthodox countries so fucking based, pol?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Meanwhile in catholic churches they're praying for the migrants

I don't particularly like Greeks, but I respect them for doing this.

Greece saving Europe again.

Blessings of Zeus be upon them.

How the fuck is this a bad thing unless you're a racist asshole?

Kill yourself leaf SCUM

Efharisto, brothers.

5th post best post. Fucking woke as fuck! Nazi incels BTFO forever!

Qc needs their own flag, I dont want to be associated with scum like you

Most of them don't even come from war-torn areas. They're economic opportunists and/or jihadists. And most of them are criminals because they're hoping to avoid due process anyway.
tl;dr: Kys

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lmao, you're alright leaf

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>unless you're a racist asshole?
Where the fuck do you think you are?

>I don't particularly like Greeks
how come?

Hail Greece

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you use that term as if it's a bad thing

Why are you like this?

Don't lump us with fucking Vancouvernieses.

You leftist have caused so much suffering and evil in this world with your disastrous migration policies. You are causing suffering. I hope you understand that you evil asshole.

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Canada should be glassed

Leafs truley are the worst shit posters. 5/7 bait.

The last stand of the West?

Christians caused this in the first place

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May the gates remain closed to the barbaroi.

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Kys chink

>Try to use Turkey as a barrier
>Offer money but don't pay that money
>Turkey can't handle another million sandniggers
>Open the gates to EU

Based Erdoğan is enjoying all of this, while EU is destroying every value that they were built on. Greeks are no hero, shooting half-dead, exhausted migrants with tear gas is only laughable.

Wrong thread, friend. The Yas Forums humor thread is that way ---->

I do see the "refugees" having a laugh in the trt videos for some reason.

The geopolitical context doesn't really matter when a swarm of niggers shows up to raid their land

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Orthodox Christianity the only denomination kind of left of Christianity not totally engulfed by satan. Part of orthodoxy however also started to succumb. But good to see some stand their ground still . We need this now. Anti faggotry. ANti Degeneracy, Anti Trannies.

Based and christcuck pilled

Found the kike.



They’re trafficking in human beings. Beyond evil.

Consider the London Protocol debnpts wiped off record.

Kill them all and may God be with you.

>Greek priests blesses the chads about to BTFO mudslims
>chink poo cuk bitches from behind a leaf flag
Fucking neck yourself shill bitch.

Attached: NGO burning in Mytilene Greece right now.webm (320x566, 2.86M)

why do so many of you faggots hate canucks? is it because they hate beaver and perfer /pol?

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Greeks are fucking done with this shit. I hope they fucking burn those niggers alive and start inflicting pain. Threats and actions of violent pushback is the only thing these fuckers will be dissuaded by.
No more rapefugees, curry niggers, iranians, pakis, sick fucks and 'children' trying to get into white countries to prey on white women and children to take advantage.
Defend your people.

Hi snow nigger!

Gtfo nigger


Why are leafs like this?

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Checked. Blessed indeed

You don’t belong here you crazy moose fuckers

>love your enemies

antichrist satan worshipers
>kill your enemies

Are civilians armed in Greece?
For some odd reason today I was thinking eventually the EU would send their military(I know there isnt an EU army yet) to quench the nationalist Greeks down.

Why is Canada still a thing? That shithole should’ve been annexed long ago.

FUCK (((EU))) and God save your country from soros machinations argentinebro.
Too many elements down south are selling precious lands in patagonia to jews. A lot of boltholes there for elites that I hope have been closed down.

>Kills all Catholics in the city during a chimpout
>WTF why you guys mad

What a bunch of cucks, imagine protecting Europeans that call you turk rape babies. They should let the goblin invasion pass through to enrich the Nordicists that always talk shit about Meds


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>christianity is literally what is presented by controlled opposition mainstream media, a pacifist contradiction

My priest
>It is your duty to protect your family, your home, your country

get rekt faggot

I've noticed BBC posts have started moving to canadian flags after mutts law ravaged them

Always a leaf

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Hello fucking shitstain from Toronto

You deserve those YOUs Leaf.
Well played.

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