>The London Assembly calls for all user accounts and "hate" content to be banned
It's fucking over my fellow lads. Please, someone help
>The London Assembly calls for all user accounts and "hate" content to be banned
It's fucking over my fellow lads. Please, someone help
1984 was supposed to be a warning not an instruction manual
"Hate" is just codeword for white people having an opinion
Good. We’ll see how tough you racist faggots are when your anonymity is gone
We're done for. It's actually over. They've got our backs to the wall.
We didn't do anything wrong
Lol the British government is completely fucked and proof centralization and monarchy doesn't work, the government will take what it can then 10 miles more and never give it back.
Is the UK being satirically authoritarian downstream of its classism?
I swear, China and UK are neck and neck trying to make it a reality
How do they plan to stop people from abroad saying whatever the fuck we want?
The UK was much better off under monarchy compared to this shit show.
We aren't a monoarchy, the Queen is just a figurehead, the royal family hasn't denied a bill since 1707.
>recomendation by a group that cant impliment it
>every other party voted againts it
>labout politicians regularly getting rekt online
They'll ask you to stop bullying them through their police departments' Twitter accounts
Then MI6 kill you in your sleep
Because anything viewed as causing any distress can be construed as a hate crime and you'll be charged at home.
>Britain invading Norway
Guess its time to start pillaging and raping and worshipping Thor, Freya, and Odin again.
the less UK sandniggers posting the better. good riddance, rot in your orwellian hellhole
It seems like (((they))) are using the UK as a test bed for all their Orwellian plans
The British king was intentionally obtuse through most of history, especially recent history and would hold Parliament in random locations just to hassle dissenters, he also completely ignored the Olive Branch Petition then proceeded to completely get BTFO by our country built on freedom and hard work.
A modern day British absolute monarchy would be like Saudi Arabia, Thailand, Bhutan, etc where the government keeps a tight rein on its citizens, arrests anyone who questions the government's hypocrisy, and generally becomes inbred due to inheritance reasons.
>...politician, reality TV host...
"let the slags run things" they said, "it will be fine" they said...
Norway would be worth invading too. Oil. Oil. Oil.
UK has a great surveillance program. Time to flood you with Muslims, unleash a virus to kill all the old whites and usher in a new era
Banning anonymity generally results in riots.
i thought the UK was done with this shit after brexit
We got tricked bro.
She hung herself because she was an eggless 40 something roastie who got arrested for beating her cuck boyfriend.
It had nothing to do with anonymity on the internet.
Seems like our govt is using any excuse to implement liberal fascism.
They can't. It's not very enforceable even to us. Even if this stupid idea went through parliament the ISPs would cuck them again
Just hang your lords. They have no power except that which you give them. Unironically just stage a revolution and out them from their seats of power. What are the police going to do? They can't even bag muslims.
How xactly could it be implemented?
anonymous hate-filled internet comments are just part and parcel of niggers tongueing my anus
The kikes want to crack down on samizdat. Tell us something we don't know.
escape while you still can. I'm not joking
>Caroline Flack
If you live solely to be an attention whore, don't be surprised when it's not all positive.
you first weakling
It's fine. I'll just do something else, I guess. Maybe tackle my Steam backlog.
For all the shit europeans give americans it's bizarre you defend this type of censorship. Yeah america has gun crime out the butthole cause of niggers and spics, if you live in a white area you're fine. Yeah our education system is shit and mudskins suck but it's got speech and guns, with good tax rates. Makes me sad to see people suffering to be free in the mind.
Novels about the future really aren't. Orwell was warning about the dangers of communism, but interpreted through the British mindset. What he wrote was an extension and extrapolation of the Brits under extremist thought control - no surprise really that it resembles the reality.
Where is Anonymous when we need them? The hero's we need to save us are absent.
The government wouldn't be pulling this shit if you hadn't given up your guns
>Racist problematic sorts lose anonymity
>Racist problematic sorts see their kin everywhere
>Peasant revolt against slaver leader in Minecraft
1984 is the post text to the mouse utopia. It is inevitable for anything remotely social to eventually collapse everything around them for attention
Are you telling me I can't call someone a nigger or a disgusting whore who needs to kill herself without having to reveal my true identity? Oh George, how did you predict this dystopia so accurately?
Honestly, it's a good thing. let's see who are the cowards and who are the people who will put their face behind their words. None of this little pussy shit online. Look at us here, sniveling little fairies.
isn't Saudi Arabia more free on the Internet now than the UK?
What do you think you can do in the Netherlands that you think we can't do here? I'm curious.
Pretty sure if you say fuck sim sala bim bing bong Al Assad or whoever the Sultan is you'll get cut open with a scimitar
kekd n chekd
>Imagine being so disgusting that they have to make laws to try and stop ordinary people from hating you
>Caroline "cut me some slack" Flack
This is absurd, and extremely authoritarian.
If you think people are hateful now, try to implement this and see what happens.
I seriously hope that includes hate against nazis and Trump.
If you truly cared you do something instead of crying on this board, but you're a pussy so lol
peak reddit, sure haven't heard that one before
It's too bad we never got to hang out together.
Own a butter knife or television without filling out for 39d in triplicate
Not familiar with this person, what did she do to generate all of this negative attention?
Also checked.
Time to get back to onions i think. See you all there.
This shit is why you have a bill of rights
Time for another Revolution nigel
Legit fascism yet Im sure the antifa scum in the UK approves of this.
I have guns
Fuck around and find out
>Please, someone help
you would only bomb the helper to death.
you can never win. They'll always turn your winning vote into a loss in a different way. Look at Trump