Why do we need to have a stock market ?

Why do we need to have a stock market ?
Can't we live without it existing ?

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becuase without out 61 year old men like me would not be rich and fucking 20 something girls. Actually not so much fucking but eating ass... i am not too into sex but eating a young woman's ass is pretty much being in heaven.

>Why do we need to have a stock market ?
It makes investing and raising capital easy.
>Can't we live without it existing ?

Stock is another word for cattle. We are the stock!

It would be better to turn every stock into voting stock and get rid of all the classes.

The purpose of stocks is to give the population direct control over a public company--that idea was perverted and subverted by kike bankers... and the whole thing turned into legal gambling of glorified bonds.

it's a useful tool for allocating resources, like fiat. we could live without it but it would make getting resources to things that need it harder


I would have no money and have to get my first teal job at 31 if there were no stock market. Having stocks is the whitest thing you can do because corporate overlords have decided only brown people deserve work.

>I don't know what purpose it serves, so lets destroy it.
Toaster bath yourself.

>Why do we need to have a stock market ?
To generate money faster and without side effects such as inflation and boost economic growth
>Can't we live without it existing ?

>The purpose of stocks is to give the population direct control over a public company
no it isn't nor was it "invented" for that use
it was intended as a way to raise funds and that is still what it does

It's for convenience.
It's better than going to each individual company and purchasing stock.

Because parasitic people need to gamble. You can live without it but (((they))) can't.

>Why do we need to have a stock market ?
>Can't we live without it existing
I have created a conspiracy all for myself, I simply cant understand how debt economy works and how investing things without value in a company that somehow matters because others invest some other things that dont hold any value into said company. This notion is so retarded to me that I grew to believe that no one actually understands how this shit manages to work so they just invest "money" because that is what they think they should be doing

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It only raises funds during IPOs, retards.

It was invented to draw investors who would receive dividends as well as a %ownership of VOX.

Ownership = control.

But then how am I gonna make my money? Wageslaving?

Dividends are very low and correspond to a tiny fraction of the total volume of shekels. It's gambling.

you can use the 51% of the shares you retain as collateral for loans, higher value -> more money can be raised.

There are buybacks, corporate bonds, options that are used for compensation and acquisitions, so on.

Oy vey! This kind of antisemitism is not to be tolerated! Delete this goyim!

not without a period of strife, confusion and great loss. and then our masters can come to the rescue, once again.

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>Why do we need to have a stock market ?
Because it allows businesses to raise capital and normal people to invest in businesses instead of just the elites.

>Can't we live without it existing ?

Yes, but it will make wealth inequality even wider and make it hard for companies to raise funds for ambitious projects. For instance, Tesla, Amazon, Google, Uber, Facebook, and thousands a pharmaceutical companies with new medicine would all be out of business if it weren’t for the Capital they raised through the stock market.

go back to Yas Forums queer
>we could live without it but it would make getting resources to things that need it harder
but humans do that. the stock market is just a non tangible machine.
>it's a useful tool for allocating resources
couldn't the internet do that ?

you are right i don't know how the stock market works the whole thing seems like a scam and a lie.
i am assuming stocks represent money and companies share their money with other people. the whole thing sounds like bullshit.

You can fucking issue new shares, retard.

unironically read/ listen to this:
money is nothing more than a tool to allocate resources, you could replace the stock market/central bank with crypto but there are very powerful people that don't want that

kickstarter is better than the stock market because its making donations
the people that donate in the stock market only do it because they think they will make money back.

Ay faggots, why do I need an ISP? Why can't I just connect to the internet illegally?

>Because I can't understand something then by logic noone else can understand it and the idea is retarded and made up

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Because kikes and boomers.

i want the money we have now. but i want the stock market to be gone. because its fake and gay. also i want the federal reserve gone. and i want to bring back gold and silver.

you mean communism? sure, that's worked great around the world

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Guess what happened in 1945? First stock market-funded Pharma company got off the ground.

Seriously dude, neck yourself. You’re really low IQ if you can’t see the positives of a stock market for the common man.

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Do your family a favour and kill yourself

Good luck saving enough at -2% to retire on

its spelled with k not y

all that can be done with crypto, but we don't live in an isolated system, people at the top of the current system won't just allow a new system to overthrow them. and I'm not just talking about rothschild-tier people. boomers who have contributed to a 401k and have realized a mass of money from the stock market are never going to except that the whole thing is a "scam" they'll die first

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It's a good idea to take political advice from a meme that can't spell "seize" right repeatedly.

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>Why do we need to have a stock market ?
So companies can use financial instruments to hedge risk and stay in business.
>Can't we live without it existing ?
Yes, but remember that every efficiency grants us more time and prosperity.

These instruments are essential to the long term stability and growth of a community.
But don't be fooled by what the Fed is doing. They are manipulators, and Keynesian economics is a scam to make everyone goyim slaves.

>"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered."

Futures markets date back to the dawn of civilization. They were recorded on some sumerian tablets.
When the farmer short sells his crop he insures himself profitability into the next season in the event of a drought/disease/etc.
If you have a bunch of gold you can allocate that capital across a large area vs. one farm so your spread is likely to return a profit.

These types of markets are as old as civilization, and take on their own form to work for certain businesses under certain circumstances.
For example I follow bitcoin
They want a stable economy but are dealing with the real world of randomness and certain perimeters that affect how the blockchain functions
So there's a futures market between the miners and the traders/speculators
When the chain is busy there's a futures market between the miners and service providers

When different parts of an economy can hedge into the future it promotes stability and growth

What are dividends and capital gains?

Holy fucking shit, user. I’ve seen some really retarded finance takes on here, but your absolute lack of knowledge is stunning.

>Use a kick-starter
To open a company for making a life-saving drug? It takes more than $100,000,000 to bring a drug to market. When have you EVER seen a kickstarter with a hundred million dollars?

>company starts itself
>its selling products or providing services
>somehow when people invest into it they somehow get money back
see it doesn't make sense.
you have to work for a company to get paid by the company . not give the company money then they give you money back. wtf is that.

Thank God it exists. Allows me to have my money make at least some money since interest is a thing of the past. Real estate and stocks. What else is there? Crypto is a gamble. And gold is just another stock.

It’s ownership. You are buying a piece of the company when you buy a stock. Depending on share class, you sometimes even get a portion of their property if they go bankrupt.

>I’ve seen some really retarded finance takes on here, but your absolute lack of knowledge is stunning

that's why i am 31 years old and never had negative debt in my life.


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Jews like gathering up retirement savings and making them disappear.

user come on. we all know that isn't true. you don't own shit you just think you do. its like gambling or the numbers are rigged.
if it was that easy just go buy a stock in a company that is doing good and you will get easy money back. then everyone would be doing it.
do you even know the percentage of Americans that participate in the stock market ?

Yes, get rid of the stock market, that way it's impossible for a business to obtain equity beyond their own liquid capital.

That way all business will be in the hands of banks.

Great idea.

>if it was that easy just go buy a stock in a company that is doing good and you will get easy money back

It literally is that easy. Most well established companies pay you for owning their stock. The hard part is holding during times like these when the stock price tanks.

read also Time = Money
nobody is giving you control over capital for free unless you can rig the game like the Fed
We need a stock market, we don't need a Fed

I've lurked enough to get this reference. I should go back to church.

>you don't own shit you just think you do
There's a contract lol
the free market made america prosperous, don't compare the stock market to the rigged Fed and the debasement of our currency
Everything fucked with our country can be traced back the Fed

It literally is that easy. That’s why 52% of Americans now own stock. You’re only going to make yourself poor by not participating, man.

Thanks for the spel chekc. Kek.

all the money they make is their own money you retard. the bank does not secretly siphon their money away. and if they did that should be illegal.
most is not a good word
>The hard part is holding during times like these when the stock price tanks.
so how is it possible they can take money away from you when all you did was give them a donation by buying a stock from them.
you aren't really part of the company they just trick you into thinking you are.

>liquid capital
both of these don't need to exist.

hmm i would get into it. but its a big scam. everything can just collapse overnight.
i need a system that is more solid.

you missed the leaf's point. He is saying if private citizens can't invest/give loans to companies then then extra capital would be in the hands of banks and they would hold the controls over what the deals were
He is arguing a free market over your dumb idea

Your 2nd point you're confusing an investment with a loan.
Each stock has a contract if they give dividends, if the share holders have much control, its not uniform across the entire market
you need to research what you're buying

everyone/businesses/corporations is entitled to collecting their own money without playing faggy games. has nothing to do with communism.

Just buy stocks with low beta and mutual funds, then. PONAX is a guaranteed 7% dividend and rarely changes price. Thats way better than a savings account.

if you're holding US dollars you are getting scammed by the Fed
When they lower the interest rates it allows an influx of new low interest capital to "stimulate" the economy, but the end result is stocks pumping and real estate pumping and commodities pumping
yet wages are stagnant and this artificial manipulation didn't make a real difference
The Fed has prevented a correction/collapse for years by manipulating the interest rates

Stocks are just pieces of companies.

federal reserve system favors traders, merchants, and middlemen, while workers, producers, creators, inventors can go eat dirt

>Being this much of an ignorant whore about business and still having an opinion about it

Listen, dickshit, I'll try to use small words so you can understand

Starting a business takes money

You can spend your own money, but if you're not already rich, you won't have enough

If that happens, you either

A: Borrow it, in which case you have to appease a banker, and then you are in debt and have to pay interest to a bank

B: Sell a portion of your company in exchange for money, which is what stocks are.

Now, are we keeping up, or do I need to go entirely monosyllabic

You're right, companies should spring up fully formed out of the ground based on the power of rainbows, fairy dust, and unicorn shit.

>so how is it possible they can take money away from you when all you did was give them a donation by buying a stock from them.

They didn't take anything from you. You RISKED your money. The stock market isn't a store, it's a MARKET. Items in market fluctuate in value in depending on supply and demand, and the overall feeling of their value. You don't buy stock to "donate" to the company unless it's an IPO, or the company is releasing shares specifically to raise capital. Most of the time when you buy stock it's with the expectation that it will continue to rise in value or because you want a dividend.

It can get way more complex than that but you're too ignorant too know about that.

>hmm i would get into it. but its a big scam. everything can just collapse overnight.

You can also make money off of that by shorting selling or buying puts. Just because you don't understand the market doesn't mean it's a scam, though it is heavily manipulated. You're risk averse with your money. There is nothing wrong with that. You can open CDs or buy Government bonds if you want safe money, but safe money doesn't make money.

Go on investopedia if you want to educate yourself about finance.

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There is no better experience then tounging and sucking the cum out of a white womans asshole who has just been filled with the seed of a superior BBC

It’s way more complicated than that.

Some stocks pay dividends, others don’t. Why does a stock that doesn’t pay dividends have value? Well, because if you can get a majority of the shares together in one place, you can take control over it. That’s literally all. If a company keeps ownership of 51%, there’s no real value to their stock since it never has any useful function. All it has is POTENTIAL utility that they don’t ever have any obligation to make good on.

High finance, fiat, stocks... all a scam. The only reason nobody says boo about it is that they make it so complicated everybody who tries to read into it gets bored before they realize how it really works. It’s better than nothing because at least there’s predictable rules, but a better scheme for managing wealth in a free market could definitely be devised.

The Internet Fairy will visit you in the sauna and bite your balls off if you do that.