Catholic calls out Islam and Judaism for the BS that they are

Watch Pisslam and Poodaism get BTFO by this Catholic Chad.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Catholic Chads unite against all forms of degeneracy: Islam, Judaism, feminism and protestantism.

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Pick one, then line up those refugee feet to slobber over

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Then stop voting democrat.

t.kike zogbot

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Anyway, this is now a christcuck thread

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>Gary the Fairy

I’m joking. I like G. Michael Voris

I want to be around nice people. Why can't Catholics be nice?

Reminder that Maurice Bucaille was a top medical doctor from France who grew up in a Christian household. After having making Christians butthurt by exposing the inconsistencies and scientific errors in the Bible he eventually went on to learn classical Arabic, determined to show that the Qur'an was not the word of God.

In a twist of fate, Maurice not only discovered that there were no inconsistencies in the Qur'an but he also discovered the various scientific miracles detailed in the Qur'an that could not have been known to man 1400 years ago, many of which have only been discovered in the past century. He converted to Islam and wrote a book about his whole journey.

Also reminder that OP is fag.

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>Taking a French man serious
>Calling others fags

Top kek

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>The Qur'an
>fewer inconsistencies than the Bible

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>comments turned off

What did he mean by this?


>laughs because the truth makes him feel insecure.
I'm waiting for you to prove otherwise.


>catholic claims to care about the bible
show me the verse that says you need to pray to Mary

And we're still waiting for you retards to prove the existence of the god you believe in.

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Bhuuuut.. They are all the same? They share the same root. And none of them belong in Europe. Kill yourself, shitskin.

>had to invent an entire scholarly tradition to explain away the Quran and Hadith's incoherence

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I don't. Any Catholic who votes democrat isn't a real Catholic.

Seething protestants detected. Protestantism is inherently Satanic. The Catholic Church can be fixed. Protestantism can't. Protestantism will never unite, but will always squabble and keep dividing into more and more smaller sects.

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>And we're still waiting for you retards to prove the existence of the god you believe in.
God already proved his existence with the miracle of the Qur'an and the scientific miracles in the Qur'an.

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mmmm mmmslurp, nigger feet taste so fucking good mmm, kill all whitessssslurp

Where is your point mutt? Where are the inconsistencies in the Qur'an?
Hadiths are invented by man to begin with.

Praying to Mary is optional. It's something we do out of reverence for her sinless nature and because she is the mother of God.

Not every single little thing every Christian does has to be spelled out word for word in the Bible.

That's why the Catholic Church has been interpreting it for 1500 years. Oh by the way, you wouldn't even have your Bible without our Church. You're welcome.

If the saints and scholars of the early Catholic church saw what has happened to it, they would leave too. Martin Luther did nothing wrong and his book "On the Jews and their Lies" is based

>I don't. Any Catholic who votes democrat isn't a real Catholic.
True. I'm Catholic too, but the sheer number of false Catholics makes me wonder if there's something seriously wrong with the religion that makes it attract them.

The Bible is sometimes a very stupid book. Any part of it normies love is garbage. The parts they hate like John, Paul, and the OT apocrypha are usually golden Yas Forums tier stuff though.


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>Why yes, I do like my dick getting cut
>Why yes, I do like to shack my cousin. What could possibly go wrong
>Why yes, I do believe the sun sets in a muddy pond

Try harder

fucking idiots

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Does the sun set in a muddy pool in the west?

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Historical illiterate

Tell me when the talmud was compiled

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Refuted. Enough said.

Also, the Qur'an doesn't actually say any of that besides the fact that it's permissible to marry your cousin and there were practical reasons for that.
Keep coping.

The Church has been subverted. But it can only remain corrupt for so long. It's fucking pathetic, honestly. Makes me sick.

Traditional Catholicism is making a comeback, though.

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Based zoomers.

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>look at what these anti christ satan worshipers said
>ignore jesus and the new testament

k giga satan


>muh christ
>Literally wearing hijab.

That's just wrong, though.
Judaism didn't exist until the talmud which was years after Christ's resurrection.
Also that is the star of Remphan which is rebuked as a demonic star in the bible. The bible warns that people who use that star are Satanists.

>m-m-my abrahamic cult is better than yours and the one true desert cult!!!!!!!!!!

Bring that zeal to the Catholic faith.

Convert and actually REFORM the Church that started it all, instead of leaving like a bitch when things get tough.

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head coverings are dictated in the new testament
it says that women should wear them when praying, then it says to pray without ceasing, thus women are to wear head coverings at all times

modern people who claim to be christian usually ignore what is written in the bible entirely

Christians coping with their semitic desert cult.
Next thing you'll say is it's a European religion lmfao.

Why would a cathocuck have a problem with toddlers?

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the problem is you can say you're a Catholic who disagrees with the pope or the Vatican, but that makes you a heretic and you would literally be tortured or executed for even questioning the pope.
I'm a Christian, but I left the Catholic church. I'm not a prot, I'm a Christian. Denomination wars are retarded. All that matters is do you know Jesus Christ. Not know OF him, but actually know him.

It literally says in the bible that whoever uses this star is the synagogue of Satan.
There's no other religion that uses synagogues except Judaism, the bible warns us about them and about you.

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they despise jesus, notice how they never point to what jesus said, they always point to what weird demon worshipers in fish hats said

Why are you so prejudiced against deserts and Semites?

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Not everything Muslims say is wrong. They are right about women in some aspects.Young women should dress modestly and cover their hair. Mary covered her hair. It's not a Muslim thing. It's a common-sense, modesty thing.

>kike uses pseudo historical mental gymnastics

Holy shit what a twist!

Okay. 1/5

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Wow, so you’re telling me that one group of kikes hates some other groups of kikes? I would have never expected such hatred from such a noble group of people


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the synagogue of satan is those who call themselves jews but are not, in the context of when this was written it means that true jews are those who follow the jewish messiah. the synagogue of satan includes those who claim to follow jesus but do not. the synagogue of satan includes all denominations of christianity today as they all have anti christ doctrines and refuse to follow what jesus taught

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Deserts are too hot and semites are subversive.
Probably like deserts more desu.
The bible is half jewish, and that's your source?
Catholicism is just Roman Monotheism.

>Watch Pisslam and Poodaism get BTFO by this Catholic Chad.

>practical reasons to marry your cousin

Like when the local goatherder knows about your needs?

Furthermore, I just was curious to see what Islam has to say about the number 666 and oddly enough you're not supposed to dabble in any manner of fortune telling or asigne meaning to symbols and numbers. So I guess you're not really all that commited to your religion.

You're allowed to call out the clergy, even the Pope, for anti-Christian behaviour. That's 100% within the rights of the Catholic laity. Michael Voris even called for the Pope to resign. Cardinal Sarah, Arch bishop Vigano, and so on call people out all the time. It's not heresy to call out heretics. It's charitable towards them and the church. You are allowed to have disagreements within the church.

Also, we need one united front against Islam and outside threats. That's why I don't lik the non-denominational approach. You have no real power.

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Not interested in sibling squabbles

Tl;dr: Islam is the sandnigger equivalent of Mormonism, and Mohammed is its Joseph Smith. He was a lying, decietful pedophile who whined whenever he didn't get what he wanted and had his cult members kill all who opposed him. In other words, OP is a fag

>the synagogue of satan is those who call themselves jews but are not, in the context of when this was written it means that true jews are those who follow the jewish messiah.

So in other words, you admit that you’re in fact a jew

bbbased. daily ALL heretics go to HELL

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>pope francis
obvious heretic and way more protestant than catholic but nice try

see pic, first we go over classical theism

It just follows logically.

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>not being a buddhist in 2020

some catholics are alright.
check pic related or link related (goy guide to world history)

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I’d rather go to hell a man than to heaven a traitor

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Mind you, 90% of modern Jewry is not of Semitic origin.

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Forgot pic

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