Brit/pol/ - Friday Night Binfire Edition

>Queen says 'diversity makes us stronger' in Commonwealth Day message

>EU fishing wars: Anger after French warship sent to UK port over fishing dispute exposed

>Defra to phase out badger culling in favour of vaccination

>Commuters wear plastic bags, boxes and gas masks as coronavirus fears grip London

>Wales Is Home to the Baked Bean Museum of Excellence

>Series of Binfires reported in Ipswich over night

>Youths sought over raging Binfire near housing estate

>Supermarket staff and public put out Barking Binfire

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Other urls found in this thread:

Globohomo multiculti exacerbated the pandemic.

Posting in real thread

I won't be posting in seethenonce thread, lil grass.

you're a good lad

based, only person I don't like in brit/pol/

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Trump and the CDC has propper ballsed it up too

narrowmoat lmao. Saved.

Other thread is seethe so i think i'll sink a few tinnies in here instead

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you're a good and true sussex lad

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Hope Corona gets me at this point, my dearest lads.

That or I will perform ritual suicide, I will embrace death like Saint Sebastian.

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Tempted to go and get a bottle of whisky mate. Yea, and fuck seethe the grass.

How's it looking over there?

desperate for some pussy lads

Fuck the "royal" family.

what's going on with the morbid pasta-posting

Based and bonfire pilled

Edenbridge has one I liked, the town go Edenbridge has really been going downhill recently , southern rail and it's consequences have been a disaster for the home counties

All of this because she didnt reply lad, come to britain, we'll take your mind off her

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He messaged alice, she responded once and the left him on read

How are we lads, got me some Bishops Finger, love a bit of the finger.

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He's been done.

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this is a great thread

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Come to birko lad. You'll forget about Alice within an hour.


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How far away are you from a Corona zone?

at least she responded. put that down as a win

Hiya Daisyfag, hows the finger feeling?


You'll get a nice lass and forget she ever existed mate.


Alri matey.

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love you guys

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Based mozza.

Corona-Chan please get me off work

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What’s your alignment?

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Seethenonce has been eternally btfo'd, gonna crack open a shiraz to celebrate.

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Feeling it la.

ah was thinking Berkhamstead. is birkenhead as posh as berkhamstead?


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come to the uk and go to a norfern town for are finest slags.


>Hiya Daisyfag, hows the finger feeling?
The rope

i think we deserve some cannons m80

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wonder what the going price is for a narrow boat

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Capitalist. as in capital punishment

Little woodstove in one of them in that weather, probably the ultimate in comfyness.

Mods refuse to ban and actually moderate threads, anons don't report as they're so sick of 24/7 cunts. They're like battered wives day in, day out, month after month and now year after year only dealing with knob sseeking notoriety and attention who make 40+ posts a thread with minimal blowback.

Reminder: Use the feedback form and irc to let admin know :)

They want to put my region under lockdown, how charming.
You lads are kind and good hearted; this is puerile and stupid but she takes me breath away, what can I say.
This is embarassing but this reminds me of what I felt when I fell for my first real gf.

It makes Jew Masters and Good Goy Royals a lot richer, thus all the pro diversity propaganda in the West. They have about 20 good years of the gravy train left before they get overthrown by their Darkie Pets. What's an Elitist to do buy ride that train until it goes flying off the rails?

bateman i know it's you Callum

Expensive, I checked online and they can fetch between 60 to 100 grand.

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Some young lad bought a knackered one for peanuts and restored it as a hobby, don't think it cost him much. As for brand spankers, quite expensive desu

Suit you sir.

Bit of a classicalfag tbf, this is a good choice.

i think you could get one for 5-10k but it would be shit and small and there's lots of costs associated with mooring and maintenance

.tfw-no missus

Diversity makes you weaker.

Diversity makes you stronger is some Jew sound clip that you’re too scared to call out in public because of Jewish mental conditioning.

When the economies of the west collapse because of diversity-the Jew will hang for his causing of it.


Fuck off seethenonce, did your jani application get rejected again?

clean your she-wee it fucking stinks

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You've been done you absolute spastic.

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wee little fatty I've done you over

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Expensive as fuck. About half as much as a house.

Also these boat houses are impractical as fuck because most stuff just isn't made to be around water all the time. You end up needing to buy things like new furniture almost yearly because the damp just fucks it up constantly.
Maintenance is also expensive.

Norfolk Broads > Narrowboat canals

Imagine bothering with locks lmao and not just cruising endlessly at 4mph for days


why are you craving my attention tripcunt?

Caviler becuase my family are Fenians

>Bit pricey

ah so that be a no from me then

I've exposed you wee fatty Callum

Was this seethnonce? Probably.

Who is seethnonce? Where is canceranon

If you are handy with tools you could probably get a fucking wreck and do it up, depends how much you want to get into it really. Boats are total money pits though, it's a risky game.

BREAKING# Italy to quarantine Milan, Venice and other regions: media

Don't you both avatarfag as children ?

>The London Assembly calls for all user accounts and "hate" content to be banned

It’ll all be ogre soon, this will be the next big push. Even the tripfags will not be spared.

There's a reason why narrowboaters are Übermensch, all those locks make you into units, like Raoul.

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So what britfag is going to sponsor Spaghettibro until this blows over.

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i'm on 12 eggs a day mate

Post lats brother

boring tripnonce

Spotted that yesterday. Yea I reckon its him trying to turn the lads against us.
Sorry about the Filet-O-Fish being cold when I got it to you btw ;)

reminder that we are never getting a cure or vaccine

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Not many Chink students in town today, usually there are loads. The few I saw were all masked up. They fear coronachan.

This is honestly not bad but aye, fixing one up would probably be the best course of action.

She was early 20's you silly spunk chamber, and Karen isn't real.
Take a while to forgive mate, just give me space.

>tfw you will never meet karen's seiyuu

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they should all be shipped back to china.

>can't tell the dirty mussies to have a fucking shave

>iireversible lung damage
Kek, ive been on the tabs for years

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You're right - it's coming. This is how these things gain traction; using local and regional authorities as 'proving grounds', gradually escalating it to national law. Once the draft text and accompanying 'strategy documents' and 'best practise' is codified and perfected in a friendly atmosphere (i.e a Labour administration), it becomes increasingly establishment-ified and harder to resist, as calls for 'laws to be expanded across the board' and it's part of the accepted political lexicon.

why do you keep posting this nonce?

see you soon boy

It's okay to draw paedo wankfuel if the subject matter isn't real? Interesting take you vile nonce.

Anons were posting him last night. His fuckin lats were insane. Wish there was a picture of his back

all in all sound bloke

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I don't really mind them, I like seeing their strange fashions, but they don't mix with the locals (or anyone else) at all. I think they do all go home at the end of their courses, they seem to be minted. I think the relationship between them and the local Chinese is a bit strained, a lot of the Chink shops round here sell that Falun Gong newspaper and are very anti-Communist.

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Which Alice are you talking about?

that retard has golf ball sized gyno

i have a drawbridge

get a life mate. you're on here constantly.