We only have 332 confirmed cases and hospitals are being looted. This shit is about to get bad bros.
"New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Friday that his administration had directed state police to investigate cases of the theft of masks and other equipment from hospitals and medical facilities, putting healthcare workers at risk. "
The only appropriate response to those who are caught is execution. Sick of this fucking bullshit.
It's just the flu, bro!
The medical staff are doing it.
I was talking to a nurse yesterday who said she's been supplying her friends and family with hand gel from her hospital.
Might makes right
>The absolute state of am*rica
I bought 10 packs of 10 from amazon late january.
They still haven't shipped my 3m masks.
They also killed the listing.
Just wait until hospitals start filling up. and healthcare workers are overwhelmed and abandoning their jobs/ or infected. There will be mass chimpouts unlike anything we have ever seen. Trump will probably have to mobilize the military to protect hospitals. But the cities are going to get wrecked and looted...all of those empty stores are sitting ducks
It's the sane exact fucking doctors who spent the last months telling people just a flu bro. Fuck them.
niggers, wiggers, fat women
There's no way it could be internal.
Everybody I know says it's just the flu though.
this shit is unheard of in Europe. Ive known for a long time Americans are more savage than most.
highschool jock and stacie bullying, adults arguing in the streets, people resorting to physical violence over small disagreements.
These things are common in America.
they must feel entitled
Strange time to send 40 000 of your soldiers who could help doing all sorts of things, away from your continent, don't you think?
>Exercise DEFENDER-Europe 20 is the deployment of a division-size (37 000) combat-credible force from the United States to Europe
>“Defender 2020,” the largest NATO exercise in Europe for 25 years, ... for a number of facts about the operation: 37,000 soldiers and 20,000 ..
>starts next month
>people are stealing and acting retarded
>location: USA
no further questions
Wrong, it's happening here too.
The hospital are blaming 'visitors' but it's the fucking staff, see my post above, one of them admitted as much to me.
every time
but its more wide spread in USA. Generally they are a very savage breed of mutts.
But yeah stealing hand gel is dumb because washing your hands with soap for 20 seconds does the same thing.
there is still the death penalty here, responsibility isn't an abstract academic concept in "the states"
user britain is a mongrel country. ever since the norman and saxons invaded and bred with the population there, all british are mutts
are the looters perhaps of darker skintone?
if we ever preempted Russia it would be during such an exercise
its partly why they have them, to cover mobilization.
It’s just nurses, the last people you wanted to piss off right now.
Makes sense that nurses would steal them majority of them in NYC are niggers and spics
At least Norman and Saxon share ancestral DNA already. What about Americans? Dutch, French, English, Spaniard - true fucking mutts.
Imagine the gov beginning mask confiscations door to door
you eurogenes shouldnt be too smug. it is true it this is happening in the USA, but 'America' is long gone. Real America wouldn't have been like this, but it is all the foreign and otherwise malign influence. If Europe isn't like that yet, just wait a few years. It only took 20 years in America, and you guys are at least 3 years in already.
niggers being niggers
Race of the ones looting?
They think theres a case that's s teacher in a local high school RIGHT DOWN THE STREET FROM ME! CORONACHAN IS IN MY HOUSE BROS!!
Still haven't found a Brit i found appealing. Which is sad because even with french habits of no underarm shaving those stinky hairy fecks still got you beat in the looks department. Guess specism isn't everything eh? oh wait brits fucked their way around the globe? well.. maybe you shouldn't throw stones at glass houses you protestant feckbucket!
Keeping them out in the field, away from populated areas, is a way to keep them "quarantined" without having to announce it as such.
Holy shit just make your own.
>implying this is somehow bad
f*** off mexican
seething britmutt
that's what your mom said when I nutted
They can do so but what i "don't" have well I "don't" have.
let me guess
>investigate cases of the theft of masks and other equipment from hospitals and medical facilities
well, im guessing most of these places have cameras..... so this investigation probably should be solved pretty quickly
yeah because niggers have high end access to hospitals
Hey Brit.. you have 66 million people in Uk. We have 330 million (since math seems to hard for you that's 5 times what you have) So yeah there's gonna be more cases of it especially when they let the ones doing it at disproportional rates out without even so much as a slap on the wrist. That's called bad policy not American choice. Also it's notable that the closer people are in america to one another in living conditions the more on edge they seem to be almost like i dunno humans weren't suppose to live stacked up on top of each other as we have been. most of Americas issues are artificially caused by bad policies and lack of accountability.
Yes well, At least we ain't Hungry =)
We will remember that the next time you want us to bail you out in a world war that your mouth went writing checks you couldn't cash.
Americans hate British Arrogance we tolerate you for your accents and you are a prime example of being a Arrogant prat of a brit. Go look in a mirror before you go making claims about a place your not even living in.
social media is a fucking plague to this world.
My sister works at a rural hospital and they don't have any masks.
Genetically speaking, Dutch, French, English, German and most Spanish are all cut from the same cloth. Less than 0.01 FST distance. That's less difference than between different dog breeds.
Imagine the things that could be achieved if the world wasn't so full of weaklings
I hope it all gets real bad in the cities.
No worries, the hospitals don't need them because they don't work anyway.
normandy was settled by danes
england was invaded by danes prior to the invasion of the normans
anglos are from denmark
the only mixing that occurred was between nordic germans and c*lts who were mostly slaughtered or fled to wales/brittany
Executing all niggers should be the first step in any pandemic.
They work as part of a full set of protective gear, IE gloves, eyewear, little to no exposed skin, etc.
Wearing ONLY a mask is only going to have a significant benefit in terms of stopping infected people from sneezing and coofing all over things.
>go out wearing mask
>still touching infected surfaces with your bare hands
>infected person coofs in your direction
>coof spray hits your eye and you rub it reflexively with your hand
Good job you wore a mask over your mouth, right?
>but fo real, ya gotta survive the initial purge, cant just start raiding immediately
>Americans start to go full negroes in the face of crisis
At this point I'm not even surprised
user, you need a lot more foot. get some deenz bro
Lol at all the boomers living in fancy condos on the beach in Florida. All you old boomer fucks can ride up the same corona virus elevator together.
Death by nigger for the unprepared.
Nigger cleanup ftw.
We could have all prevented this by killing niggers and jews.
fuck you and your god damn sardines
Masks are not esthetic if any of you zombie plague carriers approaches me because I'm not wearing a mask You're gonna find out why white men are immune to this
the same thing goes for those en masse buyers.
They should be given masks for their immediate families to wear 24/7 in public, all large potential vectors should.
Posted this in another thread too. I work for the local building supply and we can't get any masks. Our main distributor is True Value and they're sold out in EVERY WAREHOUSE. If fucking True Value can't buy them than hospitals sure as fuck can't. This isn't just happening here this is the ENTIRE FUCKING WORLD. I think this is bigger than they're letting on.
>cuomo doesn't realize
>the nurses and doctors are the ones stealing all the goods
>nurses and doctors going to ride this out in the safety of home with endless supplies.
>put on mask you're not trained for
>have trouble breathing right
>do too short breathes to pass co2 out of the mask
>get dizzy and faint
>slowly suffocate on your own co2
>spasm before the end
>get posted as corona death on twitter
And this is why they discourage people from wearing those rather heavy duty masks.
thers like one or two american manufacturers. basically, it's not really a world problem per se, it's a china problem since they manufactuer them