Who is the real patriot?

Who is the real patriot?
The guy who fights for middle class and lower class Americans against billionaires and foreign lobbyists
The guy who acts as a patriot yet serves the oligarchs and lobbyists in Wall Street and foreign countries?

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Leftists make it a moral virtue to undermine my ethnic interests, therefore, I oppose them

I thought you faggot shills were gone now and riding with that faggot Biden or something.

lol. A Jew is only for the Jews, Jewish polices and Israel.

Right*ids make it a moral virtue to undermine progress for all humankind, therefore, I oppose them

>Right*ids make it a moral virtue to undermine progress for all humankind, therefore, I oppose them
Jews and non-Whites aren't human and don't belong in White nations.

You can trust THIS jew ! Be a good goy now;)

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>establishment bootlicker Jew who fights for illegal aliens and trannies

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>being a billionaire is bad

Browns only pay lip service to your universalism because they want you to keep forking over your land and resources

>against billionaires
Aaaaaand there's your problem. You need an enemy and don't have one, and you can only resort to your done-to-death EAT THE RICH shtick.

Being a white leftist is literally more pathetic than being a black Klan member. Even niggers look down on them

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>Who is the real patriot?
he who leads the army that wipes out the last the jews on earth.

In several hundred years there won't even be a white nation left. Racism is the last line of defense in coping with the inevitable.

Neither, they're both self serving corrupt politicians who only care about themselves. Bernie is more annoying though and his shitty fans deserve to suffer

why are you such a brainlet binary thinker?
Bernie has a long history of defending gun rights and being against mass immigration
his stance rn is more moderate than any democrat and even some republicans

>give citizen family's hard earned tax dollars to any immigrant who wants free healthcare and tuition

Why tell us? Go shill on black twatter, they're the ones who actually need your convincing not to vote for Biden

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>doesn't know that the tax breaks Trump gave the 1% are what's fueling America's comeback
>doesn't know Trump's met with over 1000 of this nation's biggest CEO's to talk them into it
>doesn't know Trump trusted them
>doesn't know most of them came through for America, expanding their businesses, and putting America back to work

Fuck the 1% though, am I right?

>Not Jew

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The same Bernie who says we have a moral duty to take in "climate refugees"?

>In several hundred years there won't even be a white nation left.
Yes, anti-Whites love to claim that kind of shit to support White Genocide.

Funny though how in several hundred years there'll still be black, asian, arab and latino nations.

> Racism is the last line of defense in coping with the inevitable.
So you're saying racism is a natural response to anti-White programs of White Genocide?

If that's the case, then racism is natural and acceptable.

He's an open borders gun grabbing kike. Thank God his campaign is dead.

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No, the old commie kike isn't going to save you and bring your hourly wage to 15 an hour of which you would never, ever achieve on your own merit.

>gun rights
Fucking hell you people are worse than the lowest filth.

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I never implied Trump was a patriot.

But are you suggesting that because Trump is a Zionist, we should support an actual anti-White Communist Jew instead?

usa is run by jews are you happy rn?

Crazy how normal she looks

lol you had to shoop an American flag behind Bernie. Commie Bernie is as unpatriotic as they come.
>fights for middle class and lower class Americans
bullshit he does. Name one thing in 40 years of government Bernie has ever done to help middle class and lower class Americans.

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>usa is run by jews are you happy rn?
So your solution is to make it even more controlled by even worse anti-White Jews?

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How is a Jew a patriot?
Shill off

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I'm not against billionaires at all
I'm against people who have full control over a country because of their wealth
any person with 2 braincells would understand what i mean


It can be simultaneously true that oligarchy is bad, and that leftists are anti-white

What you think is progress is actually suicide

what a fighter

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Bernie should stop running for President until he decides he wants to be President. Hint: Guys who want to be President don't avoid talking about all the shitty, crimminal things their opponents have done.

The j*w is not a patriot, nor could the j*w ever be a patriot.

Bernie would do more or less the same thing if elected. He’d be the jewish obama, getting a couple of token jerkoff compromises on healthcare or student debt reform aside from maybe banning scary black rifles and raising everyone’s taxes to pay for nothing. Good luck watching this kike try to stand up for anything, he’s almost dead anyway and would still be too afraid of taking one for the team and getting JFK’d standing up to da wan puhsent and da bankaz and izzrael. Sitting on his ass for 30 years in congress is not an achievement.

Because zoomies want gibs but don't wanna work.

>Who is the real patriot?
It’s certainly not the Jew.

It’s over for boinie you soft faggots. Just kys now; it’s only gonna get worse

But what do you mean by "leftists" really? It is not like socialism somehow implies eradication of white race, racemixing or some other horrors like that. On the contrary, by getting rid of capitalism you also get rid of factors that motivate the owners of the means of production to invite immigrant masses into your countries.

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This made me burn. I am as White as an old Disney movie and grew up in poverty. Life was difficult, broken family, not too much food, never see my mother who had to work 70 hours a week..etc etc, but what do I know. Crummy neighborhood in brooklyn too, all nigger in school made life hell. They only disrupted the class and the teachers gave up before October. WTF does Bernie know?

being against manufacturing of more assault rifles is more moderate than any democrat and some republicans

Dude, he runs for president to make money... how is this not plain to see?

Then why do you support their extinction completely (which is what Bernie said)?

You aren’t fooling anyone, tranny.

While it is true that capital desires mass immigration for profit and has no ethnoracial loyalty, the ethnocide effected by their policies is incidental - they just don't care. By contrast, leftists actively consider it a virtue to subject whites to ethnocide, whether they're a) SJW's who've had their brains melted by critical theory nonsense about the "unique evil of whiteness" or whatever, or b) more traditional leftists who just think that all non-class identity is "reactionary delusion" that should rightfully be eradicated in order to increase class consciousness. In both cases white ethnocide is made a moral imperative, a good thing rather than just a profitable thing

>post doesn't mention trump at all
>bernietard brings trump into the conversation
Why is it that everytime somebody talks hit about Sanders bernietards bring up Trump?
We can hate two things at once, you faggots.

Did he really say this? Source? This is as bad as Biden saying black kids can be just as smart as white kids.

Yeah he did and learn 2 google faggot.

Sure, bud. Name one Jewish intervention outside of Iraq 2 Bernie didn't support.

>Why is it that everytime somebody talks hit about Sanders bernietards bring up Trump?
Because they can't counter the Jewish issue on its own so they have to bring up Trump.

It's like they're saying "You're already supporting a Jew, so you should support this Jew instead."

Is Trump perfect? No. Is Trump miles ahead of Sanders? Yes.

The guy whose wife stole 10 mil from a college.

>smells like malarkey

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Hurrr, commies fight for the middle class

> abolish ICE
no, just divide its functions to different departments
>halt deportations
not true. he wants to reform border security asap to be more humane before continuing the deportations
>welcome 50k climate migrants
in 2018 usa took more than 20k climate refugees. 2019 probably more
>give welfare to all
anyone who pays taxes will receive welfare. irrelevant

out of context exaggerated retardation. next.