Why are people buying so much toilet paper?

How is that gonna help against the virus?

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they use it instead of a mask

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Toilet paper cant be compacted. This makes shipping it a nightmare. For the same ammount of weight you could be transporting much more. Thus it's probably the first thing that will be out of stock.

American diets are so bad that they need to shit every couple of hours. Plus being obese doesn't help either.

My gf is doing a supply run right now
She sent me this pic showing the toilet paper shelves. I saw it last night when I was shopping too. Fucking idiots were just buying sanitizers and toilet paper. No food. why? Because everyone else was. 90iq in action.
I angered people in a previous thread by posting this. Claiming it’s not real.
I don’t understand this reaction, either.

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They literally believe their toilets will have running water after the apocalypse.

all you need is water and a hole in the ground for a toilet to work. you can flush them with a bucket of dirty dishwater, for example.

>retard literally thinks you need running water to operate a toilet
flag checks out

Because a ridiculous amount of low iq peasants use toilet paper as Kleenex fucking over sane people who don’t use Kleenex as toilet paper. I on the other hand use baby wipes because I’m sophisticated.

There also isn't much of a selection. Wegmans will have their store brand and maybe a few brand names and that's about it. Versus 20 different brands of pickles for example.

It's like people are to stupid to buy alternatives like tissues or just free newspapers.
Or is evryone a lil princess and needs something soft to wipe their asses with?

All I know is that I'm prepared and have stocked up on tampons. When THAT shit runs out women will be in panic mode. I will wait extra 2 months after societal colapse till tampons will be considered a myth then trade them for blowjobs and sex. Tampons will be the only currency to a womans heart... or should I say pussy.

People want to die ass clean

I was just at the nigger grocery store and toilet paper was mostly gone. Blacks and the American suburbanite hoard amd are really just greedy fat consumerists and deserve each other.

TP is the new currency user.

Okay here's what I dont' get

why are people buying canned goods and bottled water
but not buying frozen meals / etc?

our local store had NO CANNED GOODS LEFT
completely out of bottled water

what the fuck guys
its not a hurrricane
its not a tornado
its not an earthquake
its not a war

we're not going to lose utilities. Power isn't going to go out, water isn't going to get cut off. Its a disease

you probably baby powder your bass sack and ass crack as well

Completely overlooked this. Noted.

you know what you're wiping your butt with when the paper runs out?

Everyone browns out in the end

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>digging holes
cant we just designate a couple of streets?

>Power isn't going to go out, water isn't going to get cut off. Its a disease

And still the people want TP. They are voting with their feet user.

I have been pondering this question for weeks already, and that dumbexplanation is the only one that makes some kind of sense


To c!ean up shit and jizz. I mean self quarantine don't mean nofap, amirite?

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How do you think utilities get electricity?

yeah even wuhan had power and water.

the power and water stations are heavily guarded and the men there will wear PPE and preserve it.

Because we don't have bidets and if the virus ever becomes horrible over here. You don't want to go back to public areas. I do think they should moderate how much you buy. Because some people live alone and sometimes buy more then a family of six would ever use.

If you were smart you'd buy a gun, if shit hist the fan you loot your neighbor's toilet paper

>product takes volume

Wow its fucking nothing.

>shipping it a nightmare

Never heard any worker ever complain about shipping some fucking toilet paper, jesus christ. They complain about shipping meat, ceramics, organic stuff that has to be dry, and fuels/explosives. But toilet paper? What the fuck

Are we literally seeing a meme in real life?

TP has no real use in this fight, even if you're quarantined and have to stay home (how much shit do you produce even then in two weeks?). Yet this is what people are fighting over?

Maybe this will kill the TP industry and bring in bidets.

Lol. If apocalypse arrives, the lack of toilet paper will be the last of their problems, dumbass! And I know you can shit to the hole and wipe your ass with it.

they're stocking up because they don't want to go to the store any time soon

i live in a phoenix suburb, today at the grocery store TP was sold out. wtf i thought this was just a meme. this boomer told me she was gonna try walmart. weird times we live in

Enjoy using your shirt to wipe your ass when supply chains disrupt

not a good idea if you live in a high trust, rural community where killing your neighbor is going to get you killed by everyone else.

small scale communism is going to be the way for the next few months. all these indie preppers will get taken out by more organized forces.

I have no fucking idea. I actually went to walmart earlier today and while I was able to get the tp and paper towels that I just needed, that isle was noticeably mostly cleared out. This is in Minnesota too, not Washington or something. It makes no sense at all to me.


play the market with this information

if you owned a bidet or get a $39.99 bidet attachment for your toilet u wouldnt have a problem and yur anus would be crrystal clean

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You're forgetting the secondary effects.
The stock market is going to shit and its election season so the country is more divided than ever. We may actually see riots and possibly a boogaloo.

Toilets work even if water is cut off, u just need to fill the top of the toilet with liquid.

One of the coronavirus symptoms is diarrhea. It will be too late to buy some, when you will be shitting out your soul.

but also freemasons should die

>Power isn't going to go out, water isn't going to get cut off
In case there is a supply issue due to the disease.

But also, if you get canned food you can keep it around forever and not have to buy it next time something happens.

I don’t. Maybe someday idk


Thanks for the info.

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never know when ya might need a roll...

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I know. Obviously you can fill the water containee yourself and flush your shit away as long as plumbing is not repleted. But again, most people imagine that they will have power, running water and other media when society collapses.

Normies are more fearful of mud-butt than corona... Who the fuck wants to congregate at shopping centers when coronachan has likely embraced many of the shoppers already?

Meh, at least your cornhole will still be clean enough to rim while you gasp for air with pneumonic lungs!


Its a respirwtory tract infection tho

>Ah fuck another shipment of tp, get the squatter belt

His question seems pretty legit to me

As long as your plumbing isn't repleted.

Because american diet

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Some people get nausea, vomits, diarrhea
It has been confirmed that virus gets to your guts and can be spread in feces and urine.

> Toilet Papet cant be compacted
That's where you're wrong, Bucko!
Pic related

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preface: I know theres some oldfags here to know how to wipe or at the very least can work their way around a commode. you can jump to the end now.
I also know the number of zoomers, millennials and faggots who cannot shit properly outweigh them 300:1

So i want to know from prepfags what you intend to actually do with 5 25lb packs of toilet paper. I would additionally want to know
>Have actually ever wiped your ass before? If you use a bidet go fuck yourself cheating faggot unitasking faggot
>Do you know how to actually shit?
>Or, is your definition of wiping pulling shit towards your fuckin balls?
>Do you know when you want to rinse your ass and when not to?
>Do you know why you would even want to ass to begin with?
>Do you know water to ass ratio?
>Do you know how to hang the toilet paper roll to wipe your ass?
>Do you have a fucking pot to piss in?
>Do you even have plumbing that drains the pot?
I'm gonna guess that most people dont have a fucking clue how to do something as simple as wipe thier ass
>ok faggot its just water and ass
no its not. its shitting. its about using your knowledge, eyes ears and nose to cook, not following fucking directions to the nanogram and making sure every single thing is exactly what the directions say. most fucking shitters wouldnt even be cought dead following one direction. I'll look at 5-6 shitters for something wild.
>its just toilet paper faggot calm down
its not toilet paper, its about a bunch of fucking idiots who have never shitted for themselves a day in their life thinking theyre gonna be ok with some canned shit and a bag of TP. after eating that for one week i promise you the sight will make you vomit.

Damn. I like the way you think. You Swiss REALLY DO know your shit when it comes to the pocksyclipse.

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maybe peepoo want to poopoo

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>All I know is that I'm prepared and have stocked up on tampons. When THAT shit runs out women will be in panic mode. I will wait extra 2 months after societal colapse till tampons will be considered a myth then trade them for blowjobs and sex. Tampons will be the only currency to a womans heart... or should I say pussy.
goddamn you're a genius

I keep 3 months worth of toilet paper in stock in my house at all times, so I don't have to worry about this TP panic. I stocked extra food lat Jan and early Feb before anyone else outside of Yas Forums was. I stocked more food late Feb 2 days before the panic hit the general media and everyone flooded Costco.

I'm starting to really like this copypasta

this is why

Attached: TPcuresCOVID19.png (1920x1080, 362.85K)

>doomer goes out and buys 20 rolls of toilet paper
>doomer 2 sees the shelf empty and proclaims global shortage
Doomer 3
You see how this happens yeah?

what good are all those cleaning products?

You only need to wash your hands once when you get back from going out

If you go out and get infected then it's not like washing your hands a million times will cure you

Same with toilet roll

Why is everyone so concerned about toilet roll and not really bothered about food?

Who needs 500 rolls of toilet roll?

Isn't the idea that you stay inside and wait for it to all blow over if it gets really bad? So what are you going to do when those like 5 tins of food run out - just spend all day wiping your ass and drinking rubbing alcohol and shooting yourself?

Priorities man

They just follow the crowd, it is panic behavior
If we started a meme to buy anal lube these guys would go out and buy the entire stock of anal lube tomorrow.

You stock it because nobody wants to catch coronavirus because they have to run out to get something to wipe their ass with. Only a dipshit would risk their life next month shopping for shit paper. Jesus.

I have heard many people talking about toilet paper recently
What is going on