Republitard will defend tax cut for the rich because they think it will trickle down to them

>republitard will defend tax cut for the rich because they think it will trickle down to them.

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Why is blormpf gray?

If you can afford gold chairs, sitting in a wooden one just seems deceitful

Then will you realize Trump is King?

Niggers and kikes deserve the oven

Trump has already saved the working class.

No, what liberal tax and spend freaks don't understand will happen is government will tax one dollar, spend 10 dollars and the debt will trickle down to the middle class. The entire premise of your argument relies on the delusion that taxing pays debt instead of justifying more.

I only make $28k a year and I got a tax break

So much this. Trumpers in flyover country need to learn that the Right Can't Math.

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>Every single migration movement in the world is from countries with not many rich people to countries with lots of rich people.
>Trickle down doesn't work

Trump supporters are uneducated shitbagz who unironically vote against their own economic interests

Why don't democrats ever bring up the actual issue? To republican voters, it's not about taxing the rich. It's about the fact that democrat leaders historically mismanage money given to them and end up taking more regardless of what they say. That's it. We don't trust the liberals to manage money. The republicans promise lower tax cuts and they deliver.

oh look another fag flag.

but you trust republicans too manage money which proves you're retarded so...

The rich, along with everyone else should have their taxes cut since almost every penny spent by the government is fucking wasted anyway.

Are you retarded? There’s nothing wrong with rich people getting their taxes cut.

AT least theyre not giving them to commi low lifes like op

Literally commie bullshit

republicans give tax cuts to the rich for jobs that either go to china /mexico or never materialize

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>hey these guys are doing stuff to benefit themselves but not really doing anything directly to me
>how dare them instead I'm gonna vote for these other guys who will forcibly disarm me and import a bunch of violent foreigners to live in my neighborhood.


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There is a word for taking other peoples money and another word for always wanting other peoples money.

>gold thrones
>chairs painted a certain color is problematic

it's an old story and you still can't see it?

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The only people that are suffering under trumps presidency are those to stupid to invest in the stock market.

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>Let's help the working class by importing millions of third world goblins
Stealing other people's money won't make up for your retarded views on immigration.

It's seen as the lesser of two evils to most people based on what they see of local and state governments. Democrat towns tax and fine people into the ground and waste it all on social programs and other fanciful ideas that never work, eventually spending more than they have and turning pricing out the town's former white residents so spics and niggers can turn the place into a ghetto. Republican towns promise little except lower taxes. They're very hands-off on most things. They move slowly on everything and sometimes that's a problem. But, they do exactly what they say they're going to do most of the time.

Just looking at the state of California is enough to get me to vote republican for the rest of my life.

>tax cuts for the rich
So are you some neet who doesn't work? I'm not exactly rich and I saw my paycheck get bigger when the tax cuts went through.

MOST people got tax cuts. Faggot shills like you focus on the "...for the rich" part even though it helped MOST Americans.

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>Gold thrones

Looks like a slightly ornamental chair to me

Wtf? I'm suddenly all for funding anti-white policies, open borders, and free tranny surgeries for kids!

Sounds like you’re an uneducated reactionary who votes against his own economic interests

who do you think pays the taxes if the rich don't.
if you privatize everything you're gonna pay more fees

all the taxes used to be paid by land owners resource extractors and the banks but the rich convinced the chumps to take on that burden

Okay we tax the rich. Do I get a dividend check? No. I’ll get the pleasure of paying more for goods and services as government officials get extra kickbacks.

Maga cult niggers have been trained & conditioned to vote against their best economic interests since Reagan was in office

So that property tax bill I get every year isn’t real? That added tax to rental properties isn’t added to the renter’s bill? Please do explain.

wtf i love joe biden now despite the fact that he has literally never worked a day in his life.

this wasn't a joke

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Compared to paying for gender reassignment surgeries for illegal immigrants putting tax cuts on the deficit seems pretty reasonable.

Joe Biden is a yesterday’s republican thanks to Clinton transforming the Democrat party in a center right Party

Vote for Bernie dumb fag

if you're a land owner you pay a property tax.
the thing is if you owned trump properties or a piece in time square you probably don't because the rich make sure the tax law don't hurt them.

We already know exactly what the best amount of tax is.
We've known it for decades. This "paying your fair share" is complete nonsense.

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MSNBC actually aired this. How are they one of the biggest news organizations despite being this retarded?
start @11:50
wall st are gonna want a 99 year lease and raise costs about 20%. that will be passed on to the consumer. and if you start doing that with everything you're going to need bigger pay checks to pay all the new fees or have a lower standard of living

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The only people bitching and moaning about tax cuts are college students, people with preventable diseases and neets. Of course nobody with an actual career is complaining

yeah right you can be replaces by an hb1 worker from india at any time

Did you reply to the wrong person?

btw the jobs coming back to the us are because there a world wide shortage of labor and the fact that us labor is so cheap it can compete with the 3rd world


They only dumb fags defending republican tax cuts for the rich are uneducated boomers , inbred working class rednecks & fat slob baby dick incels

K sweaty

That is not true, but if it was at least it runs better. For example The public school is shit

Communists are slaves to Jewish materialism. Americans know that traditional morality and family are more important than having sex.

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it's harder to make air conditioners or phones in the jungle so you still have that going for you

Uh, dipshit

Maybe try the "Muh trickledown" strawman when wages for the lowest earners aren't growing faster than literally any other group in the country.

Trying to persuade people at a buffet that they have no food is a terrible strategy

it is true

I want Barron to sit on my face.

< wages for lowest earners are growing fast


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>LOL believing actual math over muh talking points

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