Why weren't the Irish considered white?
Why weren't the Irish considered white?
because they arent white /thread.
They were. That is a myth.
Yea other Eurotrash would talk shit but they would talk shit about every other Europoor too.
Modern americans erase history about racisim against whites. Most americans don't understand the irish took a turn as abused wage slaves as did the slavic people--but muh, niggers is the new history.
Because they are gypsies. They have brown unhealthy skin and speak like skinning a dog.
The guys in the picture are some cross-bred liberals, most of them don't look like that.
Because white used to mean just Anglo, this also had religious and cultural implications. So Catholic Irish were obviously the closest non English people to the English and the largest settlers in the new world other than the English so they were the first to be designated as something foreign. Little did they know the Irish would be one of the quickest to assimilate into whiteness and the least worst of groups to come the USA in the long run
NINA - No Irish Need Apply
Gibs me reparations.
They were.
Redheads are trash descendants of Esau, not Jacob. The Saxons, Sons of Isaac, are of pure lineage to Jacob (Israel). Esau is the father of Edomites and gingers. That is why we see modern kikes with the ginger gene.
> Catholic
> White
Pick one
It was only Anglo Saxon Americans that didn't consider them white because the British government spent years spreading propoganda about Irish people so they could get the British public on their side and use it as an excuse to commit atrocities.
Sicker than your average I guess
The British were predominately Catholic before 1500, so you have Catholic genes as well just like the rest of Europe lmfao.
They were always white
They have the palest complexion in Europe, American "Irish" people have started this myth in the last ten years as they want a piece of that sweet victimhood pie.
Irish were, and are white people.
They have the highest percentage of gingers and gingers is an anagram for niggers, so the matrix glitched.
Because like southern Spain and southern Italy they are outside the hajnal line. Irish came originally from Spain, the English came from northern Europe, Germany, Denmark area.
>the least worst of groups to come the USA in the long run
Umm no actually they are almost as bad as the Jews an often serve them as shabbos goys. If I had one ethnicity to expel it would be the Irish because they are far more numerous than Jews and almost as tribalistic and scumbags as them.
Irish were always allowed to vote in the US. So its a lie that irish were not considered white
They are just a globohomo tax haven. On the path of leafs and swedes
Correct answer. Longer version is that the Irish have an incredible mythology that is very inconvenient for Christians, Jews, and the NWO. The anglos tried to grind the Irish back to the Stone age but the Irish are little drunken terminators who refused to submit. So, the anglos made things worse and worse for them.
Genetically, Irish are almost indistinguishable from anglos and Scots. The real difference that matters is irish mythology and the clusterfuck it would cause if more people knew about it.
Do you parrots forget that states had laws against miscegenation and they didn't apply to the Irish that married other white people?
Britain needed reasoning as to why they were subjugating the Irish, no one cared of the subjugated weren't white.
Aye Begorrah, Let me tell you about the 1 gorillian people killed in the Potatocaust.
It was a anglo meme to prevent sympathy for them.
They were the best integrated americans and are arguably whiter than anglos themselves who are the definition of mutts of europe.
Poppa twist cabbage off instinct
Niggas don't think shit stink, pink gators,
My Detroit players
Timbs for my hooligans in Brooklyn
Dead right, if the head right, Biggie there ery'night
Poppa been smooth since days of Underroos
Never lose, never choose to, bruise crews who
Do something to us, talk go through us
Girls walk to us, wanna do us, screw us
Who us? Yeah, Poppa and Puff (hehehe)
Close like Starsky and Hutch, stick the clutch
Dare I squeeze three at your cherry M-3 (Take that, take that, take that, haha!)
Bang every MC easily, busily
Recently niggas frontin ain't sayin' nuttin' (nope) so I just
Speak my piece, (c'mon) keep my piece
Cubans with the Jesus piece (thank you God), with my peeps
Packin', askin' who want it, you got it nigga flaunt it
That Brooklyn bullshit, we on it
Weird how Leftists always seem to shift on this point. When they're arguing for open borders, and immigrants rights its always about how the Irish were seen as subhuman and treated horrendously the same way Mexicans are today.
But when it comes to critical race theory they are just as quick dismiss the idea that the Irish or any other race of whites were ever oppressed.
We are so white chalk would leave a black mark on us.
they were. a jew made up this lie. "white" in america has always been a legal concept written into law and still is. you are white if the US gov. says you are and irish were always legally white.
Irish are white. They're just another country of cucks now. Also some of the biggest normalfags on the site and dont even belong here
Why would you state a mythos without saying what it was, or at least sum it up?
"Wow man it would be bad if people know this secret knowledge" *leaves thread never to return*
`Irish foreplay' (pic related): "Go in the hovel woman. And brace yoursef."
Finishes, wipes dick on potato sack window curtains.
How can you consider a leased port to non-whites white? Same thing with the island of Hispaniola. It was Native American and leased to French. Then there are two sides of a story as to who did what. Did the French let in Africans in spite or did Latin American govts in cooperation with Brazil repatriate illegal African there? There is the story that Africans sued Latin American countries in English courts stating that Latin Americans were invading their soil. When in reality they invaded old white mans soil and they call it Youruba. Your Abu. The land of your father in mockery.
Anyways are they white if they were predominantly white 30 years ago?
And through Cuban court they said Dominicans were killing them off in compounds and completely blackening themselves and altering their hairs and going back to Africa to start a war.
>Why weren't the Irish considered white?
because they are almost translucent?
Kikes hate God so Catholics can’t be white.
Because Britain is run by inbred eurokikes who hate and want to destroy the Aryan race, and seeing as Ireland is genetically the most Aryan they were particularly threatened by it, since when white people wake up they will inevitably find and kill all the kikes and their servants, most likely in cruel and unusual ways.
Because potatoniggers neither act nor look white. The British Empire was right to put them down and equate them to negroids.
Because of British Jews.
Because we're not.
whit*ids get the pipe bomb first
Take your meds.
>most americans don't understand
Yes we do, things change. Irish and slavs had to prove themselves and to a large extent they did. The fact that even disparate Europeans were a challenge to assimilate should not be used as evidence that "anybody in the whole world can become a good American!" the truth is exactly the opposite.
What a lame re-make of a glorious old meme
because of pic related, it was never about red haired people being white or not (they are duh)
Vikings (Norwegians) and Gaels were on the same team in 1077.
4 Founding Fathers were Irish. Franklin designed America for whites, and obviously Irish were included by default as Founding stock.
if you werent 100% anglo saxon from the 1600s you werent considered white in those days.
1776 was a Celtic Uprising against the British Jew Empire.
Cause it was a colony and you need to dehumanize a people to be able to oppress them.
My entire irish family is blonde and blue eyed.
They look more aryan than 99% of Europeans.
Explain to me how that works.
>Why weren't the Irish considered white?
Ireland was settled by Semites back before Christ.
They were too weak to fight. The Scots fought us all the way, they were worthy of the title. The Irish led down and took it. Their skin is white but their heart isn't.
lol no.
This is what happens when they get btfo... they just make up random bullshit.
They are, one of the whitest
They are celts after all
So how'd they defeat you even though you were 1 of the most powerful nations on the planet leeching of the Emerald isle for centuries?
I'm a proud englishman from the 1800s. Let me tell you about the Irish.
Northern Ireland has a lot of gingers due to the influx of rich Scots.