What is democratic socialism?

What is democratic socialism?

Attached: democratic-socialism.jpg (740x445, 76K)

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Why not have democratic facism

How niggers stay in mud huts for 1,000 + years instead of inventing anything--like sanitation or medicine.

A failed ideology supported by losers and ne’er do wells

Democratic socialism is socialism.
All socialism goes in the garbage.

Democratic Socialism in any form is taking from a productive person and giving to an unproductive person. If we needed the services, we would self-congregate and form nonprofit entities for these things. Oh wait, we already HAVE private, non-profit orgs for health and car insurance. Socialists on suicide watch.

Is the sheep in that picture meant to represent billionaires and the pharmaceutical industry?

Attached: DD8B270A-2FE1-43D9-AD6D-19063450D882.jpg (1280x1280, 793.48K)

>What is democratic socialism?
People voting for worker's rights or fighting for worker's rights at the grassroots level.
>That comic.
I have no idea what that is even supposed to mean. Are you implying that most democracies end up voting for cannibalism? I'm not seeing what the comic even means.

Because fascism is inherently anti-democracy.

its voting for marxists to fuck your shit up.

>socialism is not inherently anti democratic

>Socialists on suicide watch.
I was suicidal until I went to goverment paid few month sick leave that included weekly talks with psychiatrist and psychologis.
I got drugs and help so I got over it.

You'd go bankrupt if you missed a day at work.

>Democratic Socialism in any form is taking from a productive person and giving to an unproductive person.
"People ALWAYS make money proportional to how much wealth they have produced! Just world hypothesis is real! I'm super sereal!"
>Oh wait, we already HAVE private, non-profit orgs for health and car insurance.
... and yet countries with universal healthcare still have a higher standard of living.

>What is democratic socialism?
a democratic way to establish socialism. Usually they try a bloody revolution to ruin the country

>Is the sheep in that picture meant to represent billionaires and the pharmaceutical industry?
Yes ... but they are obviously completely innocent because we have portrayed them as a floofy sheep!

>fascisim is inherenly anti democracy
>Hitler was elected
You public education kids have heads full of nonsense. Fascism means the government owns key resources / corporations while the rest of the economy is allowed to be run by the people.

Democratic systems can be part of any manifestation of government. Only idiots call the us a democracy--it's a constitutional republic.

>... and yet countries with universal healthcare still have a higher standard of living.
No they don't, where do you get that from?

oh are they supposed to be guilty?

>Because fascism is inherently anti-democracy.
>we don't want a dictatorship but what we do want is a drastic change of our parliamentary system so that the will of the people may be carried out.
t. Mosley

not everything is black or white

Sugar coated Socialism. Get this: Somebody still has to do all the vicious, bloody work of making people obey the government and such people almost always get a pass on excessive violence and other tyrannical behavior. The Democratic part is just as fucked as it is under Capitalism, where the most influential people make sure that ideas they hate (like poor whites having white communities,) get crushed by the state. In practice it will be what you already have right now, plus a ton more government oppression of poor whites and even more mass immigration.

democratic socialism is a re-branding of national socialism which is prot-brown instead of pro-white.

Wow. You don't even know what dictatorship of the proletariat means. The definition of the word "dictatorship" has changed since the time of Marx. Marx used "dictatorship of the proletariat" to mean "power in the hands of the workers" ... which is a type of democracy.
You only read the title of that article.

Fascism presented itself as an alternative to both international socialism and free market capitalism.
Fascism is closer to socialism than free market capitalism and free democracy.While fascism opposed mainstream socialism, it sometimes regarded itself as a type of nationalist "socialism"


Pic related, my answer to your blind utter non sense

Attached: socialismfff.jpg (960x960, 94.06K)

At the cost of surrendering your rights to the state. The State decides who lives and dies, you don't. The State decides who may have an exclusive community and who must be forced to integrate. You might get a better deal if you are down and out but a middle class man will be held back to prop you up.

>Hitler was elected
... and then destroyed democracy.
>You public education kids have heads full of nonsense.
LOL We've got ourselves a cringey Conservapedia boomer here!
"Anyone who disagrees with me has been brainwashed by public schools! I ONLY watch Fox News because literally everyone else is gay and liberal! I'm not brainwashed at all! Baaaa baaa!
>Fascism means the government owns key resources / corporations while the rest of the economy is allowed to be run by the people.
From the get-go, the primary goals of fascism were deconstructing democracy, demonizing foreigners, glorifying perpetual warfare, and resurrecting medieval ideas of what masculinity is. It's also worth noting that EVERY government owns certain resources which it has deemed to be key resources.
>Only idiots call the us a democracy--it's a constitutional republic.
A constitutional republic is a type of democracy. Look up the actual definitions of words.

I mean if you’re going to add weight to one side, at least be fair for balance

The sheep is literally Martin Shkreli and the wolves are mad because they’re unemployable aids ridden tranny slacktivists.

Now it’s just reality.

... and this is an American website!

Guilty of overpricing insulin. Yes. Guilty.

>... and then destroyed democracy.
So did Hugo Chavez
>the primary goals of fascism were deconstructing democracy, demonizing foreigners, glorifying perpetual warfare, and resurrecting medieval ideas of what masculinity is.
Nope, Fascism is just a variant of socialism. While fascism denounced the mainstream internationalist and Marxist socialisms, it claimed to economically represent a type of nationalist productivist socialism that was also condemning parasitical capitalism
Hitler stated that the Nazi Party supported bodenständigen Kapitalismus ("productive capitalism") that was based upon profit earned from one's own labour, but condemned unproductive capitalism or loan capitalism, which derived profit from speculation
Fascist economics supported a state-controlled economy that accepted a mix of private and public ownership over the means of production.

Mosley: "The masses obviously want fascism! Why are people not voting for me? The system must be rigged!"

>Quality of life
Seriously?! I just came back from this country twice last month, this country is shit.
The GDP per capita of America is 50% higher than socialist France. Socialism is killing businesses in this country. Did you ever go to a french hospital? try it before talking about quality of life. It's shit

What are you talking about?

Fascism only opposes democracy superficially, in the form of senates, Congress, voting, etc. But fascism still tries to “carry out the will of the people” but in a different more direct way, it still believes the government should serve the people.

>fascism is autocracy on the road to democracy-Mussolini
>if by means of state authority, the government drives a people to extinction, then rebellion is not only the right, but the duty of every citizen-Hitler

It’s socialism but with a new modern and hip twist

>Somebody still has to do all the vicious, bloody work of making people obey the government and such people almost always get a pass on excessive violence and other tyrannical behavior.
You mean like the police brutality that exists in right-wing regimes?
Come on dude. EVERY government expects the masses to obey it. This even includes "small governments".

... except that social democrats never sent whites to concentration camps.

>democratic socialism
That's when the majority votes to see who goes to Happy Valley Camp and who just gets to work on collective farm.

>it still believes the government should serve the people.
So does socialism. Both fascism and *socialism are not compatible with a free market capitalst and democratic country.
fascism could pose as the 'third-way' alternative between capitalism and Bolshevism

>it sometimes regarded itself as a type of nationalist "socialism"
... by using its own newspeak definition of the word.

Just another way kikes try to subvert your defenses and culture using word games to exploit weak points in your programming. It's also an outdated model
>"Senator Gutman, even after decades of stacking the electorate and university system with hosthostile, filthy goyim still don't want to vote for communism. What do we do?"
>(((just call it democratic socialism and surely the goyim will elect me another house)))
>"Senator Gutman, it isn't working anymore. They just called us a bunch of democratic faggots who can go pound social sand. What now"
>(((just switch the word order and act like it's something totally new and revolutionary)))
>"lol you uneducated yokel, if you went to college you would know he's a social democrat"

>You mean like the police brutality that exists in right-wing regimes?
ohhohoh you 're implying police brutality don't exist in a communist country?
that's a good one

Attached: stalinsss.jpg (400x294, 19.85K)

National socialism isnt fascism.

Fuck democracy.

Attached: 1582648797945.jpg (735x835, 152.87K)

Socialism achieved through the democratic process (voting) as opposed to the bloody revolution of bolshevism, takes longer but the outcome is largely the same. Theft and death.

Oh noes! Prager U and Churchill disagree with me! Look like I have to agree with Boomers now! LOL
Also, that quote by Churchill is pretty grim if you think about it. Churchill seems to think that a hypothetical equal human society would be awful for everyone, and that the only way to achieve happiness is to stand on the shoulders of other people. That's almost Lovecraftian.

Democratic socialism is the term used by retards who believe in Modern Monetary theory and have communism as a final goal, but even these retards are smart enough to know communism is not palatable yet, they need a few years of creating dependency in government before they can attempt it.

Isn't this pic just supposed to be a critique on democracy in general?

Imagine thinking being a sheep is a good thing

>Makes personal attacks instead of answering the argument
Typical over politisized blinded person
Think for yourself, don't be sheep inside a political party

It's not the same as Social Democracy, which the retarded lefties in the US don't seem to understand.

That's a smart comment you're making here.
IT shows that if you're not careful with democracy, things can turn out real bad (look at germany in WWII, or Islamists taking over with democracy in the middle east, and socialists taking over in south america with democracy too)

Attached: quote-Winston-Churchill-the-best-argument-against-democracy-is-a-88536.png (1000x554, 424.38K)

>The State decides who lives and dies, you don't.
In practice, these governments care about human rights more than corporations do. Maybe because these governments are democratically elected.
>The State decides who may have an exclusive community and who must be forced to integrate.
Despite this, all-white neighborhoods are still very common in places like Minnesota.

>In practice, these governments care about human rights

Attached: hitler7.jpg (590x525, 48.73K)

They needed a rebranding, because everyone knows what socialism for the normal people looks like.

The very same party that run the dictatorship in east Germany and had the people fleeing their shithole shot claims to be democratic socialism as well.

How come the fascists always hate liberals and social democrats so intensely though?
Speak to any self-proclaimed fascist, like Alex Linder. He basically says that he is a REAL conservatives and that mainstream conservatives don't have machismo. That's basically what fascism is, according to actual fascists.

Government war efforts slaughter civilians who resist resource grabs. Sometimes they just beat people into submission. You are not making a better world by giving so much power to a government. They have the authority to print money and loan it into circulation. That power makes the closest people to the Central Bank the richest people, because they get to use the new money before inflation sets in. You might prefer a powerful central government to a Corporate state, but at some point you have to be honest enough to look at the power you are giving willingly to some very elite men.

>The GDP per capita of America is 50% higher than socialist France.
GDP and standard of living are not the same thing.
You fucking love GDP eh? Guess what? The country with the highest GDP per capita is Qatar. By your own standards, America is being pwned by sandniggers.
>Socialism is killing businesses in this country.
I see no evidence of this.
>Did you ever go to a french hospital? try it before talking about quality of life. It's shit
"My personal experiences matter more than your data!"
You sound like an SJW.
Despite your alleged "personal experiences" France seems to have a better healthcare system than the US, according to statistics.

Good question
That is because Fascists criticized egalitarianism as preserving the weak, and they instead promoted social Darwinist views and policies.
But this is where Fascism is closer to socialism than free market capitalism and democracy:
faced with the mass unemployment and poverty of the Great Depression, the Nazis found it necessary to set up charitable institutions to help racially-pure Germans in order to maintain popular support, while arguing that this represented "racial self-help".
Thus, Nazi programs such as the Winter Relief of the German People and the broader National Socialist People's Welfare (NSV) were organized as quasi-private institutions, officially relying on private donations from Germans to help others of their race—although in practice those who refused to donate could face severe consequences, which was in practice a social welfare state, but only for racial germans.
You see, the main difference is Unlike the social welfare institutions of the Weimar Republic and the Christian charities, the NSV distributed assistance on explicitly racial grounds