The Chinese Human Tissue farms

Has anyone got those videos from the chinese human-animal hybrind farms?
I remember a few years ago someone uploaded a few videos of the inside of the farms with the human chimeras being kept alive to harvest skin and organs on demand.
We know that its done to avoid the law, because there is human cruelty and animal cruelty, but new man-made creatures got no representation in the law, but does that mean you can build such farms ANYWHERE in the world?

Also, research

Attached: human beef.png (616x451, 508.49K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Imagine using (((snopes)) in 2020

jeez, you are becoming unbearable.
Obviously joined post 2016, probs from reddit.
Do you read every post and search for a single thing to target ur intellectually dead comments at? You should read everything and filter it after.

Attached: 1493993226750.jpg (1600x1131, 732.96K)

WTf is wrong with the CCP? Are they Satan’s government or something?

did you get this from the NTD falun gong news network?

They're the Golden Child of the Beast System

Technically yes, there is no better place in the world for evil to grow without control, WITH help from the chinese gov and massive censorship to hide it from the rest of the world

i first heard it from info wars, then a couple of threads on Yas Forums and tor Yas Forums from 2014 to now.

No they are separate from satan and want to be their own cool Asian club but don’t realize this degeneracy and evil will always lead to the leaders worshipping satan.

Literally nothing wrong with this.

Unironically snopes is pretty pozzed though, it's worse than Wikipedia at this point.

Fake news

>china bad america good


I could actually imagine that china does fucked up shit like that.

Imagine defending (((snopes)) in 2020 then quoting the rules
what a fag lol

Attached: cdrfvtgb.jpg (800x382, 19.63K)

anyone have that chinese webm of the bodies hanging in a freezer?

thats from a Japanese porn site

fake and gay

fake and gay


shouldn't you be pretesting or moving to Canada

Attached: ihgfvdcvf.jpg (474x344, 14.85K)

i forgot how infested with shills this place has become, there is no thought left in here, you come in and either completely dismiss everything that does not compliment your world view or wave it away cause you already know shit is happening.... worst of you lot are the braindead >imagine crowd, so intellectually lazy, cant even form a proper argument,
>imagine participating in a political discussion and your only arguments are
>imagine [opponents argument}
adds so much to the discourse.. you're as bad as the libtards

Tits aren't made of red tissues. There are 0 discernible muscles, this is fake.

One post kikes everywhere. Enjoy your doxx.

(((Memeflag))). One poster. Gas yourself.

nvm, found it

Attached: 1428735964571.webm (480x320, 2.75M)

Why would they bother when they have a bunch of prisoners, beggars, and unchecked human trafficking as a source?

Everyone on Yas Forums has seen enough real dead bodies to know these are fake as fuck.

Attached: 1574032214282.gif (600x337, 2.45M)


What the fuck

Gonna need some info to go with this man. Dafuk am I looking at exactly?

what the fuck are u talking about, the bodies from the video look real as fuck, im so sick of retards pretending to know shit and spewing nonesense, go look up what fronzen bodies in morgues look like



It's clearly dummies for film sets you clearly can see they are made of silicone.
Gosh I hate nupol

Imagine defending snopes.

They look plausibly real to me, would like some more info on the story behind this video.

People should read all info available to them and then filter out the bullshit and accept the real or else they run the risk of becoming ignorant faggots like you


>they need central air conditioning to cool a silicone doll

yeah okay

they are clearly white people

why would they farm whypipo? probably props for a film or something

Yeah that's horrifying. Is that supposedly real?

post videos you fuckers

Attached: china pig justice almost.webm (640x368, 2.66M)

>human chimeras being kept alive to harvest skin and organs
Retarded OP leaves out that this is the same as growing ears on the backs of mice, not some dead space human-pig hybric

I don't believe this but it sounds really cool/fucked up. Got any more info? Sounds like some decent sci-fi horror

Attached: 1578932912583.png (375x360, 162.29K)

good pig

>not some dead space human-pig hybric
it looks exactly like something from dead space or similar science fiction horror, the human part is barely being kept alive, its sick grey or yellow collor and you can see its struggling to breathe and all the tubes connected to it block the view, the videos are horrifying because while it is being filmed the human heads all look at the camera
i had lots of webm's from 2014 leak, but lost the hard drive, thats why im creating these threats, for those who still have them to share

Pst the vids

Thats very old vid which circulated around 2k14 in gif, its from an autopsy material for students.
These people donated their bodies willingly.

>ywn rescue cute half-human gf from chinese lab and marry her
it hurts

Attached: 785875875454.jpg (750x1000, 82.91K)

doubt thats how the bodies would be stored for that, but if you have proof, please post it

this is what a totalitarian government from a culture without christian values does
did she died?

I found something similar OP, just as important:

Deeply homosexual, these props are local haunted house tier

The skull is a bad body part to keep people suspended over ground from, the neck will give in pretty quickly and then you have an ugly mess on the floor.

Better: The shoulders.

You should unironically consider suicide. Sick of cancer like you shitting up what's left of Yas Forums

that is a very good description of the ccp.

Fake and gay

this guy fucks


That pic is a joke statue a small meat producer made you mong

That (((snopes))) ran damage control on it is enough to raise suspicion that it's real, they're hung that way for a reason only people in the jewish ritual food provider industry understand, and I'd wager at least one person in that video previously had information that would lead to the arrest of hillary clinton.

Attached: 5g is fast tho.jpg (350x350, 37.19K)

That’s just a body farm, not to grow flesf

still would bang

>muscular tits
>no eye holes
>op is a fag

you are trash tier shills
btw, i love you man

You are a fucking idiot. have you ever taken part in construction of a place for storing bodies for that purpose or even seen what such a place woudl look like? People like you are absolute fucking morons.

White Europeans are the only people with souls. Remember that when you question why people of other races are despicably evil.

>Tits aren't made of red tissues. There are 0 discernible muscles,
? its not 100% fat incel

there's also the fact that each one of them shows a cut on the right side of their neck is that that's how their throat was slit to kill them.

The problem with this being a cut in that position and of such superficial depth misses both the jugular and the carotid and thus would not be lethal.

I pronounce this WebM fake and gay.

I don't know why I never thought of this. I just figured they only do it to children, but i'm sure it's not the case.

There is a book in that link above that proves what he says. There is also written by the son of the chief rabbi of rome on the same subject and there are other books.

How about this pic ?

Attached: fetus soup.jpg (178x200, 13.21K)

I've come to believe this and accept it as fact. I personally think there are also a finite number of souls which would explain why some people are impossible to get through and wake up.

If niggers had souls africa would be a world superpower with all the satanic ritual sacrifice they commit. Satan views them as animals killing one another nothing more nothing less.

Mormons are based as fuck.
>think they're the biblical Jews so aren't easily tricked by lying Khazars
>pro-polygamy based on long tradition of their religious texts, Utah recently decriminalized polygamy by a unanimous vote
>their book says Whites are White because of previous spiritual virtues while blacks were made black for previous sins
>Mormons have gone toe to toe with cartels and the corrupt police in Mexico and stood their ground
>marrying sisters is based as fuck, as is
marrying your wive's mom if the dad dies and the mom is a MILF
By the way the bible makes no reference to pentagrams.

i know what a morgue looks like, i know what you need to do to preserve bodies, shills like you are easy to identify because you provide no substance, no argument, just attempted attacks on others credibility

I could honestly believe that only attractive people have souls (mainly Whites of both genders and Asian women).

Attached: Yuri07.jpg (1041x1200, 391.69K)

so youre saying if i (a white man) performed those satanic rituals, i would attain power?

Look at the images throughout recorded history where jews drain blood from their victims. you have no clue what you're talking about.

yes, but you would trade your soul for it, or so we're told

>It's clearly dummies for film sets you clearly can see they are made of silicone.
>Gosh I hate nupol

Explain where you see silicon you tremendous faggot?

i dont need it

sounds degenerate as fuck. The bible makes reference to the star of rempham. "You also took up the tabernacle of Moloch, And the star of your god Remphan, Images which you made to worship; And I will carry you away beyond Babylon."

Thats actually fake, it was some distasteful art project

You forgot to say no homo, we're married now

Attached: SECRET FORBIDDEN TECHNIQUE.webm (400x222, 1.39M)

What a fucking newfag, reminder - Snopes is a married couple, the hooker than broke them up and a cat, all of whome are jews (except maybe the cat but I don't have proof either way)

Take your meds

The more pure the person the more it takes to trick them to commit evil. Satan offered Jesus the entire world to commit evil but he declined. A nigger will commit evil for half a burnt rat on a kebab stick.

Maybe snopes has no idea but has a knee jerk need to "debunk" any story that comes close to something sordid like this.

If I was a shill then how come I link that book above and speak or jewish ritual murder the threads get shoah'd often. I'm far from a shill you stupid lithuanian faggot. You have no business posting here ever again. Your iq is probably what's holding you back from finding the truth.

Attached: 1387179949390.webm (189x179, 450.65K)

You do realize that at a certain stage of development most animals look similar, right? Of course you do. You faggot troll.

Attached: imagine the smell.webm (206x360, 2.94M)

The cat is a jew too

Attached: catjew.jpg (500x616, 113.23K)

Art project eh ?

Attached: 1582523645910.webm (206x368, 2.59M)

>using ccp and not chinese
You're so obvious.

Still high factual reporting.

>the star of Moloch
Specifically it makes no reference to a 5 sided star.

Attached: JewStar.png (1600x1578, 146.68K)