The Left Can't Me-

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based, checked, pilled, and mate.

What the fuck am i looking at here

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After seeing this I conclude they still cannot meme

That's a cartoon not a meme in either sense of the term. On top of that, it's a violent, psychotic cartoon equating an opinion with deserving death.

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i really don't get it.

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I don't get it.
Is that stonetoss on that poster?

same conclusion reached

They are unintentionally funny though

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Look at that filth. Only 3 colors, no realistic drawings, only round/geometric shapes. A lazy work. Even a 3 year old could draw better
The left can’t art

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That's some outsider art tier shit.

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The left don't even know what a meme is.
Thats a really bad cartoon

Same old pattern of left leaning strips being violent without any real context or punch line.

The fuck.

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Based check

These are the same people who thought the small hands joke was the funniest shit in the world for like 4 months straight, I don’t get why y’all expect more

I have only ever laughed at one lefty meme

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bretty good

genuine lel

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>literally graphic representations of a leftard's psychotic delusions
Man, 2020 senpai holding no punches.

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>When you're so mentally ill that you cant even comprehend or produce anything approximating humor anymore.

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That’s right you fucking nazis don’t get it, mess with the lgbtq get the demonic Wolfs with tnt coming after you!

This is the new spergzy. 4 panels and no punch line.

>equating an opinion with deserving death.
just be honest, you'd do the same to them
in that respect, i'm happy this cartoon exists, i can't wait until we get past the level of having to discuss things with words that don't mean anything

better than the right, Yas Forums has gone fucking full circle and steals wojak memes from reddit

Two wolves rose up from the guys uncleaned cum stains and took vengeance upon their creator.


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What’s so good about this meme? That career is better then being a mom who gets to stay at home and raise a family?

It took me 55 seconds to figure out what the fuck was going on in that image.


i literally don't get it

care to explain?
i still don't get it

Truth. This is literally the only one that has made me laugh.

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You see, the guy in the bed is stonetoss and then 2 transgender furries put tnt on his bed and he explodes or something, I think they're laughing in the last panel.
like all complex art, it's up to your interpretation.

I mean it's inherently retarded just like all lefty opinions but at least there is a punchline. I get the set up, I see the criticism. Pretty funny....

Attached: nourtrigrdlol.jpg (1790x490, 125.07K)

A Microsoft engineer who works on Windows (we can tell by the poster on his wall) is dreaming about solving a complex network routing problem.

Two hounds of Tindalos arrive from another time-dimension and proceed to kill the man and feed on his soul, before returning to their dimension.

>better than the right, Yas Forums has gone fucking full circle and steals wojak memes from reddit


Fuck Reddit and Fuck Trump

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I dont get it either, I just understand what's happening visually in the image maybe?
Looks like a nazi guy dreaming about anti trans then two demons come up and throw TNT on him and he explodes?

Holy shiet, that's some next level accelerationism.

Came here to basically post . These people (all of these supposedly separate but in the end identical groups) all show the same characteristics in art: grotesqueness, lack of talent or merit, and often a fascination with the scatological, sexual, or otherwise putrid.

>When you're so mentally deranged your personify yourself as sleep paralysis demons murdering people

The trick to understand leftist comics is that there is no punch line.
It's like Garfield but more violent.

Kek! It's so bad I lost!

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>right-wingers are frustrated incels

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the fuck am i looking at?

Attached: broly murders a tranny death to transgender rights.jpg (1267x964, 971.81K)

This looks like it was inspired by drugs.
It's a lefty cartoon, so that's got to be it.

lol holy shit...They paid to put that on TV and really thought they were sticking it to drumpf. Jesus Christ...

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violent "so I killed him" is typical stupid left / sex deviant shit. Honestly DO BETTER
It's a Comic, not quite a meme.

I don't want to give any quarter to the enemy but honestly... it's looking great... and will make a great series... just make it t "smarter" if you want to be a threat / on the playfield... otherwise you're just an angry fat lesbian with sympathy fans only

>trannies aren't human even in a tranny comic
well at least it's self aware

IRL he becomes an incel and then a tranny.

ok That's funny...

I actually like this one. Probably because I don't understand what it's trying to say.

that's not funny. it's wack.

Wojack originates from Yas Forums. Go back

the punch line is always "gory death hahahaha" reflecting their utter lack of experience with either life or death, and absolute separation from natural realities. Kick 'em in the he-cunt!

I unironically want a Stone Toss "Trans Bad" swastika poster now.

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Kek, imagine trying to suppress the details of your own murder to help the coon that did it

omg the thought of those two buggering, the skinny skullface mounting the back of the fatty mantits, all up in the air cackling... while mantits bucks him like a bronco..

nigger boy crying knowing he's next, niggerbitch pinching a 20 from their wallet to buy some rocks.


Thats not a meme retard
That is a comic

>this unoriginal pun everyone on Earth has heard or come up with on their own without even hearing will show those bigots

What actually is a chapo traphouse and why do they call their reddit that?

>Muh career
IDK they could have made it funnier if they didn't make the woman retarded as well

wtf is that? They really can't meme lol