Thank you FInland!

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Other urls found in this thread:

Greece should repel them, violently if need be.

think of the kids!

Why are Northern Europeans so disgustingly naive and altruistic? Does anyone have any theories?

wonderful people

>We must secure the existence for our people, and a future for gyro children
they are

From Mannerheim and Ryti to this, voi perkele.

Attached: Risto_Ryti.jpg (250x367, 12.6K)

>women in politics

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Will the guards be women?

You just know each of them has a concubine filled with the top tier migrants ready to be drained at any moment

>greeks attempt to assault UN human rights secretary
>greeks attack german journalist
>o-oh yeah welll we'll send fins to stop the lesbians

>naive and altruistic
Naive, yes. Altruistic, no.
They do it for the attention, social credit and to stroke their narcissism. They secretly don't give a fuck about anyone but themselves.

They have been insulated from invading hordes. They are able to live in relative peace while other countries actually have to worry about security. They are naive and have never been conquered by a brutal horde of browns

Yay for gay binland

Go pick up a history book, lad.


According to law they have to give all migrants to greek authorities and then they will naturally deport them since Greece is the leader of this operation, I dont understand why people are so butthurt about it

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you can keep embarrassing yourself then

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translation: they are sending troops to stop the Greeks for rejecting immigrants.



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The women are lonely 30+ somethings and want diversity to keep them company.

Do you think they knew that when coining this or is it something they'll keep quiet about since they found out after the announcement?

Nords are really going to have to do something about this women voting nonsense. Eventually they are going get rolled over by the Russians with their current defense policy of "lay down with legs in air".

I'd like to see those 4 bitches in a rapefugee camp all by themselves.

Deal with it.

that's something you're gonna deal with, not me

Upper-class females are the most likely social group to grow up coddled and spoiled. Growing up like that leads to naivety, and as your only struggle in life is climbing up a social ladder altruism is the norm.

Hey Russia, think you can deal with these fucks proper for once or are we going to need to get involved?

This desu. Same reason why society in general is so fucking gullible and spineless, everything's just been too cushy for too long. People forget that even the most civilized nations will jump 10,000 year backwards after a few weeks of limited food.

>that comic
It's time.

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Knew what? This is international law, frontex cant just go there and do what they want, greeks call the shots and those guys are there to help them detain these migrants

Unlike us, the Euros are far more insulated and in the dark when it comes to dealing with niggers and other shitskins. Keep in mind that in those countries they actually classify middle easterners as being Asian or Mediterranean so they don't view them the same way that we do, nor are they as ready to admit the truth about them because they're scared of being called racists.

Deal with not being white

Happened yesterday night.

I don't care for the fact. I'm talking about if these women and your government knew this since the plan is to help these migrants get asylum which would lead to what you said.

Why has Finland become so ridiculously cucked recently? They used to be the based Nordic country.

>Deal with not being white

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When were they based?

Good thing Finland doesnt exist

Let’s them have em. Shit, Greece should just let all the migrants have a one way ticket to Finland.

If they want them that badly, then take all of them.

All women government

No its not you dumb fuck, they will give all the asylum seekers to greek authorities and the greeks will do whatever they want with them since they are the leader of this operation, how many times do I have to repeat myself, I knew you muslims are some of the dumbest people out there but jesus this is a whole new level

It legitimately doesn't matter.
They don't actually care. Their virtues are signalled, therefore whatever happens in reality doesn't matter.
Stop ascribing authenticity to these "people," ever. Only ascribe it to actions taken.

Are you illiterate? Are you thoroughly reading what I'm posting?

He may be stupid but you weren't answering his question.
He was asking about if they were meta-cognizant and aware of their actions' consequences, to which you should just say the truth, no, and not give him your emotional energy.

People here have never met adversity, and genuinly believe everyone will be law abeiding citizens who loves feminism as soon as they move here. Within 40 years our countries will be 100% shitholes.

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Also women.

Finland needs to get invaded by a strong muslim country, the feminist government should be raped and enslaved.

That would make me so horny.

Plan is not to help them get asylum, the plan is to detain migrants and give them to greek authorities, if you think Finland can decide who gets asylum in Greece you are delusional, its kinda cool that you think we have a say in these matters or some power in the region but we dont
The consequence being that maybe a couple less shitskins sink to the bottom of the ocean? Yes they are fully aware, am I missing something, what consequence are you talking about?

You are still putting words in my mouth. I'm gonna have to give up on you, sorry.

Finnish troops will open fire against any group perceived as an enemies that work against interest of Finland.
We will create new refugee camp size of Greece that will take in all refugees from the EU.

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Are they going to airlift them to Finland?

>disgustingly naive and altruistic
It's less about altruism and more about hating the political Right in their own country. Non-White migrants are a political weapon to change the culture and politics of the country. Pic-related.

Attached: Tony Blair.png (1781x1762, 1.59M)

>Your government
>No poor migrants lets help them get asylum
>*announcement* We're gonna send down units to help these poor migrants get asylum!
>What do you mean we have to give them to greek authorities?

Hope this makes it easy for you to understand

>that work against interest of Finland.
Does that include your PM?

Translate pic-related into Finnish and spread it far and wide (assuming you haven't already done that)

Attached: Finland Sexual Violence.png (1168x570, 57.99K)

>and want diversity to keep them company.
or just project their maternal nurturing instincts over strangers because already existing people can't be claimed as their own kids

That's why refugees will be located in Greece

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so wait, are they sending finnish border guards to greece to claim the shitskin refugees are entering finland or something? I'm not understanding the logic here

I’m looking at a picture of kids

>millennial feminist government
What the fuck is going on with you Fins?

>Why are Northern Europeans so disgustingly naive and altruistic? Does anyone have any theories?

Because they've never had to deal with brown cockroaches invading their land before. The south slavs learned not to trust outsiders after centuries of dealing with that shit.

Greece should just murder these degenerate Finns and their actors.

>That's why refugees will be located in Greece
Sure they will.

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Please corona-chan, wipe out this civilization so we can rebuild.

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Yeah now I got what you were trying to tell me, obviously they knew this would happen though, probably just pandering to their leftist voters to get some lefty points with that anouncement if it even happened, just watched our government talking about this situation today and there were absolutely zero mentions that we would help them get asylum

I don't get how anybody could be fascinated by that slimy little Jew Trotsky

Good ol' virtue signaling left.

sheltered and the women go insane if they dont have vikings breathing down their neck and face pillaging everyday

Listen instead of lecturing, and let me, just for this post.
See >"I'm talking about if these women and your government knew this"
and then writes some more irrelevant garbage.
He wants to know "if these women and your government knew [they will give all the asylum seekers to greek authorities]."
So you really had three relevant answers to give.
and then you explain why
and then you explain why.
>it doesn't matter
and then you explain why.
Instead, you responded to
>since the plan is to help these migrants get asylum which would lead to what you said.
which shows that
>he knew what you said about what will actually happen
>he knows what that means
>he knows how stupid it makes the government look to people who look at this (like you)
what he wanted to know wasn't what you already said, he already disagrees with whether that's right or not.
What he wanted to know was what I explained above: how meta-cognizant is the Finnish Government about their own incompetent move, while virtue signalling?
It really might just be an English thing, I dunno, but it sounds like you're ignoring his question because he put something in at the end.
There is your fully spelled out explanation. Feel free to call me names or whatever.

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Good summary. The only thing left to collect are social status points.

The EU selling out the Greeks? Surely the Greeks expect this, after all they have gone through. The EU will talk support but undermine them.

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Why is that, what have they done wrong?

They are womyn

Can’t Greece kick these retards out

I appreciate the effort. It's all good now, though.

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>insulated from invading hordes
They were the invading hordes for hundreds of years.

This has nothing to do with the EU and everything to with leftist women in government. Shut up and piss off already, Anglokike

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They want those migrants to touch their no no square


Yeah I finally understood what he meant, not going to call you or him names anymore

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Then explain the Dane action. And you selling coastguard boats to the Turks?

Well, they are women and it's atleast partly genetic. A double whammy.

Greece already once ordered Danish border guards to deport a group of migrants they had saved on the ocean but they refused, I expect our piccolos to do the same.

Greeks should just shoot the Finns.

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Nothing has changed for at least 20 years. You just have a Paris syndrome.

They should at least be jailed if they are found to be acting in violation of Greece's national sovereignty. If they help the Greeks, good. If they disobey the Greeks, jjail them.

crush the matriarchy!

If only I could make frens like this in real life

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1917 to 1945, one big anti soviet ordeal after another.

you know nothing about finland

Lmao at that fucking picture

Finland sucks a dick holy shit

Same exact reason canadians are cucked over here, they're not the ones sharing a land border with the invaders

Welfare states turn people into cucks.

Finland is a fucking joke.

Ah you mean that civil war were German/Fennoswede led whites defeated Finnish led reds and then the war they lost which also led to them being pressured by the soviets not to take Truman money?

If you had let to conquer us Finland in 1939, you'd have an ultra conservative, religious, patriarchy country like Poland instead of Finland now.
But you didn't let us to save them with glorious conservative communism.
Now you'll see.
Former Warsaw pact is fighting back immigrants. NATO and west is full of niggers.
Even Eastern Germany managing to survive.