Redpill me on acid and other psychedelics

Redpill me on acid and other psychedelics
is it degeneracy?

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The real red pill is you need to develop a backbone instead of begging internet losers to tell you what to do

Not inherently, but the culture surrounding them is almost always massively degenerate.

what if you take them yourself without engaging in the whole hippy psychedelic culture?

I've been using psychedelics for well over 20 years, I've been an active poster on shroomery, bluelight, wrote dozens of trip reports for erowid. I've grown mushrooms, extracted DMT, taken almost every psychedelic and hallucinogenic substance you can think of. Including the 2c family and the NBOMes.

It's overrated as shit. You're just giving yourself temporary schizophrenia. When you are truly tripping you don't come to earth-shattering conclusions.

If you're intelligent enough you can realize this almost immediately. It's only the really low IQ retards who listen to Terence "White genocide is great for climate change" McKenna that actually think it's some mind expanding spiritual bullshit. But if you have a scientific mind, if you can understand research papers, if you look into the 5-HT receptors and what they do, the agonists and the pathways, you start realizing what's actually going on in your brain.

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I am not even sure that LSD has any side effects, not degenerate at all.

It is a one way ticket to levels of introspection that are normally not possible, that is not degenerate.

I wouldn't recommend tripping alone mate, especially not your first time. Get a tripsitter if you decide to go ahead with it preferably one who's had some experience and definitely someone that you trust.

My personal experience was that I tripped acid a dozen or 2 times in my early college years, if you have any specific questions I can try and help. I was just speaking in general terms about the culture, obviously there are people who trip who aren't hippy retards, but a lot of the people who do it are pretty undesirable in my experience.

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Kike shill

based, fuck junkie niggers

Don't know, the government made it illegal to find out.
I would argue Psychedelics need research and studies in order to administer dosages and things properly before heading down decriminalization path. But so far they have been proven to help those who have PTSD and certain traumatic events in their mind. And also helps those who are in it for a spiritual journey than those who are using it like marijuana and alcohol.

Golem confirmed.

T. Gatekeeping kike.

>But so far they have been proven to help those who have PTSD and certain traumatic events in their mind. And also helps those who are in it for a spiritual journey than those who are using it like marijuana and alcohol.

All bullshit.

Because of the success of the weed boys and their oh it is medicine garbage you guys are trying to do the same with LSD and such.

I think most people see though that.

It is not even a big deal that it is illegal, not like that has stopped anyone from getting it.

God damn, he simply stated it is overrated.

Hardly a big deal, you guys act like addicts reacting so harshly to basic valid criticism.

Well said

>I was just speaking in general terms about the culture, obviously there are people who trip who aren't hippy retards, but a lot of the people who do it are pretty undesirable in my experience.
Correct there are those types out there that are degenerate as fuck and stupid overall that will abuse it or even use it once and have a bad experience but blame the psychedelic than themselves. It's the equivalent of going to a shaman and taking Ayahuasca to party instead of going in for an expansion of the mind. I would just say to put it in a Pharmacy route and do it that way than to put it in a store. It would be much safer to do so.

I once took DXM and got diarrhea, dunno if it counts.

Every tranny I've met, at some point, did DMT and acid and shit for a couple of years. Just saying.

I hung out with hippies and just fucked the drug rave sluts that passed through without taking any of the psyches. even when i smoke too much weed i get constant, negative intrusive thoughts and i feel like im going schizophrenic. i can't imagine how that would play out on shrooms or acid. seeing what prolonged use does to the hippie faggots i hung out with in college, i would take a hard pass

DMT cures atheism

Ive tripped 5 or 6 times alone
I prefer it

Probably just degeneracy but I do know a fair enough amount of well spoken intelligent people who have partaken.

It’s dangerous stuff, some people take it and loose their minds, other people seem to be able to do it and be fine.

Weed makes me paranoid but lsd makes me really happy and chill. Weird how that works??

I loved this shit when I was younger (I'm 49)

Drugs are basically a waste of time though in the end.

Because he has an absolute brainlet position and tries to back it up by claiming he’s some super psychedelic expert.

I love the rave sluts

This, and reddit absolutely seethes about it.


Its funny when you are tripping balls you think you are coming up with these "earth shattering" conclusions, but in reality you are basically just a babbling idiot. Ive done acid a bunch of times, but I realized this when I babysitted two of my friends who were on acid. They were just babbling about stupid shit.

Depends. Acid lead me down the path to self improvement and fixing my life due to making me feel like shit compared to other people. Your results may vary.

Everyone ITT is lying.
It's the type of drug you only need take once. All it does is confirm the things you already know.

You can trip on a tab by yourself, just do research and do it in a postive environment while listening to good jams.

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LSD is not the first psychedelic you should try. Unless youre with experienced and trusted peopleAcid can make you very impressionable and in your head which can be discomforting. f youre alone go with mushrooms. Theyre more self reflective and therapeutic. Although it can expose some of the hidden aspects of your psyche which can be difficult but ultimately rewarding. I've never regretted a trip even if they were difficult. All the cliches about psychedelics are basically true.

As an elderfag GenXer who has tripped on acid about 200 times, I recommend giving it a try.

It won't open up new dimensions of thought for you, but it will give you perspective on what it's like to lose control of your own thought processes, which I think is an important step in the process toward true enlightenment.

Also, it's not addictive in the traditional sense. Yes, you may want to do it again and again if you have an addictive personality or if you just really enjoy it. But that will be an addiction that will eventually address itself as the psychedelic effects get lesser and lesser. After enough trips it actually becomes an unpleasant experience, a bit like being uncomfortably drunk but with the added sensation of a metallic taste in your mouth. I stopped doing it because it simply wasn't going to be enjoyable anymore.

Also, once you reach that point, you never go back. I've tried it periodically every few years since I quit in the 1980's and the effect was the exact same as before - no real psychedelic effects, just discomfort and bad taste in the mouth.

Far as long-term effects? No, nothing I can identify, I'm pretty sane and stable.

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Ibogaine negates withdrawl symptoms for up to 6 months.

LSD caused me extreme paranoia and I had something of a depression for a full month the first time I tried it.
Weed makes me paranoid now because I never smoke, wasn't a problem when I was blazeit247

Shrooms on the other hand.. umph love the trips, love the euphoria, love the visuals, no paranoia, no bad feelings, grinning so hard your jaw hurts the day after

>All bullshit
>Because of the success of the weed boys and their oh it is medicine garbage you guys are trying to do the same with LSD and such.
The 1960's made huge pathways and were close to proving that it can help and has some medical value. Now that there is research it has proven that chemical SSRI's lead to problems in life and suicides while things that are naturally from the earth has decreased addiction. Success has nothing to do with it. It's just the fact the drug war made everything illegal than doing research if it worked or not to spite the hippy culture of the time. And with more research it's proven that some help while others do nothing and make stuff worse namely heroin and cocaine with severe issues to the brain.
>It is not even a big deal that it is illegal, not like that has stopped anyone from getting it.
Correct but at some point putting your head in the sand and pretending that this should stay illegal and waste tax money to fight an imaginary drug war is also foolish.

Shrooms probably have applications for treating addiction, depression, and PTSD because they appear to increase neural plasticity. Maybe there applications for learning as well. It's definitely worth some research.

>metallic taste
sounds like you were eating research chemicals

Sound like you have no idea what you're talking about then, nigger.

>not ruling your own kingdom like King Solomon with hundreds of wives and concubines while partaking in opium and marijuana 24/7

Do you even know how to be a legend?

This, drugs are fun but they arent as profound as people act.

LSD is tasteless

I legit have a friend who considers himself an intellectual/academic (he got a masters fucking years ago in a social science), believes he is highly intelligent and that atheism is a trait of intelligence.

Refuses to do DMT because I told him it cures atheism, happily did every other drug but this one scares him.

LSD in my experience has no taste

Highlighting how faith based he is.

>It's the type of drug you only need take once. All it does is confirm the things you already know.
This is true. I only took shrooms and LSD a few times and essentially left it alone. I began to awaken from the programming that the media and institutions gave to me and began questioning society as a whole.

I was born in The Family,

A certain portion of people who take LSD end up in mental hospitals. Have you ever seen old drooling retards being walked around your town by Haitian caregivers? Many of those are people who took LSD when young, ended up in a mental hospital, and then got transferred to a group home.

It's not the LSD that made them into drooling retards, it's the psychiatric meds they force the people to take. So if someone does LSD and starts acting too weird or saying stuff that's too weird in front of the wrong people, they can get sent to the mental institution, and even if their psychedelic trip is over, the psychiatric staff may still just force pills down their throat anyways and use them to extort money out of the taxpayer.

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Look at the people who take it. There's your answer.

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The psychedelic movement was spawned by kikes you fucking retard.

Wasson, huxley, osmond, and hundreds of other kikes created a counterculture they could steer into oblivion.

Every psychedelic band that came out of sanfran was an mkultra band. CIA and other Intel agencies had tons of influence along with nazi funds.

This. psychadelics have declining returns

Check em

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Nothing to say about ego death? jesters? alien entities etc?

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I think you would be surprised.

I am no hippy and you would never think me or my friends take LSD but we do.

>It's definitely worth some research.
I agree on that. Doing research and decriminalization is both the steps needed to challenge it on the merits if it has medical value or not. Shrooms can also help expand creativity as well due to increase of Neural Plasticity. But there needs to be research still on everything.

Dubbs of truth.

LSD is tasteless but if you can't identify with the metallic taste it brings on when you're peaking then you've either never tried acid or you're just being obtuse. Everyone I've ever known who did LSD to any extent has commented on the metallic taste and described it pretty much the same way.

they're cool and worth trying out, using them can teach you about the subtle energy pathways in the body, and can open your mind to new possibilities. but at some point it's probably best to stop

>A certain portion of people who take LSD end up in mental hospitals.
CIA astroturfing is nothing new

Fuck Nbomes and the chinks that shipped them here. Got so out of hands that tabs were going for $2.50 and people overdosing left and right

Stay away from it. It harms you more than anything. Gives you HPPD, among other things.

You're dmtisbullshit?

Yea, very degenerate, only fags need that shit...

Is Albert Hoffman a kike user? He invented LSD. Or are you using Jews as an excuse to not do research into whether or not they have value?

this is a handfull of heaven right there, dear god the holy grail is real

>A certain portion of people who take LSD end up in mental hospitals.


It's not bullshit, for every hundred people who take LSD a certain percentage end up in mental hospitals.

The illegality is basically irrelevant now though. No money is being spent in combatting lsd because nobody is making lsd anymore. If you take "lsd" today its almost certainly 1p-lsd which you can legally buy from 350 different websites with a google search. With governments rarely banning rc's anymore in fear of another jwh-018 scenario lsd is basically legal nowdays.

The point of drugs is to experience their effect without taking them.

So many people give in and it's sad.

1 out of 50000 regular uses
seems harmless to try a couple times on your own

That's because they'rr fucking research chemicals. There are very few labs that produce LSD today.


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It might help against some health issues like depression, but for a normal person it's useless.
Of course if you love to paint really weird shit then go for it.

Mushrooms are just fucking cool

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seems like that can be said about anything

for every hundred people who read a book a certain percentage end up in mental hospitals.

A higher percentage of ppl who ingest fluoride end up in the mental hospital.

For those anons interested in trying. If you take a massive dose, expect to start seeing demons/fallen angels.

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getting a sitter is a major pussy move

They have ultimately nothing more profound to say than "we are all one", "we're all God". It's satanism.

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HPPD is not even a big deal..