Preppers, how much bullion do you keep in your stash?

Preppers, how much bullion do you keep in your stash?

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one cube for every three packages of noodle
a little bit goes a long way

None, leaf. Can't eat metal.

Have 80 ounces
1 ounce coins

>burn your house down
>Pick you off as you run out and take the metals you are carrying

So I guess the answer is up to you

1 jar of beef, 1 jar of chicken

about tree fiddy

1969 gold price 41 dollars
2020 gold price 1583

>y-yes I want to trade this useless metal block for food please

>If your thread is not specifically about politics, then it does not belong on Yas Forums.
Dumb fucking leaf.

Dollar bill
In other words, $100 in 1969 is equivalent in purchasing power to about $702.92 in 2020,

It’s crazy
Silver is rather than gold and useable

We def missed the gold train

>Prepping for the reality everybody is going to be weighing gold and silver for their transactions

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Price of gold went up 38x, inflation increases the value of hard limited currency for wealth transfer.

>y-yes I want to trade this useless paper with a picture of a dead president on it for food please

I keep this kind.

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Yea imaging going back to sound currency when we could just continue to be cucked by the Fed by means of fractional reserve lending. It would be terrible if my money’s value couldn’t be destroyed by hyperinflation I don’t want that type of certainty in my life.

>Investing in precious metals
>For an apacalypse scenario

If everything goes to hell, things like water purifiers, matches, firearms and bullets, preserved foods, medicine, and batteries are going to be the standard trade. Silver and gold are only reliable in stabilized trade between nations or functioning societies.

Gold and silver is the standard for the collapse of strong centralized states who don't trust in paper.

Nice try, Trudeau.

402 oz silver and an oz of gold.

When the central states destroys the worth and value of paper as wealth storage then other more reliable methods of transferring wealth are desired such as precial metals or in less civilized than in food storages.

If the state collapses how will you trade or transfer wealth or collect wealth from different cities and neighborhoods?

The standard are precials metals and food/resources then you can eventually create a more fiat centralized system.

Serious Reply: It's better to have lots of small pieces of gold/silver than large bars.
For trading purposes

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Mfw the cashier tells me the price for my groceries

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Billions of millions

if I had any, would I tell you?

The price of food stuffs will be 1/12 trillionth of silver supply and adjusted by the market from there based on supply and demand.

The future economy will be a barter for material goods or skills economy. I'm set either way

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Societal collapse won't last forever or do you plan on dying before the rebuild?

Debasement of the metal will also be an issue for fraud and for small and large transactions alike.

5 Gold ounce coins (2 Krugs, 2 Eagles and a Canacuck) plus 18 tubes of 25 ounce coins, mainly Canadian and US and a few random coins 500 ounces give or take, and quite a few dozen little 1 and 2 gram 'bars' of Gold.

>plus 18 tubes of 25 ounce coins
^ Silver

I'd say so, even those silver quarters can be useful.

None. You Should have traded in your metals already and went into supplies. You cant eat metal or kill with it for that matter. Metaltards are 6 months behind atm. You should have cashed in for guns, ammo, and supplies already

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it's 21 century gramp. no one is going to toss those pieces of metal. we have nfc and bit coins now.

1 pound of silver will be worth likely equivelant or more than 17 dollars is worth currently.

Seriously that much silver? Over 20 lbs lol
Any pics!?

Do you understand how many problems start happening for bitcoin in a collapse when the internet becomes fragmented?

>What are ridges on coins?

And price of food will decrease in price in time when food production is back as people flock to food production to take a profit

Pics now

Wtf are you saying?

How would you transfer millions of current dollars in precious metals to somewhere else?

there won't be a collapse.

Gold and silver won't have any value when the dollar collapses and SHTF, boomer. The "currencies" you should be stockpiling are cigarettes and alcohol. They're easy to keep, trade, and use and they'll be so rare and valuable in an apocalyptic scenario

Price of fertilizers and it's compounds would increase during a state collapse

Just silver. Gold is too pricey.

None. When society collapses, I prefer to keep things that help me survive, rather than dead weight that will be worthless after the economy collapses.

Look, it's simple. Silver and gold have value because the economy says they do. When the economy collapses, that imposed value vanishes with it.

Only what is IMMEDIATELY valuable will be worth anything. You'd be better off trading that silver for reloading equipment or just more guns. Guns will always have value because they help you survive. Metal is just dead-weight, post economy.

It will EVENTUALLY have value again, when the economy starts to rebuild, but that's not going to help you survive SHTF, dumbass.

200 rounds of 9mm
50 slugs
25 "00" buckshot
50 rounds .44

Organize your tools. You will never be operating at full potential that disorganized.

There has never been a point in history when gold and silver were worthless. That said, I'd rather have a few acres and ammunition. If you can safely produce food after a collapse you will soon be wealthy. Next up would be people who can build and fix things.

I prefer the powder. Dissolves quicker and easier.

Silver tarnishes, so it is perceived as less valuable even though it is arguably more valuable for its utility in chemical and industrial processes. At the end of the day we are all apes who like shiny things apparently.

For trading purposes the smaller the unit of precious metals and minting the better.

There's ALWAYS a collapse, eventually, retard.

The Roman empire lasted 1000 years, but it eventually collapsed. Every civilization that's every been eventually collapses.

Pretending we're at the "end of history" is arrogant and ignorant, simultaneously.

You can sell food but what will.yiu sell your produce for
What value will you use to store the sold food?
You'd need currency

Always prepare for total collapse.

True user. Cool thing about silver is that it is mined near the surface. Gold is deeper so that there is actually more. A lot of the silver has been mined already. It’s actually more rare than gold and so important for use in computers.
It will surely go up over next century
Me? I’m hoarding to give to my kids. Just another measure of savings.
Shtf scenarios is fun but not happening
Bullets much more valuable than silver for sure in that sense

so if society ends and you want to trade your silver for food, convince me why i should trade my cans of spagettiOs for useless shiny metal?

The first to organize the companies which produce such revenue such as labor, oil , steel production, and services in collapses would be the new barons.

Gold never changed value though...that just shows you how much the dollar has been fucked by inflation

>Be goldfag
>Corona-chan destroys society
>Overwhelming majority dead
>Celebrate by sodomizing yourself with a golden dildo
>Jacking off to the faggot NEETs that starved to death
>Food supplies run out because all of your money was spent on gold and silver stockpiling
>"Hurr better load up my Amish wagon with all dis' gold and buy some food now!"
>Load stupid fucking Amish cart because a nigger siphoned your gas after the habbening
>Get out half a mile
>There is nobody
>Except giga niggas
>Due to the nigger's promiscuous way of life, they have obtained all immunity to every disease from pure exposure
>The weaker ones douse themselves with Lysol to combat the residual Corona-chan
>You hear a loud clapping
>Multitudes of clapping is heard
>But it's a mistake
>It's not the clappers of a thousands cheeks brapping
>It's wetter
>More pustulent
>You look on in horror as dozens of giga niggas simultaneously smack their lips
>The noise is deafening
>The Earth shakes
>Then silence
>The biggest giga nigga you have ever seen walks up
>His lips practically dragging on the ground
>A breath from the beast is drawn
>In his ebonical, Corona-degraded monkey-speak, you barely make out the words
>"Ayo look at dis' mayo lookin' muthafuka carrying all dat grill sheeit."
>"Goofy ass ignit nigga taking all dat sluggs fo imself! Rape him niggas! Rape day honkey!"
>Goldfag tries to flee, realising there is no society left
>Leaves his gold
>He cannot flee from Kenyan Giga Nigga
>Nigger dong flopping in the wind
>Shrieking incoherently about something called Weezwukunda
>Kenyan Giga Nigga has a chain of many hood emblems
>Catches up to your flabby, entrophied legs from sodomizing yourself day in and day out
>Catches up to you
>Outrights rape you in feral nigger fashion
>Wooden grills right up to your ear whispering unintelligible monkey-speak about being kangs in sheooz
>(Is he confused? Does he think he's a kangaroo?)

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So enough for an afternoon of plunking

Silver is fairly unimportant for computers most if not all of the connectors and small wires are gold plated or made from gold alloy

None, I'm not a boomer

No one will want your spaghetios but the food producer will want something to trade his food for that can be used as currency for wealth increase and that is in demand for all trades, difference between survival and thriving

Fuck, beat me to it.

None of your fucking business

I have several ounces, plus the gargle, the toothpaste and the wound dressing for the ol lady's snatch when she's in her moons

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