Вoдкa cилп

Girl user here with a message to all my Polish, Ukrainian, Byelorussian, Estonian, Lithuanian, Latvian, Czech, Slovakian, Romanian, Bulgarian, Hungarian, Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian, Albanian, Montenegrin, Macedonian, Georgian and Armenian bros and sisters, please stop fighting ILYSM more than anything, we're not enemies and we should ally again and prepare to fight against the real enemies.

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Show me those slavic milkers Natasha

>fight against the real enemies.

Germany is eastoid too. Come back home

>girl user here
Tits or gtfo

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You know the rules

>polish girl here
>doesn't post bobes
>doesn't post vagene
>doesn't even tease post

Sigh Yas Forums wtf.

I'm not a cuckpitalidt degenerate mindless thot to do this ://

Is this some kind of terrorist group or something?


You could have just said slavic. The problem with slavic unity is that we don't want to be absorbed by Russia. We may be similar, but we don't want to be run by your country.

I would one day like to tour eastern Europe. Such a beautiful place.

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Aw come on ... my Drang nach Osten demands it ...

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based and sweet

ya tebya lyublyu rossiya

how do you say tits or gtfo in russian

I'm gonna say based and redpilled. We should unite to fight the jews.

>Girl user here
post your feet

You don't

Not necessary, eh? ;)

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>girl here
You know the rules you prude whore. You're already a degenerate for coming here and using your pussy to get (You)s

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>please stop fighting ILYSM more than anything

Nationalism will never unite slavs and the butthurt belt tho


Yes United States 3:)
Of course I regret I forgot to add East Germany
nu also God have mercy of allies of USA in case of war with such a knowledge they're going to confuse their allies with enemies and enemies with allies
Yeah made by me
I understand also myself I'm half Byelorussian, all what I would wish is us to be united under one flag and army but also be free to keep our traditions and language into our lands alive

>Girl user here

How do I get a Russian girlfriend?

Appeals for reason don't work on slavs.


show us those jugs, love.

How many child you have ?

>clown world

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>united under one flag and army but also be free to keep our traditions and language into our lands alive

You want a Slavic United Nations. It will never work, because democracy is a lie. Any united group will always have a leader who makes the final say of things. There is a reason that nationalism is the main political ideal of this board.

If we get together, someone will always get the final say. Someone will always be "king" even in a democratic situation. Staying separate but respectful is the only way.

I know I'm wasting words saying this to a woman but I hope you understand and find yourself a strong man. Good luck.

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'member when we had a president who would stand up to these sons of bitches instead of simping for putin like dup does?

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Fuck off, backstabbing rat. You were always the real enemy.

80085 !!!

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Ukraine or Belorussia, based on having language closest to Old Slavonic and/or oldest culture recorded (corded ware).

What do those countries on the list have in common? Why are they bros, I dont get it

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They all hate russians

ok simp coomer
well during the Cold War it did
0 I barely have 19, too young for this
don't worry you're not and I understand too well
Obama was too busy getting his ass pounded in gay clubs to show how tolerant he is to actually stand up against Russia
Calm your drained balls bandera, the only backstabbers were bandera faggots that killed innocents

>Here have money
>Fuck off! I don't want Gopnik mo-
>It's US money
>*Heavy Sweating*

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With those shitty demographics, the Russians as a people are clearly dying out. Good luck even trying to reform anything like the Soviet Union.

Attached: 18-russia-population-2020-wnotes-01-scaled.jpg (2560x1778, 442.99K)

This but unironicaly

>0 I barely have 19, too young for this

19, no children when women's became fertile at 15 , talk about politics

I like you, femanon
Instead of sent to breeding farms you get 8/10 Aryan Slavic husband for to make family with

Seems Legit My turn to ask the Young Babuska.

1. Do you hate Gays
2. Are you familiar with someone named Roman Albertovich Abalin
3. Are you a Gopnik or a Raspizdyay As Leningrad would say.
4. You like guns?
5. Opinion on Victor Tsoi and Igor Talkov.
6. Would you ever consider hot sweaty Russian bear sex with someone after he killed a Bolshevik with he bare hands?

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Sláva všem Slovanům.

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Questions that need to be asked, user

Hi girl user
Made this thread about how WIVES should be legally entitled to half of what their husband earns
I am a white man and believe we should have white unity. SLAVIC unity makes sense to protect each other from Western Europeans and Americans as well as Israelis and Jews.

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Show pizda or poszał won!


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Just flash a couple dollars. Works everytime.

relax nigga

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You speak english fluently, and then try to hard with the fucked up syntax to over compensate how you’re “totes a Russian who learned english”.


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Germans are Slavs in denial. Post those slavic German milkers as well

>unite 1 flag 1 army
>keep different languages cultures and country's

This is not how military works. How do you expect to command troops with any success when all the country's hold different interests and don't even speak the same language?

Post pics of your potato perogi's

The enemy is not the US per se, since race conscious white Americans are our brothers, but Jewishness, which is most prominent in the West. However, there's Jewishness in Russia and Eastern Europe too, and that's what we should fight first and foremost.

Sta je ovo? 'de su sise?

you could give me even trucks of gold and I wouldn't prostitute myself, I'd take theft and homicides anytime over that crap
and what d9 i have to win from that or my child/ren that I'm just bringing them to suffer into this sick shithole world also I don't feel and not look like an adult for this, I don't have all the resources necessary to rise a kid good enough to do not end up to hate his/her life so I'll wait till 28-30
1. for dudes kind of but also myself I'm pretty bi so I would be self hating
2. nah i find him annoying in general
3. yep mixed with some punk goth shit
4. i love them and wish to be a VDV paratrooper at 22 yos
5. i appreciate them a lot
6. if i dn't have feelings for that somebody nope also i'm pretty nazbol so double nope

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That was basically Yugoslavia, tho everyone thought they their language is different from another.