Spain has overtaken Japan

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Nothing personnel, jap.

Checked. Oh fugg

Japan Total = Japan + Diamond Princess you nigger

Your doomed

I watch only Italy data for now, the rest not trustworthy, especially chink regime, too obvious that they try to cover it all up.

Is [24] Yas Forums?

Imagine how fucked Spanish economy will be when the tourist season disappears because of covid19 fear.

Several leading virologists in Denmark have publicly stated to the media that the epidemic is fully out of control and most of the population will be infected and the disease will be a part of the world cycle of diseases like seasonal flu

> "b-but don't p-panic"

Siiiii,vamooooos top 3 ya coño

who do I congratulate?

Sounds beneficial to the state given it mostly kills welfare burden old people.

why is nobody in Germany dying?

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Hala España!!!

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we're basically doing nothing to stop this
MSM is still on nothinburger mode and the government (commie, by the way) doesn't want to close or cancel just about anything.

also this sunday there's a huge feminist march and we can't miss out on that, right?

we learnt absolutely nothing from Italy's mistakes

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these italian numbers are terrifying. +1200 in one day wtf.
Surrounded by refugees, pasta niggers with coronovarius, albaniggers, and turkroaches.

When will we get a break

0 death for Germany, sure Hans

Übermenschen genetics

>also this sunday there's a huge feminist march and we can't miss out on that, right?
We're having one on monday.

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And Fallas hahahaha
Spain shitshow 2020

Funny how Singapore and Hon Kong had some of the first cases outside China and they've managed to contain the virus. We should be following whatever they're doing.

>4% death rate
Jesus fucking christ Italy get your shit together.

damn fucking asians are a virus in human shape

> We should be following whatever they're doing.
So hide the real numbers and ignore obviously corona related deaths?

Japan and USA putting their economy before their boomers, as it should be

based conquistador

>Germany still at 0 deaths
This is what genetic superiority looks like.

How did Germany do it?

It's covered up

If first Death in Germany happends every German will Go to work like usual. Check em. Our glorious Merkel did not one Time mention the virus

Depends on how much care they will receive. Might be a huge one time negative impact before it shows any long-term positive benefits.

>over 700 cases
>0 deaths
yeah sure

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Hope she gets it

Why Italy have so many cases? Because italy do test for Covid19.

is this the leaderboard?

master race reporting in


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Western countries will overtake China at some point because of how shit they chose to deal with the virus.

Which is good. You cant hide for ever in your Appartement and its to late to contain the Virus anyway so by hiding in your basement you will just delay your infection.

nice work

We are the only state beyond China that affront virus correctly.

>japan at only 420 somehow
intentional boomercaust

Some deal with it harder than others, for example in Spain the government doesnt care so unless it goes batshit it wont do anything ,Im sure more western countries will/are acting like Spain.
Italy is aplying its best efforts but the infected number keeps growing

ay caramba

Afghan or Syrian?

Because your government is probably the best in Europe at lying to its citizens and covering shit up.

Germany 0 deaths so far. Any idea why?

>tonnes of cases in Valencia
>the entirety of the inbred province will go there for fallas
I'm emptying out the masymas and bunkering up. Thank god I live in a rural shithole.

I get its easy to confuse asians but china =/= hong kong or singapore.

Probably because they wear masks anyway due to autism.

>tfw we're in the top 10 now

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Virus cant handle our autism


Im thinking more covering real numbers because of the olympics.
As long as it doesnt go full pandemic, hundreds of thousands of cases there they can cover the numbers more or less


>Diamond Princess

the fuck ? did Yas Forums make a Country while i wasnt browsing ?

a tomar por culo , first place is gonna be ours

That's the plague ship

>also this sunday there's a huge feminist march
Virus is dealing with your Problem cases then ?

Infectemonos ya!

rejoice, no more nigger boats. we told NGO faggots that if they take nigger they have to stay in quarantine 14 days every time, guess what ? no more nigger taxi from lybia . BASED CORONACHAN

Because your government is run by some of the most deepstate individuals on the planet. The EU globalism agenda has turned you into the Capital of Cuck.

I think we can win from the bongs.

Because if someone dies having other disease they report the latter as cause of death

not many people from the high risk groups are infected yet, nobody over 60 or so was infected iirc

>Italy and Iran have similar amount of cases
>Italy has more deaths.


ok japoomer

italy has at least 15,000 cases going by the number of deaths.

whats happening to the 689 liquidy diarrhea shits happening 8 times a day on this????
does that just get dumped straight into the ocean??? some people think its funny but its really brown and runny diarrhea.

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because you have the best democracy

infected people in Italy were old as fuck, Iran is covering up

I find that hard to believe. Germany doesnt censor the internet like China does. If people knew a friend or familymember was in the hospital for Coronavirus and they died, they would have opened up about the government lying

by having a life expectancy of 60? bed ridden old farts are dying in droves what can you do

I'm positive we can, the way we're "dealing" with this.

>infected student in my city went to school sick
>don't worry about your kids guys we put up an extra towel in the shitter

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Repeat with me:


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>Diamond Princess spent so long in quarantine they just went and declared themselves a sovereign nation
Based Sealand 2.0

here, page 4 most people are from the "low" risk age groups

We can reach top 5 thanks to vindicat

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Japan is a country that actually works though so it's no surprise that they have things under control and will quench any further infections and move down the list.

Netherlands will overtake UK by next week.

>next to china and barley any cases

how can it be?

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>based, feminists about to get BTFO'D

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