How many bernouts will be killing themselves this summer?

How many bernouts will be killing themselves this summer?

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Not enough, sadly

>mfw Bernie bros realize people would rather vote for senile pedoguy rather than communism

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they won't do shit, nobody moved to Canada either.

no way Gabbard has a 1/100 chance more like 1/10,000

Blacks destroyed communism in America

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About 41%

>giving Biden a 7/8ths chance of winning after barely beating sanders even after pete & amy endorses him the day before and warren siphoned votes off bernie
I hate these polls they’re so misleading. I bet they’ll flip flop after the debate and everyone sees that biden can’t speak for more than 30 minutes without forgetting what is happening

you're pathetic.

>vote for senile pedoguy rather than communism
I think Bernie could have beaten Trump.

>the day before and warren siphoned votes off bernie
She also siphoned votes of Biden, and so did Bloomberg.

Theres no way in hell that warren siphoned votes of biden more than bernie, and its especially not true that bloomberg did any damage to biden. She spoiled Super Tuesday for bernie i thought this was accepted fact she took AIPAC money to stay in the race during Super Tuesday even when she didn’t come close to being first in any state

nah, in the swing states he doesnt have enough support from key groups like christians, boomers, black people, independents and moderates. Just cause little kids on reddit and tumblr post about him 24/7 doesnt mean people love him, I havent met a single sanders supporter out of all the people Ive worked with in my swing state.

Thats because the kind of populism that got trump elected and didnt follow through on bernie embodies. Even tucker Carlson knows this and wants trump to stop the “keep America great” the general public does not agree

>Theres no way in hell that warren siphoned votes of biden more than bernie
I never said that but bloomberg alone was more popular than warren.

> and its especially not true that bloomberg did any damage to biden
It is especially not true that warren did any damage to Bernie (same dumb statement without any evidence and contrary to any logic)

>Just cause little kids on reddit and tumblr post about him 24/7 doesnt mean people love him
Same could be said for Trump on Yas Forums.

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If Democrats already rejected commies hit, combine it with Republicans and independents, Bernie will get fucked harder in the ass in a general.

>It is especially not true that warren did any damage to Bernie
Massachusetts, Texas, Maine, minnesota shouldve all gone to bernie

Can you just please just shut the fuck up for like a minute?


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Beat me to it

You underestimate how tired people are of Trump, and don't forget trump only got 27% of the votes from the total electorate. And his popularity has only gone downhill sins his election, so all the Democrats need is some Add money convince people to vote.

But yeah Biden has a better chance and will become president most likely.

>Massachusetts, Texas, Maine, minnesota shouldve all gone to bernie
Tfw when your theory does not agree with reality, so you stick with the theory. You sound religious kid.

Polls also gave Hillary a 99% chance of success

NO. And even if they did, it still does not mean that your opinion has more predictive value than the pols in general.

>all this coping

This will do more to redpill leftists than any IQ and crime statistics ever could.

>can't even beat one of the most unpopular candidates of all time (HRC) and a senile old dude
>somehow can beat Trump who is extremely popular with republicans and has a strong economy

About 40%.

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Wait how does Bloomberg not hurt Biden?
What kind of Bloomberg voter does not have Biden as his second pick

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What states did Trump win in 2016 did you see Sanders flipping?

Sanders was NEVER going to hold up under the scrutiny of a general election campaign.

There is at least 100 miles of cock in this image.

We shall see, to bad i could not bet you money directly, because i gladly take your money.

>rump who is extremely popular with republicans
only registered republicans.

>has strong economy
He really doesn't it is all a bubble caused by late cycle stimulation.

> and a senile old dude
As i said i think he could beat Trump.

You could be someone today and just be nobody tomorrow

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>Sanders was NEVER going to hold up under the scrutiny of a general election campaign.
The only person Trump could beat is Hillary in the general election.

Biden has more working class appeal than Bernie, Bernie went woke and went broke

I agree, but people will vote anything to get rid of Trump.

Theyre gonna start strapping on suicide vests at the least

Yup. Bernie with a moderate gun platform, a reasonable border policy, a focus on universal healthcare (as opposed to highlighting free college), and an anti-war stance would be much more formidable.
But no. He went woke. Open borders. No guns. Free everything. Reparations.
Oh well

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That neoliberal narrative is about to go 0/2

What makes you think that? Trump has one of the lowest approval ratings in American history, and he even lost popularity since the election. It was fun the first time, but the Trump meme has lost its appeal. All he did was create an huge deficit so he could give taxes cults to the super wealthy and a minor cut to the working class, who in the end will end up paying for the deficit.

>Trump has one of the lowest approval ratings in American history
This is an objective falsehood. I'm sorry it just is. Additionally support within his party is in the mid 90s. Wherever you're getting you're info from...stop. They're lying to you.>All he did was create an huge deficit so he could give taxes cults to the super wealthy and a minor cut to the working class, who in the end will end up paying for the deficit.
Full on neoliberal talking points. The majoriry of americans have received a tax cut. Thousands. There is almost no point to TurboTax etc because he changed the sta card deduction to a massive 10k on an individual level. The temporary element of the middle class tax cut is smart politics. If republicans are not in control they can extort policies out of a hypothetical majority democrat government by threatening to let it expire. Deficits arr irrelevant to countries that controls it's own monetary policy. Everyone has figured this out by now.

You have nothing but DNC-approved talking points. No policy. Nothing but "omg republicans exist so you should vote for me".

Only about 40% of the trannies. Normal modern commies don't have the balls for something like that.

>This is an objective falsehood. I'm sorry it just is.

> The majoriry of americans have received a tax cut.
It does not matter if you are on the hook to pay for the deficit later on, which is greater than the tax cuts you received. And what did people do with the money create a stock market bubble that is now deflating (an other wealth transfer).

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You forgot your meme flag, rabbi

>Not one person saying they won't have to because of the virus or the economical collapse getting them first
>Everyone still caring about the election as if we'll not be in martial law by then

Inequality increased under Trump.

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>The only person Trump could beat is Hillary in the general election.

And who lost to Hillary by a double-digit percentage in 2016?

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Communism killed communism in America. There I fixed it for you.

it's a shitty virus weaker than the seasonal flu
for someone who probably considers himself to be a smart and informed person who knows the "real" truth, you're easily swayed by media sensationalism

>but muh economical collapse
It's called a recession, stupid.

inequality seems to be increasing under literally every president.
If anything, that biggest jump in 92-93 was when Bill Clinton - a Democrat - got in power

Primaries are not the same as the general election. And besides that this isn't 2016 anymore.

It's not, Bernie is weaker now than he was in 2016

I don't disagree with that, that only show that even leftist policies increase inequality and are not that leftist.

But the idea that Trump's policies are benefiting his base is a myth. And we have not even had the recession yet.

Yes, but so is Trump.

Inequality is irrelevant. If tens of millions of poor people were starving to death and living in the streets then it might be relevant. This isn't some African shithole though. Most "poor" Americans are pretty well-off especially since wages have been rising under Trump and he's created millions of new jobs. Giving the poor more opportunities to earn more money is way more important than tackling inequality. Also the average voter doesn't give a fuck if there's billionaires or not, they just care about being able to afford stuff that they need, which Trump has improved.

The S type is the flu, the L type is the lethal one, and as far as I know there's no known cases of that in the US, but with the amount of infected that went from Wuhan to the US where the L type was, I suspect within reason that there's going to be a lot of dead people within a month.
That being said, please go sleep in a German bunk bed.

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Why yes I voted Biden. How could you tell?

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And btw there is a natural increase of in equality because of technological progress e.g. automatization. And besides more political reasons but not entirely, globalization and immigration.

>Inequality is irrelevant
It isn't for a political stability, and it is especially relevant when you consider that working class still earns about the same as they did 50 years ago.

>especially since wages have been rising under Trump and he's created millions of new jobs.
Economic stimulation at the later part of the credit cycle is very bad for poor people, they always get hit the hardest by the economic crisis.

Even if Trumps policy doesn't help his base. He did what he said he was going to do and that counts for a lot. And even if Trump goes head to head with Bernie. Trump will turn Bernie's good voting record into a career of failure to stop anything Bernie fought against.

Trump would claim that had he been in Bernie's position he would have stopped the Iraq war from happening. And this would be somewhat credible because he did keep us out of Syria.

>Inequality is irrelevant
It isn't for a political stability, and it is especially relevant when you consider that working class still earns about the same as they did 50 years ago.

>especially since wages have been rising under Trump and he's created millions of new jobs.
Economic stimulation at the later part of the credit cycle is very bad for poor people, they always get hit the hardest by the economic crisis.

>He did what he said he was going to do and that counts for a lot.
No he did not, mexico did not pay for the wall nor did he build a wall. he moved the embassy to Jerusalem, he did not with draw from the ME etc. Honestly it is good that he did not do what he said he was going to do except for the wall. Besides you can't just rigidly stick to your campaign promises if a) you might have gotten your facts wrong or b) the world changes.

>And even if Trump goes head to head with Bernie
Bernie isn't going to win the primaries, but he is projected to win against Trump .

>And this would be somewhat credible because he did keep us out of Syria.
There are still soldiers in Syria, and he gave Turkey the green light to go in to Syria which might drag NATO in as well if we are not careful.

But on the Turkey part i think he had little options i am not sure tho.