Welp Kentucky is fucked

Welp Kentucky is fucked

Fuck this dumb country, we deserve this.

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>ID f+m26cEL

>this happened

This is almost certainly happening across the country

Why didn't she say yes though, they would had charge her the money and she didn't even had to pay it like after a year. It's her own fault if she dies. Willingly saying "no" because of money that you don't even have to pay is just irresponsible.

>>ID f+m26cEL
Fucking kek

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Good, nothing but Liberal Nigger worship going on in "The Ville."

Post tits
26 year old femcel

Doctors kill more people than guns desu. I'll take my chances.

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Not my problem or anyone else’s financial obligation to pay for the test in this fictitious tale.

if the covid 19 test costs 3000 dollars, then it should not be administered.
it is simply economics.
Diagnose the patient using symptoms instead of using the test. It is much cheaper that way.
Either way, there is no specific treatment for covid-19.

This is fake news btw she had to not have had any insurance because insurance companies are paying for the test,

>buy health insurance
>it won't cover you when you get sick


People that travel should be shunned right now

Good. I hope Lexington and Louisville burn.

t. Bereafag

It's fake.

>defending corporations profiting off your health
yay judeo-capitalism

That's what made her sick.

Posting for the test yes. But not the associated 3000 dollars for doctors visit, or the 6000 dollar paper work fee

Ohio, Maine, WV and Arkansas are all not testing currently last I read. They will start testing next week

Leave it to a commie to not understand medical billing and the sale of debts.

I call bullshit on this article. Patients are not required to pay for the coronavirus testing, if they weren't retarded they would have filed a whistleblower complaint and CC'd it to the CDC and every other alphabet agency involved with healthcare to blow Anthem's asshole out.

1 post by this ID
>26 year old femcel
of course

A major health insurance trade group is pledging its member plans will cover doctor-ordered testing for the coronavirus amid rising confusion and concern about who will bear the cost of care in an outbreak.

America’s Health Insurance Plans made the commitment Thursday, although it's still unclear when insurers might have to start paying for tests. So far, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has picked up the tab for coronavirus diagnostics. The cost picture is expected to become more complicated as more private labs and academic medical centers launch their own testing. Thursday alone, commercial labs Quest Diagnostics, LabCorp and BioReference Laboratories announced they'd launch testing for the virus.

Cigna separately announced its customers will have access to coronavirus testing "as prescribed by health practitioners" and that it intends to waive co-pays and other forms of cost sharing.

She shouldn't have gotten bottom rung health insurance

Arkansas has been testing since Monday. No positives so far.

>she had recently been in contact with someone who traveled to Mexico
Sounds like it was her own damn fault then

This is fake retards.

This country deserves what it gets.

This is happening all over. There are multiple respiratory diseases going around. I've got one now, coughing, shortness of breath and slight fever at first. It shouldn't be covid, i'm in rural oklahoma. But, who knows what it is exactly. They test for flu, and it wasn't that.

But who really knows. Even though I'm rural, I work with people, some of whom travel for work to the east coast, sometimes west, and who knows who they've been in contact with who have traveled too.

This is potentially one of don's biggest failures. He should have slammed the borders shut on first indication and fuck the whiners. If you're out of the country you get put in isolation for a month or two before you get back in. And tell china to fuck off until they get their bat eating insectoid population under control.

I hope reinfections end up being deadlier. Maybe this place will finally stop being such a mutt infested and zogged

>p-please don't criticize capitalism, goy
>privatized healthcare is suited to your needs!

every dead american is a victory for the nature and mankind

The worst part is that there are people who will defend the shit healthcare in this country. Also femcel nice

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China must be made to suffer for what they have done to the world. Tariff their asses. Erect the blockades. Sink their fake islands. Cut off all their air travel with the threat of shooting it down should they attempt it. Destroy their space rockets, satellites, etc.

FUCK china.

>And then everyone clapped

This is why we should have let in those refugee doctors and engineers. Then we would have more people building ct scan machines and more doctors that are able to run them.

>CT scan for a virus

>durr if its on the internet it must be true
Dumb potato nigger

Prove its real faggot

For the lung damage/fluid you nigger.



it's a fucking facebook post dude.

prove it's not

Fuck Kentucky
WV #1

“Flu swabs” do not “rule-out” the flu, especially in Flu season.

T. An actual M.D.

>gave her antivirals
>sent her home
This is completely fake and gay.

If the CDC ordered the test she wouldn't have been charged. Fuckong femcels.

She has to go full scorched earth. Tell them she'll wander around the hospital coofing until she gets treatment.

Kek has spoken

Burgers send hundreds messages where they tell us europoors how great their heath system really is. Just enjoy your great heath system, I'm sure you guys are going to survive as you have insurance and so on. Atleast you have tons of money as you don't pay taxes like you guys say.

totally agreed

t. Lexingtonfag

heath system is now health system

Fucking autocorrect, going to shut it down

Dead liberals. Hope it infects all of Louisville and Lexington.


the WHO test kits were free but the trump administration refused them

>Welp Kentucky is fucked
Bro it's cool. It'll be contagion meets omega man soon enough.

it doesn't even have to be. it's a great point

This is unreal

This is the power of government regulated medicine folks

I hope it burns a hole through the boomers who didn't keep up their health.


I hope it takes you out too. no offense

The test is covered by all insurance plans as of at least Tuesday.
>thinks the US doesn't fund WHO.
We are the reason those NGOs exist, faggot.

top fucking kek
amerisharts finally reaping what they sow gives me a half chub

More like FtMcel

Kentucky will be better off without Louisville anyway

Lexington is one of the last bastions of urban conservatism, fuck off fags

t. Pike&Lexingtonfag

Just keep doubling the number dude I’m sure you’ll get to where you want to be.



The conservative values of Infinite nigger importation, endless gibs and electing progressive Democrats.
Gas yourself.

>if the covid 19 test costs 3000 dollars, then it should not be administered
Meanwhile backward Czech Republic you get Covid test done in 6 hours for mere 60$ at the PRIVATE LABORATORY or for free in state lab in about 24 hours. Amusing, that you fucking retards aren't even seeing the problem in your whole healthcare being fucking pants on the head retarded.

Some idiot made a sock puppet post on fb, blacked out the names and posted it to Reddit. Then, some idiot who believes this, posted it here.
It’s actually free to test in Kentucky. One minute of fact checking proves this whole shit show is a lie.