Who is smarter, Nassim Taleb, or Elon Musk?

Who is smarter, Nassim Taleb, or Elon Musk?

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>conflicting informations

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>caring what blue checkmarks think

Lost a lot of respect for Nassim when he denied IQ. What a massive COPE from an otherwise intellectually honest person.

still have a higher chance of getting the regular flu

Taleb has never been wrong.
He just BTFO the "it's just the flu bro" crowd.

boomers like elon only pretend to keep their cool, they are the ones buying out stores and fighting for tp

what's the consequence, ignoring it until numbers catched up? boomer I smell your fear

the point of his post is the irony of just calling something dumb with no argument is itself really dumb.

>Doubting the Phoenician philosopher king

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Taleb no contest

Taleb is the author of The Black Swan, so naturally he's more competent to tell me the effect of a global pandemic, panic and its effect on markets. Musk makes it up as he goes along

This is a tight race. I can't even tell which of the two sucks more CIA cock.

Elon probably thinks that saying "the coronavirus panic is dumb is dumb" is dumb.

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>No ur a poopy butt face

>tfw its been almost 2 years since /fitlit/
we didnt deserve it

>Unexpected things happen
You needed a whole book to tell you this?

>hurr I can reduce any book to three words
Why do niggers hate books so much?

Depends. If you are a mid 40s billionaire, you have no reason to panic.

Yea, and it was a shit book.

Most people don't understand statistics. Just look at the news, your facebook feed or central bank minutes.

>Lost a lot of respect for Nassim when he denied IQ. What a massive COPE from an otherwise intellectually honest person.

I've been following him from day one and he ABSOLUTELY posted IQ-realist shit until all of a sudden something triggered him a year or so ago.

I seriously think it was trolls telling him that Lebanese white and he flipped out.

Muh "IQ isn't perfectly correlated with wealth because muh billionaires skew the curve therefore it's all irrelevant and a pack of nignogs is just as smart as a group of whites."

Should I trust the Arab or the African-Anerican?

panic, in general, is never helpful; it clouds judgment

Does Elon even lift?

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I hope Elon meets his quarter this time

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His book was "unexpected things happen" . It was "you're not a genius, you're just lucky".

*His book wasn't

Yea I realized Elon Musk wasn't all that when he fathered his 7th child with a meth addict

I mean Elon is probably smart in a lot of ways that Nassim isn't, but I'd put my money on Nassim in a battle of rhetoric that dude is a student of the classics.

Taleb is an acclaimed writer in the field of disaster recognition and disaster psychology. You tell me.

oh, it's that arab who gets mad when you call him an arab

Elon, clearly

/mlpol/ was the most fun id had in a while

charlatan BS vendor detected

He's iffy on IQ. He's never really defined what he means by high IQ, but then again many of his opponents haven't either. I get the feeling if they all admitted 130 is just midwit status a lot of their disagreements would disappear. Otherwise he's pretty much my favorite public 'intellectual'.

Musk knows full well that coronavirus is real he's just concerned with his businesses. You can't separate the virus from the panic. If people had followed Taleb's advice from the start the virus might have been stymied, contained, and there'd be no panic. The people crying about how irrational the panic is now were the same who resisted precautionary proposals earlier. There is no possible path from 'ignore the virus' to 'global explosion of novel virus that doesn't cause a major public reaction'. It's like these people don't have a proper theory of mind or something.

So yeah, Taleb was right early on and he's right now.

> Battle of rhetoric

Musk is a stuttering aspie, I'm not saying this out of spite, he has great ideas and done great business over the years.

When he debated Jack Ma, he had all the better points, and Ma was basically unable to speak english, yet he came over more convincingly to many due to charisma

*is a real issue

Fucked that sentence up.

>hurr durr le precautionary principle
>if some hacks say a bit of CO2 is gonna kill us all then we should overreact and shut down our economies out of precaution
that's how scams work, buy my snake oil to avoid going blind, you can't afford not to buy it. Point is, Taleb is a dumb ayyrab.

He did btfo the Thailand pedo guy tho

More intelligent and wise?
Definitely Taleb

Definitely Musk

Elon is smart and knows what it can do. But his stocks are also taking a shit kicking because of the fear. Never trust a mans words when he has a horse in the race frens.

About as accurate as calling Spaniards Mexicans, but sure. It's obnoxious because it's pushed by Islamophile Eternal Anglos who want to spread the Arab identity onto groups that have little genetic relation to them.

>he cropped the toes
show us the cringe "shoes"

>I've been following him from day one and he ABSOLUTELY posted IQ-realist shit until all of a sudden something triggered him a year or so ago.

>I seriously think it was trolls telling him that Lebanese white and he flipped out.

I noticed the same, it's very likely this happened.

High IQ taleb doesn't believe in IQ because his people are low IQ

Taleb defines intelligence as survival under a black swan event. By his definition, happeningfags on Yas Forums have the highest intelligence.

>wearing overbuilt niggerball shoes
Where da whyte wimin at?

Yeah, his definition is weak since snails survive. There are criticisms he's made of a lot of the IQ crowd that I actually agree with but they're always mixed with shit I don't like. His aggressiveness stops a real discussion which annoys me too.

The biggest mistake though is to concern yourself with social and moral concerns before facts are found and reasoned with. Who cares if it will have negative implications for blacks? That isn't relevant to the truth. You can't be afraid of what negative effects the truth might have.

>believing a man that drives a mini cooper

Probably Mr. Musk is keying in to the "mob mentality" when he uses the word "panic." He means the reliance on second-hand information, rumors, and the like, followed by wild speculations on the part of millions who are not really trained in the discipline of mediate thinking, i.e. reason. Musk probably shares the prejudice of modern liberals who believe in "education" and that intelligence only comes from the university (and by this they really mean the modern liberal cult, which sacrifices and prays at the altar of paternalism and believes in a potent form of celebrity mana). Naturally, it follows from this that "the masses" are "stupid" and need to be controlled--a superficial but not entirely ill-founded belief undoubtedly held by Musk, among others, but especially so his "fans" who believe themselves to be part of an in-crowd (read: initiated) which is on the "good" side of a cosmic dichotomy serving as the basis for the modern liberal worldview.

Knowing Taleb we would expect him to find beef with such prejudices. He is skeptical of the ability to "acquire intelligence" from the university (by which he also means a cult), and of the elitism of the modern liberal towards the "uneducated" (inhabitants of Texas and the mid-West in general). Taleb of course knows that even the mob mentality possess an intelligence of its own--and, while it is not quite enough to redeem mankind of the actions of the mob, only snobbery and pride would prevent a person from seeing that the mob works according to a perfectly sound logic of its own, and has its own method of securing the long-term preservation of its species, even though the individuals themselves are not clearly aware of this action.

Of course, the "mob mentality" is what will save the species, and a Taleb will use this as proof that "panic" has its merits, and of course an Elon will point to the horrors perpetrated by the mob, and use this as an excuse for his own elitism and misanthropy.

>Never trust a mans words when he has a horse in the race frens.

IIRC that is Talebs mantra: skin in the game.

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I trust Elon. I think he means well. That other guy has a terrorist name so I don't know.

Taleb is more trustworthy about Black Swan events because Elon Musk has too much Skin In The Game to be unbiased about coronas effect of the economy.


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>Taleb is the schmuck prepper book author and stock market loser
>While Musk is the Bond Villian Raider who send rockets to space irl

Gee I wonder who is cucking who

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Absolutely based post right here

What are some good books user?

Did Elon fuck himself with all his China localism?

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Yes, but he's young and healthy and not a member of a high risk demographic so he also does not have skin in the game.

Saying racism is dumb is dumb #PrecautionaryPrinciple

pol fears taleb and knows he is legit as fuck, since kek is our lord we draw close to him.
also happening fags do not survive black swan events, they waste all their resources on bull shit and die when the actual event habbens casue they no energy,

happening fags are literally buy high sell low fags.

Elon. Panicking is never smart.

>because of the fear.

It's because he doesn't make TP.

Based Space Man telling the truth about the bat flu.

>Panicking is never smart.
BUT IT SELLS shitty books full of salty ramblings and tears!

>Panicking is never smart
define "smart".

If an earthquake strikes - should you be calm and placid?

Many die every year during hurricane season because they refused to panic.