IT'S OVER BIDEN IS FINISHED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

IT'S OVER BIDEN IS FINISHED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Not really. Sanders has given up.

So is Sanders trying to make the point that Biden was a good guy before or is he saying "look he was a racist fascist extreme right christian"?
If the latter then I hope he'll hang soon

what a cuck

What do you mean you don't want to indiscriminately murder helpless babies? What kind of monster are you? You're done around here, boyo.


Was this before or after Biden forced Obama to “evolve” on fag marriage by saying he supported it?

>Bernie reading quotes from the 1970s
I'm not sure that's a game Bernie wants to play

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If I was Bernie I wouldn’t say shit about abortions. He is only going to alienate Christians even more.

Go woke go broke faggot


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Imagine if Biden read this at the debate oh man

Fellow Berniebros, we are STILL in this fight! We just need to keep reminding people that tRump is a racist sexist homophobic transphobic xenophobic islamaphobic Russian Nazi fascist bigot. If the mainstream media wasn't such a corrupt branch of the republican party, they would be informing the public of that all day everyday. It's up to us to let the people know! Get out and spread the news and don't forget to donate as much as you possibly can!

Keep dreaming Bernigger

He is a dem candidate he is allowed to evolve

Not all pro lifers are Christian.


women are disgusting

>Bernie read to Bernie voters

Wow, that'll surely change their minds!

does sanders the rape fantasy expert really want to fight it out with 50 year old quotes? pure malarkey

Look Pop Tart. That sissy shit don’t work around here.

I'll tell you what, you dog-faced pony soldier, if Biden wasn't afraid of Corn Pop, he sure as heck isn't going to back down from the Bernie Brothers. He's got himself a shotgun, and he's not afraid to fire it through the door if you keep spreadin' this malarkey. And afterwards the kids will all run their hands through the blonde hair on his legs and look at the hair poppin' back up and then they'll jump on his lap and he'll learn 'bout rouches.

Oh shit, Boynie's finally doing some negative campaigning? Thank goodness he's learning from 2016


biden should read bernies rape fan fiction at the next debate

It's a part of his college work where tthe result was pretty feministic, this stuff is cut from the context.
Wtf we invented communism, appologize to us.

And yet they were fine with him for eight years under a nigger. Fuck this clown world.

Also, to play devils advocate, even he said that shit in the 70s who cares? People change. He said it shouldn’t be the “sole decision” of a woman as it should be. It is an important decision that both parties should be a part of as long as the mother is a lying controlling piece of shit slut and the father is known.

All one night stands stand to be aborted. Too many unloved and unwanted children in this world as it is. Coming into this world as a mistake and a women’s free pass in life is a terrible existence.

Most are though. Most atheists/agnostics/faggots etc are pro abort

>we are STILL in this fight
and you'll lose again, then move the goalpost to 2024, when bernie panders WILL WIN, right?

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So now SANDERS is trying to help Biden too?

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I dont think you realize that Democrats would vote for someone who murdered women, blacks and contribute massively to "global warming" as long as the tv tells them too. Democrats have no principles theyre just zombies doing what theyre told

Quick question....
At what point is the body inside of hers, not her body?

I'll never understand why voters even bother reacting to the "my opposition said this thing 100 years ago" routine. Are people's opinions not allowed to change? Does Biden have the same opinions and ethics now that he's had for his entire life? All politicans should be required by law to submit something they wrote when they were 5 years old into an archive, and then when an election rolls around the media can spout shit like "perverted Bernie Sanders once said he likes the smell of kitty's pee pee!"

You're rights end where my feelings begin!

feminists want to kill their babies legally even after birth

>muh faux twitter outrage
Try policy for a change, faggot. Or have you forgotten this is a political board?


I heard a recording of him talking about kids waxing his legs and how much he loves kids sitting on his lap.

What do Biden and trump have in common?

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>this 1974 non-policy quote from biden is a valid line of attack
>this 1972 non-policy quote from bernie? NOOOOO YOU CAN'T DO THAT WHY DON'T YOU TALK ABOUT POLICY NOOOOO

>1 post by this ID

Well I'd say the same about EVERY religion, not just Christianity. I'm agnostic and I'm pro life. If you go to a pro life event, there's actually a pretty wide variety of people. The Peta animal crowd has even joined now that abortion calls have gotten more extreme. It used to be semi acceptable because it was supposed to be safe and rare. Now whores are wanting to just have abortions for the lulz and Even kill the baby after birth.

>abortion isn't a policy candidates run on and enforce via legislation
>but yes, "your innate rapist-paedophilic, gender political hors d'oeuvres, sir"
Die off.

Good fuck biden

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Meanwhile in reality land.

Hillary just launched a movie, and in that movie Joe Biden is shown with a bunch of other men grilling Anita Hill.

Hillary is doing all the media and press she can

While sleepy Joe and commie B don't do anything at all after Super Tuesday in a 1 vs 1 fight.


Did the voters decide they wanted to choose between Sleepy Joe and a Commie B?
No, they didn't make that choice.

They they choose all the meme candidates before them?
Was YANG shilling here organic?

Who did we all actually want?
Mommy, and did we get her? No, Hillary effectively killed her.

She'll kill them all.
Roger Stone and Paul Manafort aren't in a jail because of petty revenge, it is systematic elimination of all opponents, she has been working on this for years.

Get ready faggots.

Does Michigan even care about abortion rights

I believe they have the largest abortion clinic in the country.

>Russian Nazi

the fuck? guess i'm ridin with Biden now.

imagine if Detroit didn't have abortions available

Cope. Your geriatric communist isn't winning. Seethe more on twitter with a rose next to your name, loser.

>he says, posting apolitical Twitter garbage
top kek

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Do people actually care? It doesn't matter who they nominate, Trump will be winning in a landslide.
I just want it to be Biden so that Trump will demolish his senile rotten brain in a debate

>Seethe more on twitter with a rose next to your name
very specific insult
Hey buddy, who bothered you? Wanna talk about it?

How are you coping with image related?

If you don't understand what I'm talking about, just shut the fuck up retard.

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he isn't wrong about that, 8/10 will orgasm when raped.

>image related
holy shit lmao
They're pulling a 2016

That's literally the only group defending bernie, Hymie

>Joe Biden uses the term "Shylock" to refer to abusive moneylenders in 2014

Shylock was a Jewish moneylender in Shakespeare's "The (((Merchant))) of Venice."

This is why Bernie is a cuck and a loser. Goes after Biden for not being fully on board with abortion 45 years ago and says nothing about him feeling up little girls on camera and being senile

Bernie should mention Biden's plagiarism

> says Biden could beat Trump
> ... But added that he (Bernie) would be a stronger candidate

>A woman shouldn't be the sole voice in ending her child's life

This is a controversial thing to say now.

Im glad bernies attacking his record because if he didnt trumo wouldve and they would be a whole lot hrsher. Im still waiting on him to bring up the segregation speech and when he said negros multiple times