I don't understand why non-whites want to move to Europe. What exactly is so much better in Europe than in their countries? I could understand some absolute shithole like in SSA but something like Pakistan, why? Many of these countries where they come from have higher GDP per capita than many of the Eastern European countries.
I don't understand why non-whites want to move to Europe...
free stuff
>What exactly is so much better in Europe than in their countries
Their home countries don't have magic walls that give you free money.
>higher GDP per capita
>gdp per capia is a valid measure of quality of life
ok kike
all of europe is superior to most countries in every possible measure with the exception of japan and korea.
petty crime, rape, ethnic conflict, corruption, public health, public order, cleanliness.
only an idiot would wonder why they want to come
and only a kike would think its a good idea to let them come
europeans are the builders of civilizations.
non-europeans can live in them, and if you let them, they will destroy it.
Gibs, European society, and European people are all around superior. They’re inherently acknowledging it. Also where in Europe is that phenotype common? The Balkans?
White women easy pussy
>have higher GDP per capita than many of the Eastern European countries
that's why nobody really goes to live in Eastern Europe, they all go to the developed West
as for why - some of them flee authoritarian regimes, or religious persecution, or quite consciously want to culturally enrich the lands of kufr
Nope, but I’m sure that’s what they’re hoping, and are disappointed to find out that is absolutely not the case when they arrive. Hence why they’re so angry.
>something like Pakistan
Are you a paki trying to do reverse psyop to make pakistan look good? Even the poorest shithole in Europe, Moldova, has double the GDP per capita of pakistan. And isn't a muslim ridden, terrorist infested shithole like the latter.
>I don't understand why non-whites want to move to Europe. What exactly is so much better in Europe than in their countries? I
Just stay there in your shithole.
For those leaving somewhat-decent countries, it's driven by the minimal chance of getting "democratically-enriched" at the whims of Israel and their puppets in the West. No matter how much they may like their home country, knowing it can become the next Libya or Syria can't be a good feeling.
The other countries their coming from are already shit, so it's an easy choice.
America and Israel keep bombing them.
Imagine having to live around these horrific paki ghouls your entire life. Naturally, your first inclination would be to escape some place totally different.
Gibs me dat
>The other countries their coming from
Pakistan is a shithole, but there are states in India which are better off than poorer Eastern European countries. I did my studies on the South Asian economy.
Kerala, Haryana, Maharasthra, Karnataka etc all have per capita incomes on par with eastern europe without the economic stagnation. So constantly rising incomes and living standards, allowing them to leapfrog east europe as China did.
Keep in mind these places were literally poorer than the poorest of africa two decades ago.
I was in Kerala ~18 years ago. Was the worst shithole I ever saw.
but people immigrate for two reasons
1) contiguous borders
2) money to be better off in their own country
You would actually see less Turks permanently living in Germany if Turkey was part of the EU.
Because most Turks just want to flex on other Turks. They dont really want to live here.
Per capita income and living standards of that place today are better than Ukraine etc.
It's on par with the balkans in development which is impressive considering where it began.
Same for many other Southern Indian states. They also followed the commiebloc model of housing there, the government built thousands of those commmunist 5 story apartments there.
Not sure about Europe, but in Canada immigrants come because:
>Muh western education (which is now worthless)
>muh free healthcare (all are 40+ and health consions)
>Muh free pension. (They can get a pension from both countries, only they don't have to work in Canada to earn theirs)
Stop giving free stuff and the parasites will fuck off. It is so SIMPLE, but you won't do it.
t. Son of immigrants.
I want to travel India and find angelic faces like him to Marry and enslave
It's all part of the plan, stay asleep and let these future doctors and lawyers in racist.
>travel India and marry
lmao no. But the rest of that is kind of my fetish, bullying a qt shitskin.
They assume they can strike it rich by moving to area with high incomes, but don't realize how high the cost of living is.
Gibs, that's really most of it, they don't even tolerate the bad weather in much of northern Europe and would probably start to migrate back with minor incentives like stop to gibs and higher taxes on foreigners.
I’m a Pakis and I wish I was born over there and raised there. Life over here just doesn’t feel right and we got told in school we’re equal to the white British just because we’re born here and that makes us British but I’ve realised myself that we’ll never be the same and we’ll never fully be in the same boat and I’ve had so many racist old white fuckers that I want out and once I’ve made enough money I’m gonna go back to my real home and not live life like a strangers who doesn’t belong plus you can have guns over there etc I think there’s more freedom and I’ll have a happier life
They want to CONQUER Europe you fucking retard. “Moving” or “migrating” is just a smoke screen. Mohammadeans want to finish their conquest of the world and Europe is weak.
KEK are you guys deluded or something, white women are the easiest women out there I can literally go club and get a 8/10 any night or go library and chat up a “quiet” one but even the quiet white girls go crazy for dick. If anything I wish some were pure etc but the majority white girls are slags by age 15 16 latest. I prefer brown girls myself they’re way hotter imo and white girls are just plain maybe their top 10% of women are sexy but that’s it majority are just average or kinda weird looking. You poltards just say dream, I’ve had loads of white women try it with me but I’ve never in my life tried to pull one myself they’ve only moved to me
That's dumb. These people don't have the capacity to be worried about that. They come because Europe is safe, clean, and sympathetic to their 'plight'. They want access to the systems Europeans built to care for themselves. Unfortunately those systems aren't going to be around for much longer because of them.
I imagine moving upwards is difficult or impossible in their respective countries. They probably think its better to move to a foreign country than stay in a country where nothing will change.
Not even close, only the worthless italian slags even consider dating an immigrant lol.
Because we let them!
Not so much Europe but the Anlgo who stole all our shit, genocided a bunch of us, gave all of our riches to Israel and then send roasties here to intefere with our politics so we can't just live our own lives. Take your dirty used up whores back and stop bombing us and intefering with the way our countries are run and I'd be happy to move back. But hey, anything for Israel right? Fucking cucks Hitler was right, you sold your own nations out to the Jew and now we're just cheap slave labour you can now exploit for the benifit of Israel. Suck my uncircumsiced penis
Nice larp Mohammed. Most white women don’t like anyone except white men. This has been statistically proven.
white women. The average white chick is way better looking than the average black or filipino woman for example. Like 10 times better looking.
you're mostly right
but I'm kanak and I get girls very easily here
I look like the pfp related but with dark eyes lol
>move to european country
>ruin everything that gave you a reason to move in the first place
Perfect plan.
>be Polish
>literally 10% of citizens live somewhere in western europe
>look down on people from countries where fewer than 0,5% live in Western Europe
Shit skin in Europe = free stufs plus go out of prison card
Also my family has lived here 3 generations, I get along well with Germans. I speak the language, pay taxes and am productive.
I find it hilarious when some kurzarbeit foreigner comes here, speaks barely any german and tells me i shouldn't be here and my ancestral home is shithole.
You've never been to South Asia have you? Imagine moving out of that filth and getting a free first world house with all mod cons, no work, free food, free school, free medical.
>Perfect plan.
These morons don't plan they take. This is why their countries are fucked in the first place.
guy is Pakistani...
free gibs and free white women to rape
THE JEWS ruined their countries
What’s kanak? What’s pfp?
Yeah, but I’m wondering where in Europe you can find men who look like that.
pfp = op related
Kanak = I am Albanian but I prefer to be ambigious because pol is filled with seething morons who hate us
You must be hot. No surprise you get girls. You’re still white. How common are Christian guys like you with blue eyes in Albania?
>Yeah, but I’m wondering where in Europe you can find men who look like that.
nowhere ameritard
he's pakistani
NGO propaganda
Who cares? Obviously most pakis don’t look like him, and his appearance is more Med/Balkans leaning. I’m just wondering which country it’s most common in.
Imagine being from a european country and still call yourself kanak. The absolute state of these brainlets, you're a living meme. I hereby confirm what an albro said in another thread, the only decent Albanians live in Albania/Kosovo.
Nice 1 post by this ID, yo!
And thx to all for this circlejerk, but no:
It's the saudis who finance the muslim invasion and every one of these scumbags is about to have AT LEAST 4 CHILDRENS.
There were links and everything about this jihad against the infidels, but I don't give a fuck, habeeb it. Also check Albert Pike letters to Giuseppe Mazzini.
fucking triggered
You have to go back
Roastie detected. White women are the downfall of white men.
>white men date and marry shitskins almost serially
>whites women are the most racially loyal and statistics have shown this
>hurr white women are the downfall of white men
Crawl back in your cave.
germcuck's never disappoint.
>Ukraine HDI 0.750, Pakistan HDI 0.560
>They are on the same level
Access to White people is a human right
Is it true?