Life is easy when you're a hot woman

Life is easy when you're a hot woman.

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not true
>s. hot woman

She has a fucking wart on her face.

Stop assuming. Is it easy to go to work and have your boss rape you a few times a week so you can keep a job?

Until you hit the wall, then your only resource is gone and you have nothing to fall back on. I pity people like that, truly

So live is hard when you are a ugly men? I agree.

she is built for black cock wow

She's not even hot and she has an easy life. She was a legit 3/10 before plastic surgery.

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99% of men live to compete for women' attention, irrespective of the moral behavior fo those women. All those men are cuckold sooner or later. As soon as a man values a woman, he will be cuckold. SOciety is based on men being disposable and replaceable by women ruling men. A woman has no problem replacing a lover, a husband or a father, especially when she does it ''for the kids'', as opposed to doing it for ''her'', which would be selfish from their POV.

1% of men try to find something else to value
99% of this 1% go crazy in the woods becoming hermits and failing hard

the 1% of the 1% get good at meditation

99% of those 1% of 1% confuse meditation with enlightenment

so 1% of 1% of 1% of men actually stop being coomers.

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Are you a #hotgirlforbernie or some shit.
Aka a tranie
man tits or GTFO

The picture
The Flag
One sentence
One post by this id

>Is it easy to go to work and have your boss rape you a few times a week so you can keep a job?
She doesn't have to have sex to keep that job or she can just get another job. She's hot remember? Checkmate, atheist.

You know tranny, it´s really time for you to join the 44%.

Life is easy when you are a woman, period. Being hot only makes it easier still.

She’s a nice mommy.
Life is easy for me.

t. Ryan Reynolds

True that.

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God damnit do you have to shit on every thread. How do manage to intersect nigger dick with everything from Corona virus to Eurasian politics.
Please please please just kill yourself.

hot women put effort to be hot, something your lazy ass won't understand

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Then she can get #metoo gibs afterwards and fame, attention, and sympathy.
It all works out in the end.

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They don't even need to be hot, they just need to not be fat and most men will do anything to fuck them.

Prove that it's not true.
Being a man means I have to compete for you bitches and get called a bum when I don't want to and don't care. If I say I don't need a woman like those grlpwr bitches say they don'tn need a man, I get nothing but insults from fucking boomers.
Why is that?

It's easy but that doesn't mean they are happy.

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so? do you want to go through life as struggle free roastie? that's why you'll never get laid

and you get accused of harassment if you approach women the wrong way or are ugly it is almost a catch 22 situation.

lmao shut the fuck up you dumb bitch.

>hot woman

Yeah okay. Tits or GTFO

It's easy for like 10 years, maybe 15 or 20 if you really take care of yourself. After that no one even notices that you exist. Imagine that. All that attention one day and then proof it's gone. Small wonder roastie seethe about older men dating younger women. I left my 31yo gf for a 23 year old a few years ago and her meltdown made Chernobyl look like mentos is a 2l of diet coke. Holy shit I have never seen a woman that angry.

Who the hell is that. She reminds me of this goddess.

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Literally this, you're called a simp if you go after women and a pussy if you don't.

>1% of men try to find something else to value
just fuck traps instead lmao

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Doubt it

Tits or fuck off

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He want's a piece of that life on easy mode, but knows he won't get it and will commit suicide.

Get married, NEET around for the rest of your life ... where's the problem?

tall ones are great, dig em

he's such a qt I want to fuck him raw and then cuddle him to sleep
he even sounds like a girl

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>who the hell is that?
Doesn't notice that every pic posted by the op has a filename that says Blake Lively.

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imagine not having a dick lmao

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Blake Lively is not hot, her beauty is totally artificial and fake not to mention she sucks as an actress

a sweating, balding tranny typed this while furiously masturbating to such an outlandish thought

the roach has a point
imagine living a life in where you cannot ejaculate
what's the fucking point

wow hot take you've got yourself there

>pic unrelated

Not true. I have to work harder than the rest, wear ugly clothes and look bad in order to be taken serious. I can see the guys having a hard time acknowledging that I am better than them at their job. And one even said he didn't want to tell me I was good, because then I would rub it on his face. I got fired once, with no real motives, other than the professor couldn't get me. And I felt he was roleplaying he was breaking up with me. The satisfaction in his face was sick. I had never been a feminist, but I really became very aggressive and defensive.

That woman isn't hot.

post your feet


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Not really. Those women are mostly wine sippers, and they're on edge and unhappy most of the time. Or they're distracted, and that's about it. As soon as they have nothing to do... uh oh.

All lies. You aren't female until vetted by the traditional methods of Yas Forums. You know the rules.

Yeah that will make you happy for 20 minutes, and then it's back to ho-hum land.

Go back.

Who invented this rule?


Trannies don't count


>newfags don't know about tits or gtfo

Life is always hard. It might be easier for some, never easy.

>Comparing Blake Lively to some zoomer tier ethot

You disgust me

>just get shit on your dick bro

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caring about celebrities is gay

>Life is easy when you're a woman

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Fantastic post. Thank you for your contribution. Please come back soon.

>he even sounds like a girl
That's because she's a girl, retard.