Why didn't Jesus do anything against his torture and crucifixion?
Why didn't Jesus do anything against his torture and crucifixion?
to pay for your sins, user
Something about righteousness and shit. Never really explained.
How does it pay for my sins?
Does this mean just to make himself look good?
Why did Odin drink semen?
I don't think this is true but I am not a pagan if you think that
To fully expose the jews
How does it expose the Jews? Most Christians have no problem with Jews anyway
Because he couldn't. He was trying to lead an armed revolt (this is why he told his followers to buy weapons) and become king. He failed and got CROSSED against his own will and expectations, leading to him kvetching to Yahweh asking why he abandoned him.
t. once upon a time was a bible scholar
This must be the truth
Because Jews needed to implant cuckoldry as a value into the goyim.
>Most Christians have no problem with Jews anyway
Historically false. The Catholics used to be very based on the JQ. Christkiller is a slur for a reason. Not that you would have been taught anything about the downsides of Jews or their historical pattern of wearing thin on people, Kraut-san.
His suffering prevents you from suffering after your death.
But you must believe in the concept of "soul", "heaven", "hell", etc. to understand his actions, user.
If you don't believe, his actions might look irrational.
Where does it say that he said to his followers to buy weapons
the sin of man had to be atoned for. Jesus suffered so that you wouldn't have to suffer for all eternity in hell. The crucifixion is is a sad but beautiful sacrifice.
>This must be the truth
Almost certainly. The later "kingdom of heaven" doctrine was a cope. Everyone at the time expected him to be the literal, earthly kang of the kikes. Even after his existence failure the earliest church expected his imminent return and installation on David's throne.
So everyone who died before Christ suffered after death regardless of their virtue? Either god is a fucking unhinged psycho or the Bible is a shitty book that could have used an editor.
Jews do push for cuckoldry a lot
They gave special privileges to the Jews and than wondered why the Jews are so rich and got angry at them.
How does him being tortured and crucified for 3 days prevent him torturing me in the afterlife?
The Jews still believe that the warrior messiah will come
No, he saved all those who lived before him.
Those who will come will have to believe in him in order to get to heaven.
Like Hitler he was a weak cuck who did absolutely nothing to fight Jewry and finish them off once and for all.
To bring about his Kingdom. You're blessed when you give from the heart and self sacrifice is the most noble feat.
See what you can give and you will be in gain.
>he fell for the meme
Postin heresy
Agape your enemy.
Luke 22:36 New International Version (NIV)
36 He said to them, “But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one.
First of all, he said it.
Second of all, you should know that you will sin no matter what; and who gets to heaven? Those who have not sinned.
But God is compassionate(God and Jesus are the same person) so he decided: if you believe that Jesus suffered instead of you, you will end up in heaven.
Also, you should know that if you repent your sins, God doesn't forgive them if you don't believe in Jesus. And if you don't repent your sins(even if you believe in Jesus) you will end up in Hell.
>sell your cloak and buy one
Damn, imagine if swords were as cheap as they were then.
>They gave special privileges to the Jews and than wondered why the Jews are so rich and got angry at them.
So, why does he say later on:"for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword."(Matthew 26:52)?
He was setting them up. What a cunt.
More a commentary on the relative price of clothing, really.
>finish them off once and for all
That's what jews expect their messiah to do. It's honestly pathetic. Instead, YOU need to transform. Germans did but they were defeated. Their biggest defeat however was and still is in their heads.
>He said to them, “But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one. It is written: ‘And he was numbered with the transgressors’; and I tell you that this must be fulfilled in me. Yes, what is written about me is reaching its fulfillment.” The disciples said, “See, Lord, here are two swords.” “That’s enough!” he replied.
—Gospel of Luke 22:36-38, NIV
Two swords are enough to create an armed revolt?
>How does it pay for my sins?
There are many layers. The easy one is from the common perspective of the time of an eye for an eye. They think in terms of crimes needing to be paid for so they're given a scapegoat to free them from their own self imposed prison.
I think a better way to look at it is redemption, Christ shows us that despite our sinful nature we can act as a net positive on the world like He did. We can overcome our sins and be redeemed in the spirit of Christ. Turned from destructive sinners to forces of good in service of the Creator himself.
1: He wasn't wrong.
2: Gospels were written well after the events and in light of Jesus demonstrably failing to come back. Widely accepted and known narratives (like telling his boys to get strapped) couldn't be memory holed, but new (((truth))) could be added to retcon things into the present "when your enemies kill you, you win" narrative.
He later said the guy who cut another man's ear that it was bad shit, there was no point in the sword thing if they weren't to use them.
>He later said the guy who cut another man's ear that it was bad shit, there was no point in the sword thing if they weren't to use them.
Almost seems like an internal contradiction in the literal, unerring word of G-D.
Did his Kingdom come?
So god experienced torture to see what its like and than decided to torture everyone that do not believe in him but he never showed himself to everyone.
The Church loves Jews more than their fellow Europeans
So God sacrificed himself as a scapegoat
>The Church loves Jews more than their fellow Europeans
NOW they do. That was not the case until the previous century.
Yep, I mentioned it yesterday, it's a doctrinal mess and it got manhandled left and right, scholars keep finding new interjections daily.
Bart D. Ehrman has sum good books on bible alterations. It's probably the reason why bible verses saying to kill witches at a time where no witches, but only shamans probably existed are there to be found in the bible.
The Church slaughtered their fellow Europeans even the Christian ones (4th crusade) but the Jews always are given special rights only a few times did the Church go against the Jews
Source criticism of the Bible is fascinating. Nothing makes Christians more profoundly uncomfy.
Dont think it worked pham, it's illegal to think badly of jews and npcs support this
How else would the holy ghost be divided among the people?
>So God sacrificed himself as a scapegoat
The sacrifice serves many purposes as you would expect if the maker of all the systems who understands them all would choose to interject in any way. It transformed the entire web of fate for the world. It was the second breath of life from God. First was at the moment of creation and the second was when Christ died willingly. The key point is willingly because that's what's expected of us all, you only choose how your flesh dies not if it dies.
God showed himself. Jesus was God.
God knows everything, even what torture feels like.
God will not torture everyone that doesn't believe in him.
Satan will do the work. Satan is the one behind your sinning. Satan convinced you to sin, so God will sent you where Satan lives (in Hell). Satan and the demons will torture. But you will not hate Satan, you will hate God, because He sent you there.
If you don't sin but don't believe in God, your only punishment will be wanting to see God, and you will get to Heaven after the Apocalypse.
If you think that you have sinned and you deserve a punishment, you will end up in the Purgatory(it's a place made to make you suffer in order to get you to Heaven).
You will end up in Hell only if you hate God.
I think he wanted to show us the model behavior towards the actions of this world.
just put it into the people idk. Did anything even change after the people got a ghost?
didn't change it for good
if god puts people into his sick torture realm of course people will not like him.
how is it good behavior?
>didn't change it for good
You're bad at evaluating things. I'm good at evaluating things and have found your abilities in this regard lacking.
Tell me what's so good about the change. Ancient religion used to be much better too.
>A murderer goes to prison
>If he is evil, he hates the punisher
Wow, user, your logic is perfect!
Yep, witch is a very particular word, same as the spanish bruja, it comes, not from the past, where the appropriate word would be "sorcerer" for example.
Witch comes from the craft of the wise, if I am not mistaken, of post-christian pagans, so yeah, it would be a pagan sorcerer of possibly celctic/anglo pagan beliefs.
Faery folk beliefs and that stuff.
So it is very suspicious to see the word "witch" precisely.
It was all part of Yahweh plan he had to die. Sacrificed his perfect Son for you specifically.
John 3:16 King James Version (KJV)
16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
It's not just murderer that go to hell though. Actually murderers can easily go to heaven.
I wonder how many children that were abused as a child from a priest go hell because they stopped believing because of it. Or the children that get abused by Podesta
I don't see the love in torture
also, what future do you want for a killer? or a rapist? to go to heaven forever?
>I'm going to kill myself to save the things I created from the punishment I am planning for them for being guilty of something I made up from the time they were born
If god is real he is a mentally ill cunt.
They can go to heaven as long as they repent can they not? No all I want is no eternal punishment
>raped kids
They won't go to Hell. they will end up directly to heaven. Because they already suffered enough on Earth.
>not only murderers go to Hell
True. you know the 10 commandaments? But if you say a blasphemy you won't go to Hell. If you do an orgy in the name of Satan, you go to Hell.
So what is it Italy? Can you go to heaven if you suffer a witch to live?
couldn't be bothered
You can go to heaven if you get tortured? Does this include when a Muslim get tortured or a Chinese
The fall and sinful nature of man isn't some fantasy. It's the verified evolutionary history of man. We once were part of nature but then we overcame it and became destructive. According to mainstream science the biggest documented extinction event in history was when humans arrived in America around 15k years ago. We're more destructive than asteroids.
For 2000 years because of some miracle we managed to be semi civilized and build on the progress of our ancestors instead of just constantly destroying everything. The cancer of the "dog-headed" men was almost wiped out in Europe until we recently decided actually we love death and life can suck it.
I told you that they end up in Purgatory.
It's like a thousand years of punishments (even worse than in Hell).
And do you know a lot of murderers that repented? Name at least two.
>inb4 yeah, you can say that you repent, but you don't
God knows everything, user. He knows if you actually repented.
And there are 7 capital sins: that means you need to feel like shit for the rest of your life in order to get to Heaven.