I truly can't think of anything more sad and pathetic than a 30+ white guy dating a girl in his early 20s...

I truly can't think of anything more sad and pathetic than a 30+ white guy dating a girl in his early 20s. Biggest red flag ever. You know they are just one bad day away of having a mental crisis, if they havent already.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Women finish maturing mentally around 16 anyways. Any age after that you're basically dealing with a teenager with an aging body.

This is correct. Some women might be better at hiding it and like pretending to be more mature in public or around other people. As soon as you get them alone though, it's like they take off their costume of maturity and immediately revert back to being an annoying little girl.

I'm 44 and my girlfriend is 27.

You're going to learn how to deal with the reality that women like older men, it's comfy to them.

As for men, older women are gross -- they sweat for not reason and they tremble a lot. Not thanks.

Wait, which one is having the mental crisis?

By dating you mean fucking right?

>sad and pathetic
Actually there's nothing more based then going for a younger woman, since they're more fertile

Kek and chek

i told this once or twice on here. had a gf we were both 28. she looked younger like when we were out it looked i'd just taken a hostage. we were gonna get married. and she leaves me after 4yrs via fucking fb msg lol. turns out i didn't have a decent career and even resented me for "the time wasted traveling with her" for a couple yrs backpacking when we first met. so i got my life together got Yas Forums and moderately well off with cash and career. i ran into her best friends a couple yrs ago, i was 37 then. while i'm on holidays and they're just roasties down at a bar. they invite me to have a drink with them i figure why not. one says to me just to salt an old wound "you know she still looks like she's 28" remembering how fucking crushed i was when she left me. i told her "my gf looks 28 too except she is 28"

i have never seen such pure fucking hate in land based mammals before. married with one boy. wife is now 30. the wall is real.

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>I'm 44 and my girlfriend is 27
You are old enough to be her father. That is disgusting. Anything beyond 10 years age difference indicates the two people involved in that marriage are mentally ill

I bet every old woman is jealous that this asian thot gets to fuck this divine body every night.


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28 and dating a 19 year old. It's so far awesome because this is 100% spot on.

She's hot, has no emotional baggage from going through a handful of long relationships (or from riding the carousel), has no debt, no tattoos, doesn't want to move to Chicago, etc etc.

Also hard to ignore the instinctual feelings of not being attracted to clearly aging, used up 30+ year old women. Not only are they starting to sag in very un-cute ways, they're continuously developing resentment toward men for not wanting to fuck them anymore.

absolute seething


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40 here, and the Mrs is 23.
So what.

Guys will always go for younger women. It's biological. Why would successful men go after menopausal women that can't reproduce? Makes no sense

seething roastie

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Hi Roastie

>dating a 23yo
Go fuck yourself.

Older women cant have children and younger men dont have money and are basically monkeys until around 35.
Literally the natural order of things

>a 30+ white guy dating a girl in his early 20s

but yeah, they usually don't get much respect from other men, lets be real

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you're that manlet from the other threads still riled up aren't you? lmao

>You are old enough to be her father.
>implying he isn’t

I am also 44. Last girlfriend was 43. No sweats and no trembling. Young women are fun to fuck, but then you have to try having a conversation with them. God's speed user.

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Yea cause we're taking all your women while you get to jerk it in the corner

I didn’t date in college cause I was focused on trying to build my career , so I missed out on prime age pussy, because I was taught sex was bad, and now they want me to date girls my age? Forget that. This society seeks new ways to screw me over everyday.

60 year old here

The missus is 12


Seething Zoomer.

yeah but imagine being the subhuman filth that whores themselves out to these sad losers

>"Wants to have kids someday

Its an achievement not shameful at all. Legend if you can do it. Which i can.

44 and dating a 23 year old. Seethe more faggot.

The crying and screaming of an entire spoiled generation of millennial women hitting the wall with no man and a triple digit body count is going to be hilarious.

Imagine if the roles and countries were reversed

>fat disgusting asians men walking down main street of your town hand in hand with local women...you sis, or daughter, or friends you went to school with. All because you gave up on them. Because for whatever reason, those fat asian slobs have something the women want...something you are not giving them.

Moral of the story--if we don't start taking care of our women, someone else will, and you're not going to like the sight of it.

>oh wait, its already happening.

Why would anyone anywhere ever date a woman in their 30s?

You're an idiot if you want to have a conversation with a woman on stuff other than the most basic shit, thats why you have a SON.

>another kike subversion thread

>noo you can't fuck girls aged 15
>noo you can't fuck girls aged 20
>noo you can't fuck girls aged 25

>you have to try having a conversation with them.

Is that fatboy slim?

T. Roastie
Nothing better than dating young girl. Im 29 and my gf is 18. Her young milky body is perfect, it's not yet corrupted by sun and age, her face is beautiful, she dont need to use lotions to hide eye wrinkles like old hags. She still a bit naive and can be surprised by simple things, she doesn't act like mercantile aged whore, who just transit everything and everyone around her into money. And she can give me HEALTHY kids. There is absolutely zero reasons why men shouldn't go for the younger girls.

Utterly based
WIll tell this story to my children before bed

Lel sweet home Alabama


Aristotle says the ideal age difference is 20 years and the ideal ages are 16 and 37. Plato says the ideal ages are 16-20 for a woman and 30-35 for a man.

I'm 32 and fucking a 19 year old. Seethe more, aging roastie. Nobody wants your rotten eggs



You're posting disgusting photos of exploited women, that's not the same thing as a natural age gap in the west. In the west a youthful attractive woman has sexual power and societal protections, there is no significant imbalance of power.

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Tits or GTFO, roastie.

Yep, flag checks out. Did she learn English yet?

kek. lack of goats in UK for abdul

imagine anyone dating a nip at all

Seething. I'm going to keep fucking all the girls your age and they're going to keep calling me daddy. There's nothing you can do to stop me.

if you had kids TODAY you would be 62 years old when they graduate high school lol. What are you doing fucking around with a "girlfriend?"

Off topic but which race of women fucks the best?

I vote white women but you have to put up with their bullshit.

So I can't be married to my 26 year old wife being 32. Thanks for your approval user. Guess I'll go drown my children.

op is a roastie/faggot

cope more roastie/cucc

>As for men, older women are gross -- they sweat for not reason and they tremble a lot. Not thanks.

back of the net

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Asians belong to the anglo BVLL


If they're mid-40s and up.
But I get your point.

Wait until you see how much money the older ones spend on procedures to try to look a year or two younger.
Though hopefully you actually never do need to find out. Older women are a black hole.

Mad that he’s not alone like you? Are u a roast?

Well, I hanged out with an 18 yo girl when I was 41.

She liked it. There are young women that prefer more mature minds

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>62 years old when they graduate high school
So? I would have kids at 62 if I felt like it. I wouldn't give a damn how old I was when they graduated high school or if I was even alive

Whites but specifically Gingers. Ginger women fucking go for it in bed like no other. They're more sensitive to pain (and thus pleasure).

26 is late 20s.

Roasties seething

based and cheked. How could two great philosophers be wrong on this subject?

Kek oi u got a license fo dat?

Who hurt you, fren? :(

idk seems y pipo affect by the wall more than asians or blacks

dating a girl in his early twenties
his is the masculine possessive pronoun, use 'her' sensei

>26 year old wife being 32
Rookie numbers. Congrats otherwise.


16... being pretty fucking generous there.

Parents just died, they both had chronic and terminal diseases. I agree with you but I was legitimately busy, and not in a good way. Anyway take care.

How about one in his 60s?
Keep seething nipboi

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This whole “same age” nonsense only came about after WWII. And all because of public schooling and college. Before that men and women didn’t have a reason to interact with each other, other than when it came down to date, marry, sex.

The last 70 years have been a totally different world from any time in history and people don’t seem to realize it. You’d think there would be some old boomers around to say how crazy things have gotten but I guess not.

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Funny how all kinds of truly unnatural and degenerate shit is totally approved of, or celebrated. Like chopping off your dick and calling yourself a woman. But heavens forbid a guy in his 30's is with a girl in her early 20's.

Wow, such a Chad!

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what if he already has grown up kids?

seeth more roastie

You're talking about yourself again aren't you?

Btw: There's nothing more pathetic than being an english teacher in japan.

you're right. guys over the age of 30 should try to go for 15 year olds instead

Why are mid to late 30s or even 40+ women so out of touch with reality? I see over 35 women turn down pretty good men all the time for not being "good eough". I'm 34 and my wife is 27, before I met her I'd go on dates with 30something women and they'd text me later with "uh nice to meet you but I'm looking for someone for a long term thing". Implying I was a subpar catch. I own a house and two cars, a summer cottage, and make a moderate living as a foreman in a manufacturing plant. I always felt I was out of THEIR league...

Mine is 11 years younger then me. We are aiming for 5 more kids.

How'd you do it? I just turned 30 and can't find women who aren't taken.

I hope I'm having kids well into my 60s.

get some pussy jip. u seem sad

Degenerate and your kids will be gay or trans after growing up without a father

tell us how she reacted user

Bad example. She has the body (lower especially) of a much older woman.

You should be aiming at who's couch you're going to be living under when your bank account is totally cleaned out.

Come to NYC. This city has the highest concentration of single women, and the ratios are great. Women outnumber men.

They are too ashamed of what they allowed to happen to say anything. You saw that a decade ago when clown world started to creep up on us slowly but now that it's in full swing the boomers know that the end is near.

how the hell is he able to maintain such a physique at his age? HRT?

This post is bullshit and OP is an absolute faggot, as usual.

Court dismissed *bang bang*

>butthurt jap who got his girl stolen by white bull

Nah, we are making a colony in the woods.

what is this tweet saying? what do they "know"?

I don't think early 30s dating someone who is 21+ is that weird, but if you are pushing mid 30s and still dating early 20s girls yeah. Those dudes have issues.

Big families are based and redpilled

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>our women
Gtfo with your blue pilled bs

What if number of trannies in the west is the result of literally mental illness, because of their mothers age?


I’m not sure but I really hope I can get there(assuming I live that long)
If I had to guess I would say that hes never let himself go. Has always been jacked. Takes constant work and effort.

I can only imagine your poverty

Your worldview, if adopted, would iradicate the white race in three generations. Fuck you kike.

Issues? I grew up poor and it’s taken me over a decade to build a career because of the bad economy, I think you’re the one with issues.

no hivemind. you know, charlie is probably a chadled like me. Chad's thoughts aren't hivemind.

Wow you guys, I'm sure girls your age must be absolutely FUMING seeing such great catches like you slip away like that.

Btw, how are you expecting to keep her interested in you as you age at twice her rate? Are you saving money for a convertible or a hair transplant?

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>She still looks 28
>Yeah my new gf does too because she is 28
Lmao mad lad

They should be happy they exist. That's all I owe them. My job as a man is to reproduce. What they do with the life I gave them is their own concern. If I can be there to help raise them, then great. If not, too bad

My third wife isn't even born yet.


I can just feel the miserable faggotry emanating from you.